Roman Slave Owner

Chapter 383 Unification of Gaul

"Then what should we do?"

Lysias said.

He was still very convinced by Li Wei's words, and Li Wei could always prove him right.

Levi was thinking whether to continue playing with them or find a way to deal with these cunning people once and for all.

"Well, tell them we won't change our plans until they all come out and surrender. Tell them also that tomorrow all the Aduaduchi houses will be burned down."

Levi said.

"Okay, Your Majesty."

Lysias said.

"By the way, we have also informed the entire army to be on alert tonight to be careful of their sneak attack."

Levi said with a smile.

Lysias soon told the news to the envoy of the Aduaducians. The envoy was very angry, but had no choice but to send the news back.

After learning the news, the Aduaduqi people were very angry.

Late at night, several shadows left the stone castle on the mountain, and then came to the Roman military camp at the foot of the mountain.

Soon they found that the Roman military camp was as usual. Although there were people patrolling, there were not many people, which made them happy.

So they sent people back to the mountain. Soon the gate of the stone castle was opened wide, and a large number of soldiers left the stone castle.

They quietly approached the Roman military camp, and at this moment, they smelled a pungent smell.

Future generations will definitely be extremely wary because this is the smell of oil.

With Levi's current status, it would be easy for the Arabs to donate some oil.

But they had never seen such a thing before, and they didn't know what they were since they tripped over some buried boxes.

They sent some elite Aduaduqi people to climb the earth wall with ladders. The patrolling soldiers quickly discovered these Aduaduqi people and quickly raised the alarm.

What surprised the Aduaduci was that the people patrolling the earthen walls were Germans, not Romans.

But this did not affect their actions. They rushed forward and dealt with these Germans cleanly, and then opened the camp door.

Everything went very smoothly, and a large number of Aduaduqi people took the opportunity to rush into the military camp. They rushed into the tents one by one, but found that all the tents were empty.

"No! This is a trap!"

said an Aduaduchi man.

But it was too late by this time. The Aduaduqi people in the military camp wanted to leave, but those outside entered the military camp and people huddled together.

At this moment, torches were lit in the military camp, and the originally dark military camp became as bright as day.

A Roman soldier ignited the oil at his feet and fled backwards.

The ignited oil quickly extended in all directions along the groove buried in the ground, and soon ignited an oak barrel filled with oil. There was also a huge bomb soaked in this oak barrel.

The entire oil drum quickly ignited and then detonated the bomb.


The bomb made a huge explosion, and then like a goddess scattering flowers, droplets of burning oil exploded in all directions.

The Aduaduchi people screamed in agony. Some were directly hit by shrapnel and lost their lives, but more burned oil fell on them.

The oil quickly ignited the Aduaduqi people, turning them into burning men.

The firemen screamed, and they tried every means to extinguish the flames on their bodies. No matter whether they rolled around or took off their clothes, it had no effect.

At this moment, more bombs exploded, lighting up the night sky like beautiful fireworks, and the burning oil sprinkled in all directions like raindrops.

An Aduaduqi man was ignited by the burning oil, and then screamed and struggled desperately.

The entire gate of the military camp completely turned into a world of flames. This world even extended outwards, and Levi also had some oil buried on the surface outside the military camp.

The Roman soldiers in the military camp were stunned. They had never seen such a horrific sight.

The firemen were wailing in the sea of ​​​​fire. They desperately beat the flames on their bodies, but to no avail, and finally turned into charcoal.

Only then did they understand why Levi said not to attack. To attack at this time was definitely to seek death. Qiqi novel first released online

Although the Aduaduqi people in the front suffered heavy casualties, the troops in the rear responded quickly.

They quickly ran towards the stone castle on the mountain, but at this moment, Roman troops holding torches blocked their way back.

Then the two sides began to fight fiercely. With Li Wei's various preparations, the Aduaduqi people were finally wiped out.

The Aduaduchi people in the stone castle also discovered something strange at the foot of the mountain, but they did not dare to send troops to rescue them for fear of falling into a Roman trap.

The whole war continued until the morning of the second day. When the Roman soldiers were cleaning the battlefield, many people vomited.

They are also veterans who have been in battle for a long time, but they have never seen such a terrifying scene.

The charred corpses are in various weird situations. Their mouths are open and their empty eyes are like silent accusations against the world.

According to statistics, the enemy sent more than 6,000 soldiers in this battle. In the end, they were all buried here. It is estimated that there were only a few thousand in the stone fort.

Li Wei made the sign of the cross with pity on his face, "The true God is most merciful and benevolent. Why are they unwilling to convert to the true God?"

Everyone looked at Levi with admiration. His Majesty the Pope was always so compassionate.

"What should we do next?"

Lysias asked.

"Order the soldiers to rest for a day and attack the city tomorrow."

Levi thought for a while and said.

Under the command of Roman soldiers, the Narvi began to build forts.

The path was filled with rocks, making it impossible to dig a tunnel.

They exhausted various methods and finally built two forts.

The Aduaduqi people continued to harass them and killed several of them, but it was of no use.

The next morning, the siege engines were ready and the two trebuchets were installed.

Those Roman soldiers were ready for a big fight.

At this time, the white flag was raised again in the stone castle, and Li Wei and others looked at each other in shock.

"Your Majesty, it was indeed our fault last time. This time we really want to surrender. I beg you, the merciful one, to promise us. We are willing to all convert to the Holy Religion, and we will send hostages."

cried one of Aduaduqi's messengers.

The generals looked at him with anger, they had never seen such a shameless person.

The promised surrender turned out to be a false surrender, but now they saw that they couldn't fight and surrendered again. This made them so angry that they wanted to curse.

