Rise of Rurik

Chapter 717 The Pastor and the Lamb

The young priests trusted their teacher, Esquier, and it has been more than half a month since the dispute began. Sure enough, the monastery has remained outside the military.

They still had to remain on absolute vigilance, no one could leave the courtyard walls of the monastery yet, and a vigil was to be kept every night.

Everything came very suddenly and seemed to be inevitable.

Blue Fox and Vardy hid until the moon was hanging high, taking advantage of the moonlight and the starlight as mice in the dark ditch, avoiding the roaming gang soldiers, and successfully touched the territory of the monastery.

"That's it?" Vardy asked cautiously, suffering from hunger and wounds.

"I've been here once and I won't forget it."

Looking up at a torch lit up on the wooden wall of the monastery, the blue fox boasted that he saw hope.

The two of them hurriedly approached the closed wooden door, and then began to bang urgently. The blue fox shouted, "Eskil, I am the blue fox from Russ, and I want your shelter."

He said a lot of similar words, and the little priest behind the door was so cautious that he didn't dare to speak for a while.

Finally, the little priest of the vigil opened a small gap, but the person behind the door used brute force and got in.

The little priest was very speechless. He stared at the panting intruder for a while, and after a while he said, "You... are you poor lambs?"

"Bah! What a lamb! I'm a Russ! Call your master Esquil out."

The little priest is a pious person, and he is most taboo to use violence. A fat man is rude in front of him, so scared that he can only nod and agree.

In fact, all the little priests were ordered by Esquier to respect the Rus, because it is related to the success or failure of the great cause.

"The two adults are... the teacher's guests. The teacher has instructed to enter the monastery quickly."

Blue Fox and Vardy made it into the monastery with astonishing ease.

Once the blue fox was very disdainful of this shabby monastery, it now seems to be an excellent sanctuary.

Esquil, who was already asleep, was awakened, and the sudden news caused him a great headache.

A fat Russ? Who this man was, he knew perfectly well since he had heard the adjective "fat" from the mouth of the little priest.

Eskil was drowsy, and his witty head turned wildly, realizing that this must be an opportunity to spread the sacred faith, or even a breakthrough for a greater cause.

He put on a black robe and ordered the priest to light some more oil lamps.

He received the blue fox in the holy prayer sanctuary as a local bishop, and when he saw this fat man again, he was also shocked by the miserable and miserable state of this wealthy fellow.

The blue fox's clothes were all torn, and the clothes of the entourage Vardy were stained with blood.

Esquil's words trembled: "Welcome, poor lamb, I am a pastor you can trust."

"We are not lambs." Blue Fox still stressed impatiently.

"Okay. Sit down first." Then he said to the little priest: "Bring some water and bread."

The two displaced people finally settled down. Once they sat down, they felt relieved. Blue Fox's mental state was fairly good, and Vardy almost fainted.

Eskil also sat down on the bench at will. He was informed that he still wanted to ask: "I know about the war. Those people are attacking you. It seems that you ... did not win?"

This guy's words were very cautious, and the embarrassed blue fox laughed at himself: "I don't mind if you say I failed. I failed,

But it didn't fail completely. You see, I escaped. "

"So, your warriors..."

"All died. I fled down the tunnel, you know, I'm a businessman, I'm a noble, and I have to tell Prince Rurik what happened here!"

When Lanhu spoke, his entire face was twitching, his white and gray face turned red with heat, and he was gnashing his teeth as if he was about to break his teeth, and his whole person became extremely distorted.

The rage of his people caused Esquil to be quite frightened, but fortunately he had seen the big world and it was true.

"You escaped to me, just wanting me to help you get back to Ross?"

Esquill asked precisely on the point, and the blue fox continued: "You said you were going to Ross! You must send me back!"

"This..." Esquill's face sank.

"What? You regret it? Don't you want to go to Ross? Can you go without my guide?"

Esquil glanced at the desolate man with the gold-encrusted sword still hanging from his waist, and couldn't help but gasp for fear of angering the fat man and causing his own disaster.

Eskil stood up slowly, looking like he was devastated. He was pacing, boasting candor: "Okay, I'm going to confess to you. I do plan to go to Ross, and I need your directions too. I thought you were dead in the war, and it was suspended earlier. With this plan, it is obvious that the Lord is blessing you and letting you enter this monastery alive, and my plan still has a chance to be implemented.”

Blue Fox was emotionally overwhelmed, he could not listen to the words of the old guy for the time being, and was still asking how to row a boat to escape.

"Boat? There's no chance! The storm destroyed almost all the boats, and the rest were taken by those people. I can't buy boats..."

"How can this be?! I have to go back to Ross! The Ross army will take revenge."

Eskill shook his head: "You are too tired, you should rest first."

"No. You have to give me a solution!" Lanhu was also anxious.

Ever since the rain and the storm had subsided, Esquil had thought of a new way of thinking, why do you have to sail from Hazelby, which is now unsafe, and go to Hamburg and leave by boat from there.

