Nickname: Kaizen | Class: Psych

Current Title: The Descendant of the Ironstones | Profession: Blacksmith Apprentice

Level: 7 | Alignment: Chaotic Neutral | Fame: 0.]


HP: 100 | Vitality: 5

Intelligence: 10 | Luck: 4

Attack: 15 | Agility: 7

Charisma: 2

Defense: 5

Magic Resistance: 2 | MP: 50

PR: 120.]

"Team Leader, how are his attributes so high?"

"Sir, during the fight against NPC Elfire Waylan he managed to evolve three levels, gaining experience by hits with the wooden sword and with dodges. After he died, he lost five levels, so he regressed to level -2. However, since he was at level 3 once, the borders of the initial city where he appeared opened up, and he also unlocked the option to acquire a random class. After that, the only information we have is that he managed to defeat the Scarlet Demon Spider, the optional Boss of the Spider Den hidden in the Misty Woods."

Usually, Charles Richards would be amazed by this information, and he would have a reason for this, given that it has always been almost impossible for a player to evolve more than two levels in a single day, even in the Early Game. However, this time Charles was not amazed; he just smiled wryly.

"Normally, players of level 10 or lower lose only one level when they die, not all of them, but he was in the middle of a story mission, so he lost so many levels that he was in the negative. He ended up at level -2, and it took him two levels to get back to normal beginner standards, level 1, considering there is no level 0 in Rise Online. In other words, he will gain additional status points, more than any player at his level."

'...!!!!' Hollie Rees' eyes widened. "Wait a minute, you mean..."

"Now do you understand?" The gray-haired man then put his right arm over his head and propped his chin up as he looked at the woman's astonished expression.

Hollie Rees quickly pulled herself together, tidying the glasses that had slightly slid down her nose and straightening her spine. "Sir, does it make any sense that this was all just luck? That's a little frustrating as a Team Leader..."

"The Spider Den, where the Scarlet Demon Spider rules, and the mission related to the Ironstones, which if I'm not mistaken is called 'The Lost Links', weren't supposed to be found for another few months. Particularly, I theorized that it would be by occultists or some shadow mage, but this player not only found the Spider's Den and defeated the Boss in the area, but also activated the Psych Class Passive Skill and talked to one of the spirits of the Ironstones in the quest area. Location, quest, skill... Can you really call that 'luck'?"

"But that... that means the game is unbalanced. We should balance it immediately."

"No, that's not accurate. As you said before, you have no reason to worry about an inefficient, indebted man, right? Rise Online will compensate only the hard-working. Besides, Psych is a relatively weak combat class compared to the others. He should probably have an experienced group to help him..." Suddenly, the Chief Developer stopped talking.

"What is it, sir?"

"N-nothing. I'm leaving for the day... Keep me posted on other important news."


Edited by: DrHitsujf you want to see original illustrations of Rise Online characters, consider helping me on pa treon: Pa character images in:


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