Rise of Rurik

Chapter 684 The Reunion of the East

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The statistical data has been preliminarily integrated, and even if a careful inspection of the huge number of data-bearing wooden boards can make the data more accurate, the statistical results of 4,000 hectares of farmland are already a certainty.

The people of White Tree Manor knew that the once-strongest Pine Needle Manor had the most and the best fields. Rigus knew this well, but the statistical results he learned from his daughter Svetlana were also dangling with finesse.

Rigus has always acted to be docile, but in fact he was an old fox.

He secretly made a secret agreement to serve as the governor's son Medvet, and confessed his speculation: "The fields in Rurik's hands are enough to support the Rus people. Obviously, our future tribute will not increase. This is our chance to make a fortune. . I want you to open up more wasteland next year, cut down big trees, and expand new fields to the big lake. You can bring people to dig more wells, so that we can easily get water..."

Medwait took it seriously.

Ross's Viking population has enough land to support itself, and Otto learns this gratifying result from his son's mouth.

Otto didn't laugh. He was considered a pioneer of a new era, but he lacked a systematic understanding of the fact of farming, and lacked a concept of grain yield. By default, farmers could usher in a bumper harvest every year.

Otto was actually in a bad mood, and the cold season had finally arrived.

The haze pervaded Novgorod, and the whole world was gray. The once slightly warm wind disappeared, and the north wind began to whistle. It was like a knife, forcing people wandering outdoors to hide in their homes.

Including chickens raised by local Slavic families, have also rushed back to the hay-reinforced pens.

The north wind is howling outside, and it seems that a heavy snow is approaching.

Rurik and his entourage stayed in the warm woodblock, and for the first time the completed wall became a complete barrier, greatly weakening the coldest winds sweeping across Novgorod.

Every household burns charcoal in a tandoor for heating, and they don't have to worry about carbon monoxide poisoning. Their houses are actually riddled with holes, and there are countless small holes for ventilation, and the warmth is not strong.

The Rigus family's mansion is still the duke's residence, Otto makes it his home, and Rurik is not too cautious.

What can Rigus have to complain about? On the contrary, he desperately hopes that Rurik can seize the time to get close to his little daughter. It is best that when spring comes, the little daughter will have a big belly, so that his last thoughts in this life will be realized, and there will be no regrets in this life.

Another sumptuous meal of grilled fish, Otto sat casually on the wooden floor, flicking his teeth and glancing at the leftovers on a table from time to time.

He glanced at the leisurely Rurik again: "It looks like the snow is about to fall. I'm afraid your mother and his party won't have a chance to get here. The fleet can only stop at New Roseburg. It's a pity."

Rurik sat up slightly: "Dad, you are actually looking forward to Velika."

"Of course, that's your daughter, and it's me who takes care of her. Look at this bad weather, once the river freezes, my hope is shattered. I'll just stay here and stare at your face until the snow melts... …”

Rurik couldn't help but laugh awkwardly: "Not really. They must be on their way."

"Oh? You got a revelation?"

"Yes... yes. Coming soon!"

"Forget it, it's just comforting words. You can continue to lie down. I just want to lie down in this bad weather."

The hazy and wind-cold weather made people feel depressed. At this moment, the hometown of Roseburg and the depths of the Gulf of Bothnia had frozen, and the rivers near Fort Elrond further north had been covered with thin ice. The situation in Novgorod is better, but the freezing process of Lake Ilmen has already begun.

During the dry season, the Volkhov River is still flowing quietly, and a huge fleet is going upstream.

Nia arrived in this far east for the first time with her granddaughter in her arms. She was already an old woman. She recently visited Novo Roseburg in the principality, and was shocked by the neat roads, the extremely flat Harvest Square and the Nevsky Prospekt.

Velika, inheriting the name of High Priest Velia,

The planned destiny is Willia's successor.

She was a little brown-haired girl with a slightly flatter face than the other Ross girls, which made her look a little different.

She is about to turn two years old. She is the apple of her mother's and grandmother's hands. As a grandfather, Otto also cherishes this child very much.

This was Velika's first boat ride, on the Sperosvillea. On the bow of the big ship is a wooden statue with a small box under it, which houses a tuft of white hair from the late priest Veria.

"Child, face the cold wind. You are not afraid of the cold and the sea..." Niya is willing to stand on the bow deck with her granddaughter in her arms, and is willing to watch her granddaughter's tender little hands caressing the statue of the bow.

There seems to be a spiritual connection somewhere, that is, the old priest Veria, who turned into a Valkyrie, secretly gave her true successor, this little girl, some kind of divine power.

Such as extreme longevity.

