Wang Zhentao, Jin Xiangsheng and others had great opinions on him spending a lot of money to hire people but not being able to fully trust him. However, the performance of the bonds and stocks he advocated investing in was weak, which further aggravated the directors' distrust of him.

On Saturday, he asked Gong Xin to notify everyone to come to the meeting. The intention was to adjust the company's development direction, but as soon as he entered the door, he gave Tong Jinhua a blow.

In all fairness, what Fan Shuheng did was a little too much. Engaging in finance and mining are two different things. Given the market situation in 2000, it is not a lot of money to sell resources. It is a matter of earning more and less. If you are not careful, you will fall into a big somersault.

Of course, things are different now with him at the helm.

Before entering the film world, he checked the information on the Internet for a while before choosing to accept the mission. Why?

In order to ensure that I can seize the opportunity and successfully complete the task (2).

What are five successful investments? Since I was reborn in 2008, at least ten small goals should be earned.


The door of the conference room opened, and a man with a Mediterranean hairstyle walked in.

"Old Fan, you don't look very good. You must have been overworked recently." Kuang Jianmin pulled the chair next to him and sat down, and said with a smile.

Gong Xin put the coffee in front of him, sneakily pinched his waist before turning and walking outside.

"Mr. Fan, I'm right outside the door. If you need anything, just ask."

At the moment of closing the door, she winked at him, with a playful smile on her lips.

"Cough, cough..."

Lin Yue used a dry cough to cover up the embarrassment on his face, and took advantage of the situation to press the butt of the cigarette into the ashtray.

"I called everyone here for a meeting this time. There is one thing I want to hear your opinions." After speaking this sentence, he slowed down, and seeing that the expressions of the four people did not change, he continued: "I have already told the assistant to order Tomorrow, I will fly to the Cayman Islands and plan to register a company there.”

Tong Jinhua's expression changed, she frowned and said, "What do you mean?"

The other three also looked at him with puzzled faces.

"According to the information I have in hand, I think there will be a big avalanche in the international financial market this year and next, which is a good opportunity for speculation and bargain hunting. Establishing overseas companies as soon as possible and opening up channels for domestic capital to flow outward can help us achieve cross-border invest."

Wang Zhentao said: "You have stretched your hands long enough. The company has only been established for less than half a year. The domestic market has not yet been divided into a piece of the cake. It is a good thing to dare to think and act, but be careful. It's too big to pull the egg."

Lin Yue said, "You can't put all your eggs in one basket. You said that."

Wang Zhentao was so stunned by him that he was speechless. In order to persuade Fan Shuheng to agree to Xiao Wu's asset diversification plan, he did say this sentence, but he didn't expect to be thrown back on his head now.

Fan Shuheng realized his mistake. It is a good thing to diversify the allocation of assets, but when the domestic financial industry is in the turmoil of development, instead of making a big cake and sharing it, he went to overseas markets. Such a decision was made by patting his ass. .

What is based on the information in hand, what is the avalanche of the financial market, what is a good opportunity for speculation, if Fan Dong's judgment is reliable, sows can climb the tree.

Boom, boom, boom.

Jin Xiangsheng pointed at the table and said, "Do you know what you're talking about? Doing business behind closed doors, everyone can take advantage of policy loopholes, and you can make a fortune even if you can't eat meat. Outside, institutions in Central and Wall Street If you swallow your bones without spitting out a piece of them, if you want to steal their bottom, cut off the flesh of the big family, dream about you."

This is hard to say, but it is an irrefutable fact.

In 2008, the domestic financial market was immature and unstable. In order to protect financial institutions including state-owned securities companies, insurance companies and commercial banks, the government formulated a large number of protective laws and regulations to prevent domestic financial institutions from being overwhelmed by foreign capital. Cut the leeks.

Lin Yue took a sip of the coffee, feeling a bit astringent and not smooth enough.

What Wang Zhentao and Jin Xiangsheng said is very reasonable. Under normal circumstances, rashly stepping into the international financial market will encounter great risks, but this year's situation is not normal.

There are still two or three months before the financial crisis will sweep the world, and in order to break the predicament, the domestic government will inject 4 trillion yuan of liquidity in November to stimulate the Asian market. To put it bluntly, this is another round after the reform and opening up. In the wave of economic tide, if you can jump on the top of the wave at the right time, you will be able to fly high in the sky and let the birds fly in the sea. If you can't, you have to wait at least five or six years to create a myth of wealth.

He knows this, but Wang Zhentao and Jin Xiangsheng don't. They can't tell them that I traveled from 2019, and that as long as they hang out with me, they can make a lot of money lying down.

Seeing that Lin Yue was silent, Tong Jinhua flipped through the documents before turning over and took out a contract and threw it in the middle of the conference table: "This is the contract you purchased the cemetery in the name of the company a few days ago."

Lin Yue said, "What? Is there a problem?"

"We are an asset management company, not a small speculator." Tong Jinhua said: "Did you discuss with Xiao Wu before deciding to do this? What kind of investment is this? I think you are losing your mind."

Jin Xiangsheng said: "I've heard of stocks, real estate, and futures, but this is the first time I've seen one speculating in cemeteries."

Fuck, okay, you guys, let's meet in advance.

Lin Yue didn't expect that the board meeting he proposed would turn into a criticism meeting. Seeing Jin Xiangsheng and Tong Jinhua, they were in full swing.

What are they up to? Are you going to rebel? Laozi is the chairman of the company and holds more than 50% of the shares. It would be a dream to dismiss him.

"Everyone calm down, calm down, don't be so impulsive."

Kuang Jianmin stood up as a peacemaker, and his smiling face was the workplace version of Huoyun Cthulhu.

Lin Yue frowned and thought for a while: "What do you want to do, just say it."

Wang Zhentao glanced at Tong Jinhua and Jin Xiangsheng, and said in a relatively calm tone: "Old Fan, for the sake of our friendship for many years, you should listen to our advice and stop meddling in the company's affairs. Xiao Wu is at the helm of the investment. That's fine, those of us who are directors, just sit on the sidelines and wait for the dividends. If he can't do a good job, you can replace him, and now the annual salary of one million yuan is not used, isn't this a waste of resources?"

Don't worry, there are all the worlds in the introduction, and the length of the copy of the film and television drama that is not violent is about 20 chapters.

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