"Your Majesty, I don't think it's appropriate! We must severely punish these capricious villains. I think we should continue to attack the city."

"That's right. Who can guarantee that there will not be another sneak attack after they surrender? I also think that their surrender is unacceptable."


One lieutenant general after another stood up and made impassioned speeches, insisting on attacking the city.

But Livy knew that their old habits were back. The Roman army had always been an army hungry for wealth, and only war could allow them to legally rob a city.

Not much money was found in the towns of Aduaduqi. It was obvious that the Aduaduqi people had hidden them in stone castles.

Once they surrender, then they can't loot their wealth.

"The true God is merciful. I can allow you to surrender and keep your lives. But you need to hand over your wealth as punishment for breaking your promise."

Levi said.

"no problem."

Aduaduqi's envoy said helplessly that it was good to be able to save his life in this situation.

Seeing this, the lieutenants no longer complained. They could say anything if they had money, so they all agreed to Aduaduqi's surrender. In this way, the last resistance force in the Bilge region surrendered.

While Livy was encircling and suppressing the Belgeans, Belius also won many battles against other tribes.

After winter, Livi basically completed the unification of Gaul.

After the news spread back to Rome, Rome was once again in a state of excitement.

Although Levi feels that the Celtics' combat effectiveness is a bit weak, in fact, the Celtics have caused huge harm to Roma in history.

In history, the Celts once invaded Rome and almost wiped out the Romans.

Later, the unruly and undisciplined Celts caused great trouble to Rome many times. For example, they followed Hannibal to attack Rome, and they have always been a serious problem for the Romans.

Livy's unification of Gaul completely solved this problem, and Rome once again held a grand thanksgiving ceremony to celebrate this matter.

Late at night, in Rome.

Catiline carefully walked towards his home with a dozen guards. He didn't like going out late at night very much recently. The fastest updated Qiqi novel

Because he had been assassinated twice recently, he knew who had done it without guessing, which made him feel angry.

He didn't expect that the other party was so arrogant. He had become a veteran and the other party still wouldn't let him go.

Due to the strong power of the other party and the fact that he had no evidence, he had absolutely no way to deal with the other party.

This evening he had just attended a banquet held by Menmus, Pompey's brother-in-law, who was very influential in the Senate.

Rejecting his invitation meant that he was likely to offend him, and even the senators of Pompey's faction, so he had to attend.


At this moment, a scream came from the side.

Catiline looked horrified, and he quickly hid in a corner nearby.

"No, there's an assassin."

"Protect Master."


The guards said quickly, they quickly protected Catiline in the middle, and several clever guards had already begun to search for the enemy.

At this time, Catiline discovered that one of the guards beside him had been shot in the abdomen by an arrow. He was lying on the ground in pain.

"Asshole! Levi, you bastard! I will never let you go!"

Like a lonely animal being cornered, Catiline said with great anger.

This is the fourth time Li Wei has sent someone to assassinate him!

The fourth time!

How many times did Levi plan to assassinate him?

"Reporting to the master, we did not find the assassin. He has run away."

Not long after, his guard came back and said with a guilty look on his face.

"I understand, let's go back quickly."

said Catiline.

After saying that, he quickly left here with these guards.

The next day he reported the incident to the alderman and strongly condemned the poor security situation in Rome.

The city officials immediately stated that they would do their best to deal with the matter, but they all knew that the matter would probably go unsolved because the situation behind the matter was too complicated.

One morning Menmus came to Catiline's house.

"Dear Catiline, I heard that you were assassinated after attending a dinner party I gave?"

A false smile appeared on Menmuse's face.

"That's right."

Catiline said grimly.

"They really went too far. Do you know who did this?"

"Who else but that damn man."

said Catiline angrily.

Of course Menmuse understood who he was talking about, and he said with a smile: "But he is in Gaul, and it is impossible to sue him. Even if you want to sue, the most you can do is kill a few of his lackeys. "

"You are right, his power is too great now."

Catiline said through gritted teeth.

"Do you know why he had to kill you?"

Menmuse said.

"I don't know. Do you know?"

Catiline said doubtfully.

"Did you receive a prophecy that you would become the third Roman ruler of the Cornelius clan?"

Menmuse said with a smile.

Catiline couldn't help but change his face. This was the biggest secret in his heart. He had never told anyone else. How did he know?

"I do not understand what you are saying?"

said Catiline.

"Actually, this oracle is true. Levi knew this oracle through the True God, so he plans to kill you."

Menmuse said.

Catiline looked at him in shock, "Are you telling the truth?"

"That's right, he doesn't want you to become the ruler of Rome. So even if you don't want to be his enemy, he will definitely kill you."

Menmuse smiled sinisterly.

Catiline's face became cloudy and uncertain. What should I do?

Now Levi's reputation has reached the sky, and all kinds of auras are attached to him. Just thinking of going against him is enough to make him despair.

"But don't worry, we will support you."

Menmuse said with a smile.

"who are you?"

Catiline asked coldly, he is not an idiot, he believes that there are such good things in the world.

"We represent the majority of Rome's nobility."

"Including Pompey and Crassus?"


"You can think it's included, but they won't admit it."

Menmuse said very tactfully.

Catiline gave him a contemptuous look, a group of guys who only dared to hide behind their backs and engage in conspiracy.

"Of course, you can refuse and let them kill you."

Menmuse sneered, saying that he did not believe that Catiline would not take the bait.

Catiline's face froze. He knew that he had no choice at all, so he said: "What do you want me to do?"

"Do what the oracle says and become the ruler of Rome. We will help you become a consul. We will even help you become a dictator for life like Sulla. All you have to do is destroy. Dragon City, destroy the Holy Religion and seize all the secrets of Dragon City."

Menmuse said.

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