In the dark night, the lightning flashed and the rain poured down.

The filthy New York finally ushered in an opportunity to clean itself, this garbage and stench city became temporarily a little cleaner, at least it seemed so.

Due to the lack of lighting, the streets are dark, and the ground can only be barely seen when a lightning flashes. Zhou Qingfeng touched Black in the heavy rain before returning to Kennedy Street near Chinatown and back to his own territory.

After the refugees from the Bron neighbourhood fled, Zhou Qingfeng had originally agreed with Caterina to evacuate ten minutes later, but in fact he tossed for more than five hours before leaving, a difficult five hours.

He returned to Kennedy Street and the butcher in charge of the patrol came out to meet him. This humanoid bear came up with a big hug, and laughed and said, "Hi, Victor, let's take a bath! This heavy rain is really coming in time, otherwise I don't know when I can wash it up. A bath. "

Hiding behind a barricade, hundreds of naked men scrubbed themselves under heavy rain. Most of these people were rescued by Zhou Qingfeng from the stinking subway, and to be honest, everyone was ten miles from the wind.

"Rest assured, I arranged a sentry post and promoted several capable people to serve as grass-roots commanders. This block is under our control." The butcher took off his own light, exposing his fatness and strength The bear body, who laughed and danced in the rain, was quite amused.

Zhou Qingfeng was embarrassed in the heavy rain. When he walked into the room that was used as the temporary headquarters, he saw Slender Katerina wiping her hair. The fierce girl was disarmed, wearing only a tight-fitting T-shirt and trousers, her bumpy body exuding the devil's temptation.

"I have settled the people in the Bron neighbourhood. Although most of them are women and children, it is good for us to do logistics. At least you don't have to worry about eating dry and hard bread every day in the future. It feels like life. "Caterina said.

But Zhou Qingfeng was tired and sat down next to a window, but looking out the window, there was another jubilation in another block, and hundreds of women also stripped themselves and washed themselves in the heavy rain. Everyone tries to forget the sorrows of the last days and try to make themselves happier.

Katrina continued: "We brought in more than eighty carts of supplies from Bloom Street, most of which were scarce food, water, clothes, and various tools. For example, I have made people collect rainwater and use nets After the water purifier is purified, we can at least guarantee that we don't have to look for water to drink for three or five days. "

"It sounds good." Zhou Qingfeng said lazily.

"You seem to be miserable by the Zetas gangster." Katerina suggested: "Go and take a good shower, then find a few girls to accompany you, and relax. Otherwise you will have the aftermath of the battlefield."

"I and Zertas's group are endless!" Thinking of those scum, Zhou Qingfeng was very angry. Due to his outstanding performance, the gang members who chased Katrina failed to get support and did not play any role, but he was spotted by the Zetas gang when they retreated.

"Some dozens or hundreds of **** gathered around and opened fire to the house I hid through the window, and from time to time threw torches in the house, trying to burn me to death. If it were not for the heavy rain, I would have been Can't come back. "

Zhou Qingfeng's face turned black. He recalled the news he had seen in the media. European, American, and Russian special forces often penetrate North Africa and the Middle East to fight against the local indigenous armed forces.

残 Any one of those excellent soldiers who have been brutally trained and well equipped can easily kill a dozen or twenty indigenous militants, but they will also die when facing dozens or hundreds of indigenous militants. And Zhou Qingfeng encountered this situation, and if you martial arts, you can kneel in the same way.

"It's normal. I asked you to evacuate for up to ten minutes, but you delayed it for a long time." Katrina patted Zhou Qingfeng's shoulder and said, "Go to the top of the building, where the space is wide and you can take a bath alone . "

"I see." Zhou Qingfeng stood up and wanted to go upstairs. The houses in their neighborhood are generally about five stories high and the roof is not very high. And he wants to wash well, and change into clean clothes by the way.

"Oh, right! You have to be on duty tonight," Katrina said again.

"What's on duty?" Zhou Qingfeng asked puzzled.

"The butcher has set up a basic sentry defense system, but someone has to be on duty in this headquarters. In the event of a situation, the sentry will report to you and respond in a timely manner. However, it is raining tonight and it seems that there will be nothing You can find some girls to have a small party here, just stop drinking. "

When Katrina finished speaking, she turned and left. Zhou Qingfeng originally wanted to wash and go to sleep with Jenny, now he seems to have no time to play.

I stepped on the top of the headquarters, and it really opened up. Zhou Qingfeng unloaded his arms and took off his clothes, leaving the rain to flush himself and emptying his brain, so as not to be full of brains. It was only half washed, and suddenly I heard someone coming upstairs with a little whisper.

"Who is there?" Zhou Qingfeng asked warily, he had already thought of whether to give the visitor a hard blow ~ ~ As a result, he saw two wet Yanma Loli come out.

女人 New York in August, women are wearing thin clothes. The two grinning big loli were rushed by the rain, and their clothes were tightly fitted to the body, exposing their thriving bodies.

"Mr. Hugo, I'm here to make an appointment. This is my cousin, although she is only thirteen years old, but she likes you as well." The slightly older Yanma Loli stepped forward and reached out to touch the stripped Zhou Qingfeng, Asked, "You are really strong, can we wash with you?"

The younger Yang Lili seemed a bit shy when she was younger, but she didn't speak when she came up, but she took the initiative to squat and held Zhou Qingfeng's thigh with her hands.

Dry up, buy one get one free! Promise one, actually two.

如何 How can people be rejected at this time?

Zhou Zhoufeng fought with the Zetas Gangster for more than five hours. During this period, the beheaded rat that was beaten by the humans drove to death, and accumulated a full of belching gas. Now being served by two big loli, he felt that the suffocation was slowly dissipating with their movements.

Yes, Not Bad!

The smaller loli crouched under Zhou Qingfeng and swallowed slowly. The larger loli pressed gently on the back of Zhou Qingfeng and said, "It is the first time for my cousin. I originally recommended her to be strong. Wild man. But she thinks you are more suitable. "

Lightning across the sky, Zhou Qingfeng could occasionally use the electric light to see the girl squatting and kneeling in front of her trying to please herself. He said, "I am not strong? Am I not wild? I want to prove that you are all wrong ~ ~ Welcome the latest, fastest and hottest serial works of book friends. Just at ~ ~ Mobile users, please read.

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