It was at this moment that the little priest came with a clay pot and a dinner plate, and the clean water and a slice of brown bread were placed in front of the tired two men.

The blue fox was originally disdainful of eating black bread. It was a low-quality bread with a strong sour taste. His taste had been raised even more, but now, like a pig, he cocked his head and wanted to swallow the black bread for himself.

The little priest hurriedly removed the food and water, and Eskil also stood up to block it.

"What? Not for me?"

"Yes! There is one condition."

"What conditions?" Lanhu asked anxiously, suppressing his anger.

"Because this meal is not given to you by me, it is the gift of the Lord. You two are lost lambs. Only after you have converted to our faith and experienced baptism can you have the right to eat this sacrament and drink this holy water."

"It's this one again..." Lanhu seemed to be conflicted, and his heart was shaken in order to fill his stomach.

Eskil chased after the victory: "You experienced a defeat, why is this? Because you did not believe in the Lord, you were attacked by barbarians. If you converted earlier, how could they dare to attack?"

"Really? It's ridiculous."

"That's the truth. Have those people ever attacked the Lord's servants? They dared not, because the power of faith is infinite..." Then there was another dry preaching.

Esquil relies on one mouth to develop believers, and the power of propaganda and persuasion is still too limited. He actually knows that, for example, Charlemagne's force method has made the Saxons accept the faith on a large scale. This efficiency is 10,000 times stronger than propaganda!

Talking about beliefs with businessmen, such as changing to other priests, is unwilling to be involved. The priests of the ninth century were ascetic, and the merchants generally represented the pursuit of luxury, which made the priests generally disdain to talk to the merchants.

Eskil also has a plan in this regard, but the Blue Fox is a breakthrough. Since he is a businessman, he should know his interests and interests.

"My monastery will survive the war. My back is the support of Frank, and the monastery itself is also funded by Prince Ludwig of Frank. I have also investigated the guy who attacked you, and it was Prince Ludwig's mercenary. people."

"Could it be that Frank is still beating us Ross? There is one more enemy!" Blue Fox said simply, his mind was even more confused.

"No! You misunderstood! I tell you, Prince Ludwig's letter proves that he is interested in Ross, how could the prince attack your shop? It must be the unauthorized actions of those mercenaries, and the prince still intends to do it with you. Business."

"Doing business?" Lanhu calmed down a little, "I want to eat now."

"It must be baptized." Eskil emphasized with his old face down.


"This is the principle! You stand in the holy temple, and you will be expelled if you don't accept your beliefs. You...you don't believe in any gods. You must believe in one after this disaster. Your business gods can't protect your lives, but The Lord can give the devout a good future. Besides, after conversion, you have the right to go to Hamburg and Bremen to do business."

When Esquil said this, the blue fox finally became decisive.

"If I can get a bigger business opportunity. I'll wash it!"

Esquil's sullen old face beamed with joy, and he personally acted as the baptist, doing the crucial baptism for the two fleeing lambs.

The blue fox took off his dirty clothes and completely soaked the big wooden bucket full of clean water. Although the conditions were relatively simple, Eskil presided over here, reading the Gospels in one hand, and pressing the blue fox's head down rhythmically with the other. He also flipped the pages of the book as usual, and the first character name that appeared was the given name of the blue fox.

When it comes to the injured Vardy, it is the same operation, but the injured person is in a trance, and he accepts the baptism in a confused manner. At least his body does not refuse the ceremony and is still voluntary.

Vardy's wound was also seen by Esquil. After the baptism, the wound was smeared with the sacred fragrance of rose oil, and then it was bandaged. Whether this young man can be immune to the fever after the injury depends on the Lord's will.

In fact, rose essential oil has the effect of protecting the wound and accelerating the healing, and the wound becomes clean after being washed.

Blue Fox and Vardy finally got something to eat, and they changed into a simple robe of coarse white cloth, the uniform of a little priest.

After Eskil had eaten and drank, he gave the two wooden cross pendants and put them on with his own hands.

After all, this is the first time he has successfully preached to the Rus people in so many years, and the first time he has baptized a big person from the Rus people is really a good start.

When the blue fox was full, he didn't feel how special he became now.

He continued to ask Esquil: "How on earth did you send me back to Ross. I'm talking about Ross in the East."

"Now...I can tell you without reservation, my child..."

Eskill said a lot, and the blue fox finally understood Eskill's new plan, which was to walk to Hamburg and then find a boat to leave.

Although Hamburg was a city in the former principality of Saxony that was conquered by Charlemagne, it was a natural trading port because it was built along the inland waters.

What is the difference between believing in the Lord and believing in Odin or Frey and Frigga? Blue Fox doesn't feel that the so-called master is so clever now, but the chance of making a fortune has made him put aside the war he personally experienced.

It is one thing to report the disaster to the prince of Rurik, and another to go to the Frankish hinterland to find a fortune.

He and Vardy stayed in the monastery and slept all night, and the next day, they had to eat the humble "holy breakfast" in the boring morning prayers like little priests.