Indeed, the old priest Veria passed away at an unbelievable old age. Her life has witnessed the decline, wandering, and even the final uprising of Rose. No one knows in what year the old priest was born, she must have died at the age of eighty, so this little girl should also enjoy such a long life.

How does Villa know this?

The people of the hometown knew that the Duke was going to spend the winter in a better East, and it was inevitable that they would feel lost. This is inevitable! Everyone knew that Ross was going to emigrate to New Roseburg and warmer areas. The dukes and sons were in the East, and maybe they didn't plan to come back.

"What about the sacrifice this year! Why do I stay here to preside over the sacrifice in Roseburg." Rumia secretly wept, but she still had to put her crying daughter to her mother-in-law Nia with a smile.

Before the freezing, the fleet entered Roseburg with a large amount of eastern wheat, and the Balmers who disembarked even shouted, shouting at Roseburg that the Duke of Ross had achieved a new victory, and publicizing the eternal friendship with Rose.

And going to Speuth, Britain, also has a major harvest. Despite the severe shrinkage of his territory, the broken-arm King Ernred of Northumbria paid tribute to the Viking conquerors.

Spuyut completed the task, and they were not hindered by the Danes on their way back, and the small fleet packed a batch of spring wheat into the warehouse in Rurik. He came back earlier, and after a short rest, he went to the north again with his brother who was exploring with him. Because of the permanent camp in Murmansk, a feast of hunting walruses and plundering walrus tusks is about to take place. The group of them will wait in Elrond until the snow covers the world, then bring the prepared supplies and continue north on the reindeer sleigh.

The second child of the Gould family, "Blue Fox", heard important information again in Heiseby, Denmark. It was rumored that the exiled Horrick Haraksson would return to Denmark with his Frankish army in a few days.

The eldest of the Gould family, "White Fox", is in charge of the family's old business. They hold the western agency sales rights for the major products of the Principality of Ross. "White Fox" Snowleva took over the father's place. He brought the money and a large amount of plums. The oats produced near Lake Laron triumphantly returned to Roseburg.

This year's wheat harvest season is so special that "White Fox" doesn't even need to go to the Birka Market on the sprawling Lake Mälaren to do business in person.

In the town of Iron Furnace, a satellite town of Roseburg, built by the Duchy of Ross near her hometown, she began to tap iron at the beginning of the year.

The new blast furnace was in production year-round, and the idle workforce all over Roseburg found a buddy. Pig iron and bronze cast products have long met their own needs, and Ross began to sell iron products to the Swedes in the Lake Mälaren area, on a larger scale than ever before.

Tombstone Island in the Åland archipelago at the crossroads of the sea, the flag of Ross is always flying in the towers of the wooden fortress.

Beneath the fortress is a new market. Ships transporting Ross's metal, glass, and leather products docked at Tombstone Island first, and the eager Mellaren merchants were already waiting.

The Port of Tombstone Island clearly has the potential to eclipse the Port of Birka, Sweden, and the situation is indeed developing like this. "White Fox" found that he could complete most of the transactions on Tombstone Island, which saved a lot of time.

But there is a Ross trading house in the port of Birka, and there are still mainly wine salesmen. "White Fox" needs to separate people to continue to look after the trading company. It sells spirits, ale, fruit wine, and even seasoning wine. The trading company is actually a wedge embedded in the core area of ​​Sweden. Selling wine and negotiating large deals with local businessmen is an important job, and inquiring about intelligence is another job.

Times have been moving in Ross's favor, and this past harvest season, an immigrant team of more than 200 people decided to leave the Yermalen tribe they had lived in for generations.

When someone decided to leave, there was nothing Duke Winderson could do to stop it. There are Yermalen and Granites in the immigrant team. The strength of these small Swedish tribes has been damaged again after the conquest of Denmark. Although the leader has the title of duke, it is equivalent to being swollen and fat. The strength that a duke should have.

All of this is simply the conspiracy of the Rus!

The men took in the Ostara refugees, and they took away the young women out of good intentions, and now these women almost all have two children.

In order to get more ironware, the Yermalen people naturally went to buy cheaper Rus ironware. Compared with silver coins, since Russ people preferred wheat, everyone would bring the wheat to barter. They squeezed out their agriculture in exchange for Rus's industrial goods, for whom they were running a high trade deficit. All this is probably worth it. The Yermalen people need better and cheaper Rus ironware, especially the curved plough at a high price, to increase their agricultural output.

When they began to come into close contact with each other, the news that the Duchess of Ostara had opened up a peaceful and pure land in the eastern land deeply stimulated these Yermalen people.

They have long known about this, and for various reasons, it really takes a lot of courage to give up their own fields to go to the unknown East.

