Rose recalled the past, remembering that when Auntie combed her hair once, she said that she still had a sum of money deposited in HSBC Bank, which would be used as a dowry when she got married.

She is no longer the little local girl she used to be, she has become more beautiful and sexy, and her gestures are feminine and seductive. Can a man really forget her, can he do this?

"You asked why I didn't pick you up, and I'll tell you why I didn't pick you up now." Lin Yue walked forward with the gun pointed at her, and she kept walking backwards with the gun pointed at her.

"I provoked Yan Tong at that time. I was implicated while working at the Shatoujiao Police Station. Baoyahuang was chopped off by a doll strongman. If I took you over, what would those people do if they kidnapped you? Later Sister-in-law came to HK, and having her to take care of you, Ah Ping to accompany you to study, and Serena to protect you, is better than you and Bai Qing getting along with each other and having to endure my picky mother-in-law."

Rose stopped talking, she didn't know how to refute.

Lin Yue forcefully opened those sweaty hands, threw the pistol aside with the safety off, and hugged her into his arms a little arrogantly.

(The following content is supplemented by my own brain.)


What kind of personality is Rose?

Wu Shihao is not a good person, even the big Wei and Xiaowei dumb seven roses are not good people, but aside from those crimes, these younger brothers are all people who value love and righteousness, because Wu Shihao redeemed Ah Hua when he was young, so She is willing to go to Thailand and TW to learn fighting, art and shooting, and become a female killer. After returning to HK, she helps Lei Luo to sell drugs while being Wu Shihao's eyeliner, and finally even takes her own life.

It's different now, he helped Ahua redeem her body, gave her living expenses every month, and added a reason that sounded well-intentioned, he didn't believe that Rose wouldn't be moved.

Wu Shihao, Rose is your man?

No, as long as I am willing, she is mine, and after going through what happened today, she can still get double insurance, and the word "person" is preceded by the word "female".

For women who hate because of love, resentment because of love, and petty temper, sleepwear is always more effective than persuasion.

When we met at Lei Luo's house before, when we shook hands, I noticed that her palms were covered with sweat, and she looked away from him. This kind of emotion should not appear in a professional killer. After coming out of Lei Luo's house, she made up Self-directed and acted in a fight scene, and after getting into the BMW sedan, the pendant under the rearview mirror turned out to be an old version of a hunchback. Combined with her identity, Lin Yue still didn't understand the origin of the money, and behind it was the bedroom talk.

No matter how low the EQ is, as long as he is not a fool, he will know what kind of emotion Rose has for him.

When you think about it, such a development is not surprising at all.

A fifteen-year-old girl is in love for the first time. A young and handsome man helped her redeem her, gave her money to live, and gave her a beautiful vision. His identity was still a policeman who could give people a sense of security. I think Williams, Serena and Amei praised him a lot in private. The identity of the inspector is well-known in West Kowloon, coupled with the magical skill of "Teacher Killer", which specializes in dealing with women.

When all the above elements were brought together, it would be difficult for him not to leave a strong and colorful stroke in her life.

People are like this, the more you can't get something, the more you want it, and the more you want to forget it, the more you can't get rid of it.

Early the next morning.

Lin Yue opened the door of the bedroom, glanced at the little girl who was lying on the bed and refused to get up, went to draw the curtains, bright light flooded into the room, and she put her head and face under the quilt like a frightened kitten.

He poured a glass of boiled water and put it on the bedside table, picked up the coat that was on the chair and said as he walked, "I went out and bought a few steamed buns. There is porridge in the kitchen, remember to eat."


Hearing the crisp sound of closing the door, Rose turned over, looked at the rising sun beyond the floor-to-ceiling windows and smiled, what used to only happen in dreams has now become reality.

Over the years, what she wants is very simple and has never changed. Even if she followed Wu Shihao's arrangement to go to Thailand and TW for training, she subconsciously wanted to be able to intervene in his work and life after returning to HK, but she always refused. Just admit it.


At the end of 1971, the HK white powder business was divided into four parts.

2 years later.

Early summer of 1974.

Lin Yue got the news from Zhu Youzai that General Somchai of the Golden Triangle died, and now Naimi has taken over the white powder supply all over Asia. Lei Luo contacted Wu Shihao and asked him to take Rose to Thailand to negotiate with Naimi.

At 10 o'clock that night, he asked Serena to have a midnight snack at the food stall on the wall on the grounds of asking about A Ping's recent situation.

The two ordered four dishes and drank half a bottle of white wine.

"Do you have to go?"

Serena nodded: "Yeah."

Lin Yue filled him up, poured another glass for himself, and took a sip with his head up.

"Do you know that the Thai guy has probably been bought by Hua Zirong and Fatty Chao, and his life may be in danger when he gets there."

"Brother Yue, I know you are worried about us." Serena picked up a crispy golden shrimp ball and stuffed it into her mouth: "Life and death are fate, wealth and honor are in the sky. We and Brother Hao have been fighting and killing for ten years. Yes, after enjoying so many years of blessings that ordinary people can't enjoy in their lifetime, death is worth it."

"Come on, drink." Lin Yue stopped talking.

Although he and Lei Luo and Wu Shihao's original intentions of asking for help were not pure, they were just acting on the occasion, pretending to be false, and never being honest with each other, but after all, they have known each other for so many years, knowing that Serena Williams in Thailand died in a foreign land this time, I always feel that I should persuade him.

Think about it seriously, if Serena didn't go, the person who died might be Dawei, Dumb Seven, or Wu Shihao. How many people in this kind of business can have a good death?

Take black money as an example. In the 1960s and 1970s, Hong Kong was like this from top to bottom, from the British to the Chinese police officers. Ordinary people were powerless to change it. And Wu Shihao is wild by nature, with a restless heart hidden in his chest, even without Lei Luo, he would still eat and drink with Fat Boy Chao.

Life and death are fate, wealth is in the sky.

Wu Shihao said so, Dawei said so, and Serena said so.

This sentence is not only to comfort myself, but also a statement that I will not regret it even if I die.

"In the next period of time, I will take Bai Qing and Lin Xi to England to relax. When you go back, tell sister-in-law to keep a close eye on A-Ping while Brother Hao is away from home."

"Okay, I will tell sister-in-law."

The two of them were talking, when the grass on the wall came over with a plate of mantis shrimp and a bottle of beer: "Sorry, I'm so busy that I only have time now."

Lin Yue picked up the cup with a smile: "Come on, let's have a toast."

"Cheers." Serena smiled and toasted next to her.


A month later, Lin Yue returned to HK from England.

As soon as he got off the plane, Lard Boy told him three bad news. The first one was that Serena was stabbed and died when Wu Shihao took people to Thailand to negotiate with Naimi. The Independent Commission Against Corruption came to deal with the top-down corruption of the British Hong Kong government.

He was mentally prepared for these two news, and his expression was calm from beginning to end, until he heard the third news, his expression changed.

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