Have to pray for a meal? If prayer can ensure the Lord's protection of your own life, so can a few words.

Blue Fox and Vardy recited the prayers, neither longing nor conflict. It was their obedience that really pleased Esquill.

After the meal, Eskil, who was in high spirits, met Blue Fox again in the writing room alone.

He looked up and down the young fat man: "It seems that you are used to it? Obviously the Lord has already called you, and you finally fell into the arms of the Lord."

"I wonder now when we're going to Hamburg."

"We have to wait for this matter, don't worry it won't be too far away."

"Okay. I want to tell you in particular that the sea area where Ross is located in the east will be frozen in November." Blue Fox warned.

"It doesn't matter. Now that you are a believer, you can go to the Franks to trade. Of course, I think the Count of Hamburg would love to meet you, even Prince Ludwig. I have a high status in the Franks, and I can introduce you to Great nobles, presumably they are also willing to talk to you, a Russ."

"If it's a business thing, I'd be happy to talk about it."

"Very good. But you have to learn to be a priest here." Esquil's request was his purpose, that is, the blue fox felt that he had to make a temporary cameo as a priest and monk.

"I'm not a priest."

"Of course you aren't! But this monastery has to be only priests too. You...have to slash off your beard and cut off a lot of hair, and have a haircut like the other priests (St. Peter's haircut)."

"Shave my beard? Is it necessary? In the North, the bigger the beard, the better the warrior's charm and credibility. And that funny haircut, I've never had it this short."

"But being here will make you aliens. I'm worried about those people's searches. If they rush into the monastery and take you away, I won't be able to rescue you."

"Ridiculous." Blue Fox shook his head, "You said it was safe enough here."

"I'm afraid that the gangsters are determined to do it. You know, they don't believe in the Lord, they're a bunch of savages, like wild boar thick bears on a rampage, and we have to plan for the best and worst."

The blue fox believed the words of Esquier, who had lived in Ross for more than half a year, and was also convinced of his ambition to preach to Ross. The latter is not his concern, he is now most concerned about his own life, followed by grazing interests far beyond his father.

The blue fox is still a fat man, but his beard and a lot of hair have disappeared. Then he puts on the priest's black robe and hangs the cross on his chest. The whole person is clearly a priest! Who can doubt if only to stand still? Perhaps there is still some doubt. The fat priest with fat head and ears and bloated belly may only be found in Rome, but certainly not in the North.

His sword was removed and preserved, a treasure of bright white steel that Frank did not have. If you want to negotiate with the Frankish nobles, it can be used as a stepping stone.

After another two days, after careful consideration, Blue Fox decided not to put Hui Ross first. Since he went to Frank to discover the new interests of himself, his family and Ross, he had to do a big vote if he wanted to.

Wadi's mental condition has been improving after being injured these days, obviously this is the gift of the Lord!

Vardy has accepted the sacred belief, but he is only a small character. He needs to rely on his master now and in the future. He happens to have an audience with the great Frankish nobles, and the blue fox needs a capable entourage.

The blue fox figured out the problem, and just as Eskil was about to leave, he came back to explain his opinion.

The blue fox, who has now been given the Christian name Joseph, asked Eskil directly for the opportunity to meet Prince Ludwig. How could this request not be shocking?

"The prince thinks very highly of himself, maybe..." Eskil was vague for a while.

"Just take my sword as a gift, and the desire of the Rus for trade. I don't believe that a lord of a great power would refuse." The blue fox is ambitious, but Eskil can only easily see the Earl of Hamburg and the prince. Still need to convince the Earl of Burger.

Eskil made no promises, honestly claiming he would try. Then he sighed: "Joseph, you are a crazy businessman, and you actually regard disaster as a new opportunity."

This is really a compliment to a businessman. Of course, Blue Fox will not let it: "A real businessman should be like this. My father was almost killed here in Denmark. Twenty years later, I also survived. I hope the great Lord will give me wealth. ."

Hearing that, Eskil really didn't want to refute, so he could only laugh without saying a word, and finally pointed out: "You must already know what the priests are talking about. I'm going to do St. Mary's Mass on the 14th day of August. We're leaving this holiday and we'll be in Hamburg before September. So you're going to have to stay here for a while."

Living in a monastery was like a caged bird, and the blue fox did not dare to leave here, so he had to find something to kill his boredom. Esquil took the opportunity to provide the manuscript Gospel, although it was very dreamy, he knew that this fat man could understand Latin.

Not to mention, Lanhu was fascinated by the so-called scriptures, and the stories inside were vivid and interesting. However, rather than firm belief, he still pays attention to a variety of place names, lamenting that the world is extremely huge, as well as the gold, gems and so on depicted in the books.

Many disasters have happened, many plans have been broken, and now Eskil and Blue Fox have become very eager to meet the Count of Hamburg, the great northern Frankish nobleman.

But before leaving, new troubles arose. With so many ships on the sea, the king of the Danes finally sailed by the north wind to his loyal Hazeby.

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