Unexpectedly, the women in the family could no longer bear it. Yermalen was not home. The Duke of Ross married the Duchess of Ostara, which was the last Ostara person to shelter.

Haven't some people given up everything to go to the East?

This is the last man who married a female refugee in Ostara. They were convinced of the strength of Rose. After the harvest season, they sold their farmland and livestock, poultry, brought their wives, children and rations, and even greeted their companions to emigrate together. . They claimed that they were Ostarans, and they rowed their boats to Tombstone Island. The original plan was to wait until the spring to continue their operations.

A huge blessing has come to this group of immigrants, a huge fleet will arrive in the east before the sea freezes!

Fort Ross, Fort Elon Orava, Fort Fisk, Covenstad, Narvik, Helminki, Tombstone Island Port, these cities directly managed or controlled by Ross, they all have their own self-contained Economy, even if the frozen sea will block each other, the cities can live on their own.

And doesn't the frozen world also provide a way? The large number of reindeer kept by Ross will pull the sleds and keep the cities in communication with each other.

Rumia and the people who stayed behind watched the fleet set sail again on the seaside full of ice, her tears slowly dried up, and sadness was written on her face.

The stationed Haruozusen silently appeased the high priest of the duchy: "Don't mourn, soon you will also go to the east. Rurik will definitely build a new temple in the east, and that's why he wants to bring Verika to the east."

Rumia nodded with a vague understanding, referring to what silently watched the fleet disappear into the undulating gray sea...

In the winter of Roseburg and prosperity, the duke family took a group of servants to the east. The mines in Roseburg were still being excavated, the furnaces were smoking black, the charcoal burners had been working, and a lot of pine trees had been cut down.

The hulls of the two new Aflora-class battleships were completed, along with the accompanying jibs, and they waited for the snow to be pushed and pulled outside, waiting for the northern giant cedars to be in place to install the masts.

As for the Hortra family, the master shipbuilders, the "Order" that Rurik sent back happened to have a request for the Hortra family.

They were masters at building Kirk (traditional cargo ships) boats, and now they have accumulated a lot of experience building high-speed sailboats.

There is no need for the Ross fleet to expand the warships for the time being. On the contrary, there is a substantial increase in freight demand. An armed cargo ship should be built. In peacetime, it is necessary to take part in the battle in wartime, and a torsion slingshot can be installed at the bow and tail of the ship.

Rurik's letters are very long, with references to traditional industries such as metallurgy, shipbuilding, weapons, leather, glassware, soap, hemp weaving, and glassware. Others grind their feet in Novgorod to measure the fields themselves, and it is impossible to ignore the money-making industry of the hometown of Rosburg.

His remote command is now efficient. After all, the Viking population in the Principality of Ross is expensive. In the past, there were not enough labor positions and opportunities in their Ross Fort. Now men, women and even children work all year round, and the gains are also very impressive. economic benefit. They don't get along with their own interests.

Rurik had planned to bring most of his family and servants to Novgorod this year to meet Otto's retirement needs. Things were far beyond his comprehension.

A group of old guys from the second flag team who were supposed to go hunting in the north, they knew that the young people of the first flag team were plundering squirrel resources near the lake, how could they not grasp the opportunity to make a fortune? When they returned to their hometown, they took their young sons and even grandsons on the boat. Originally, these cubs were also small subordinates trained by Rurik. The next generation of Ross warriors should hunt in a whole new world under the guidance of adults to exercise their physique.

As for the more than 200 immigrants who called themselves Ostara, they landed on Tombstone Island and there was no turning back. They took a big ship and arrived at the magnificent New Rose Fort.

Although very peculiar, a large group of newcomers disembarked to be administered by Governor Knudson. The old guys of the second flag team called brothers, and the Melalen flag team mixed in with them immediately wanted to go hunting in the unknown forest.

Guys who call themselves Ostarans meet real Ostarans, it's really weird, now that the women meet each other and gossip and confirm their identities, real and fake Ostarans are now real Ostarans Tara people.

It's just that the Duchess of Ostara is still in Novgorod.

The Ostarans couldn't imagine much, whether it was Carlotta or Ella, they were the wives and concubines of the Duke of Ross. They are all of age, and maybe when everyone sees this noble sister again next year, they will all have their stomachs puffed out. At least the Ostarans' flying bull's head flag can gather as many as 600 people, including children.

Although the weather is cold, the sea and the river are clearly about to freeze. People who first arrive in New Roseburg will feel the majesty of the city. The high wooden walls refresh the cognition of new immigrants, and a beautiful new life will begin here.

At the same time, there was no trace of the Ostarans on the Swedish side, but all those who were related by marriage and who were related by marriage went to the East.

The main force of the fleet was moored at the New Roseburg pier. A small fleet broke through the ice floes and rushed directly into Lake Ladoga. They continued to collide with the gradually thickening ice. The wind blows all the way to the south.

Young Velika bathed in the north wind. She was a Rus and also had a deer breeder blood. Since they are all ethnic groups who are not afraid of wind and snow, she should face the cold.

Of course, Niya would not let her granddaughter be strong, and bathing in the cold wind was a temporary act.

Velika can already speak some simple sentences, and she can walk briskly even when she is on the ground.

She grew up very fast, but as a father, Rurik had a lot of time to look after his first child in the past two years. Even though Villa was on instinct, she begged her father to give her a good hug.

Little Rumi accompanied the high priest Rumia, while Seporava went to Elronborg to reunite with her biological father for the winter.

There were also two female relatives of Rurik on the fleet, Mary, Queen of Northumbria, who had a big belly and looked like she was about to give birth, and Noren, who came with a musical instrument.

The Dane Johan Invall, who is a Latin teacher, is the servant of the team, along with the maids from Britain. They have been on the boat for twenty days. Where is the head? John is dressed in Russ clothes and has a small cross around his neck. Even if he reaches the edge of the earth, he is willing to maintain his beliefs, maybe not absolute. He has evolved into whoever is new and whoever is in confusion.

A small group of guards guards these nobles. In addition to the thickening of the ice, it is a threat along the way. Fortunately, the Avlora-class ships all have bronze rams, and they all have a certain degree of ice breaking ability, which was unimaginable before.

The bulbous bow is the impact angle, and it hits the thin ice so that the whole cabin can clearly hear the squeaking sound, and people who get used to it have forgotten the fear.

The appearance of the fleet was sudden but reasonable, and Rurik's prediction finally got a realistic reply.

The cloudy sky seemed to be snowing heavily, and the rustling of the pine forests on both sides of the river was a little scary.

People who were forcibly logging saw the fleet in the distance, and the happy news quickly spread to the city of Novgorod, which was almost in hibernation.

Who dares to shrink into a hibernating bear now?

Of course, many Rus dress up like a bear.

The able-bodied mercenaries wear war armor, and finally they are wrapped in bear skins, and the bear head is placed on the skull as a helmet.

The Slavic flag team began to assemble urgently. Medved has trained the team for so long, and it is now to welcome the distinguished guests from afar!

The Slavic flag team, some of the old guys from the second flag team, and the mercenary troops walked out of the city aggressively, and they stood in formation by the pier.

The flag of Ross fluttered in the wind, and the soldiers of Ross were neat and straight as pine.

At least Otto still has the strength to stand up and walk around. He is old and old, and now he puts on his armor and bearskin. At first glance, he looks majestic and indescribable, and his outfit perfectly conceals the core of aging.

Rurik was all white, his wives and concubines were exactly the same, they were all furry places, and the white polar bear skin was also the perfect clothing to keep out the cold.

Winter life originally meant boredom to the people of White Tree Manor, but now there is an event where everyone is willing to come out even in the cold.

Thousands of people stood by the river, and Rurik stood in the most conspicuous position. He took off his hat and looked north, letting his golden ponytail flutter in the wind. cold? Really cold. But when I think of my mother and daughter coming here, I don't feel cold anymore.

The messenger's report was completely true, and not long after people gathered on the riverbank, the fleet's sails became very conspicuous. The towering masts fly the flag of Rose, the Sperosvillea, and the statue of the god on her bow is unique and shows her identity early.

At the same time, Nia saw the crowd in the distance with her granddaughter in her arms, and saw at least twenty flying Ross flags.

"Child, your father is right there." Niya coaxed little Vilia, her withered hands pointing at the crowd.


"Yes! Dad."

"I, I want Dad."

Velika started to get excited, she had become heavy, and it was hard to hold her Niya for a long time. She was supported by Niya, standing directly on the cutout of the side rail, her big eyes staring at the approaching crowd as if searching for the crowd.

The big ship was about to dock, and the Sperosvillea docked first, and the follow-up sail destroyers anchored on the spot.

It was a figure from the soul that Velika saw her father.

"Dad! Daddy!" The crisp cry almost overshadowed the clamor of the onlookers.

That's the daughter! A little cutie with the same ponytail as herself.

Rurik, who was standing on the trestle, hurried over, followed by his subordinates carrying rockers. When the rocker was attached to the side of the boat, Rurik hurried to board the boat. He felt that he owed his daughter, so he put her in his arms.

What a warm scene, the onlookers cheered, and the soldiers present beat the shields in a neat and uniform manner.

As if all this was prepared for little Velika.

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