Sage Warrior

Chapter 18

sage warrior

- Volume 1 Episode 18

Jung Daesik immediately checked his account when he was told that he had split the money he had received from the broker.

The only person doing that was Jung Daesik, and the other party members didn't even look into the account.

He believes in Seok Woo-won and believes that he will be with him in the future, so he doesn't even need to check his account.

Only Jung Daesik checked whether the money was deposited or not, and whether the calculation was correct or not.

While seeing Jung Daesik's actions clearly, Seok Woo-won didn't show a bad mood.

He just did it and did a follow-up.

"Everyone worked hard today, and their skills were excellent. I feel that our party is getting better and better day by day."

Everyone raised their beer mugs and cheered at Seok Woo-won's words.

"Oh oh!"

"I survived today, so let's have a drink, cheers!"


It was quiet for a while, clinking glasses and drinking beer.

Seok Woo-won, who took the time to put down his glass, spoke quickly.

“So, I think I’ll try to hunt Cerberus sooner or later.”

"Wow, are you serious?"

"It would be dangerous."

"No matter how many times I've caught it, I'm honestly scared."

Seok Woo-won said with strength in his voice as he looked around the party members who were shivering or flirting.

“There’s something to be afraid of. Have you already hunted Cerberus once?

"Isn't that why you want to go hunting for hell dragons?"

There was a roar of laughter at someone's words.

Hearing that, Seok Woo-won smiled and shrugged his shoulders as if why not.

"That wouldn't be too bad, if we could beat Cerberus funny. And I don't think it's that far off."

He soon glanced at Jung Daesik and said:

"If you keep hunting like this, one day Cerberus will become a piece of cake, and then you will be able to catch a hell dragon. Isn't it getting stronger little by little like this?"

Jung Daesik drank the beer without much reaction.

In my heart, I didn't like the words of hell.

'It's enough just to catch Cerberus. What is another hell dragon? Anyway, I guess you mean it with me in mind. But now, if I say that I fall for it... it will hurt my heart.'

I thought I would withdraw my feet right away, but I regret it a little bit, but Seok Woo-won said as if he had read Jung Daesik's inner thoughts.

“Maybe someone in this position thinks that Cerberus alone is dangerous enough. Do you really need to risk your life to challenge the hell dragon? In fact, many hunters end up settling down in Suljapat with that thought. I don't want to live that way because I was chosen as a child. No matter what we say..."

"Those who have been chosen by God!"

Jung Daesik was taken by surprise as the other hunters all shouted in unison.

Leaving him blinking in embarrassment, the hunters slammed the table with beer mugs and shouted.

"Exterminate the beings of the other world! If you do that, you will gain strength!"

All awakened people flashed their eyes as they shouted the words they would hear when they were called to the space of God.

Jung Daesik couldn't get caught up in that.

It wasn't just the words he heard, but the strange heat of the Hunters.

It was because he was overwhelmed by the intoxicated atmosphere as if the taste had gone a bit.

Leaving Jung Daesik like that, Seok Woo-won exclaimed.

"Yes, we are Hunters!""It's a Hunter!"

"We hunt!"


"Therefore it exists!"


"Let's go, catch Cerberus!"


Hunters screaming for the tavern to leave.

Jung Daesik tried to ignore the fact that a part of his chest felt warm as he saw it.

And feeling insecure about not knowing what it was, he pondered his plan.

'...Yeah, until Cerberus it's fine. I've already caught it once. But hell dragons are too dangerous. I'll have to say goodbye to these guys soon. After all, I've collected quite a bit of money from hunting.'

Jung Daesik was going to use that money to boost his stamina a bit more.

Because stamina is responsible for vitality and defense, that was the priority when considering safety.

Especially if you're thinking of leaving this party and going solo.

'I'll have to check my status sometime.'

Besides, Jung Daesik was basically a reinforcement type.

It is natural for the body, which is the basis of reinforcement, to become stronger as the physical strength increases.

The problem is that I have no idea how much power the physical state expressed by simple numbers exerts.

In the meantime, while hunting with a party, I rarely get directly attacked by monsters, so it was more so.

It was because Seok Woo-won and the other party members were very concerned about Jung Daesik's safety, even if they didn't know anyone else.

Jung Daesik didn't know what his defenses were, as he tried to protect him as a buffer even if it hurts me.

But he can't even throw his bare body at monsters.

Would it be better to hire another hunter, or what?

Jung Daesik quietly devised that idea while sitting among the hunters who were loud enough to destroy his ears.

Episode 6. The identity of desire

After the dinner party, Jung Daesik got on the bus.

He said that if he made enough money he would catch a taxi, but Jung Daesik didn't.

He took a seat in the back seat of the bus, although he didn't think he needed to spend any money, even if it was a penny.

It was past rush hour, so the bus was quiet.

Only five passengers, including Jung Daesik, were sitting, nodding or staring at their phones.

Jung Daesik, who looked out of his window, indifferently turning his gaze away from the scene, felt a rush of sleepiness.

He still had a long way to go before he had to get off, so he went to sleep with his arms crossed and his head resting on his car window.

His eyelids fell and he fell asleep terribly with a cold, how long had he been sleeping like that?


Jung Daesik woke up in shock as if he had been hit by cold water.

He raised his head and looked around, and the bus was running at an unusual speed.

Knock Knock Knock Knock Knocked Down!

The hull shook violently, leaving passengers desperately holding onto the handlebars.

It seemed that the reason everyone was terrified was not just because the bus was running wildly.


Jung Daesik couldn't grasp the situation in the bus running like crazy for some horror movie.

Just bewildered for a moment.

Then, something swung out the window.


Familiar with his large size, Jung Daesik pressed his face close to his car window.

And he quickly tried to see what had passed the bus.

In a terrifying way, something rushed past the bus.

The shape was familiar.


Jung Daesik uttered a few words in surprise and saw the mantis running in a group.

Following him, the giant scarab flew away with a roaring noise.

Soon, a giant scarab smashed its whole body against the king mantis and landed, and with its huge horns, it was repeatedly beaten.

In the midst of a fight between monsters, a bus rushed past them.

Fitting geek-! Boo ah ah!

The bus, which turned a big corner after hitting a sharp brake, seemed to fall over to the side at any moment.

In the midst of the chaos, one of her grandmothers, who was hanging from the bus handle, lost her hand.


Jung Daesik reflexively snatched her grandmother as her body flew into the air and flew to the other side of her to hit her.

"Oh my, oh my!"

Her grandmother was screaming at her with her eyes tightly closed, as if she had lost her mind.

Jung Daesik pulled out a wire from her waist and tied the old woman to her chair.

After tying the knot with quick skill, the driver was in an uproar this time.

He hurriedly clenched his handle and sweared.


He spit out cursing like it was evil, and this time he slammed his steering wheel in the opposite direction.

Then something like a huge rock rolled right next to the bus.

But if you look closely, you can see that it was a large ball made of road railings, asphalt, and steel structures.

It seems that not only king mantis and giant beetles but also metal dung beetles have appeared.

'The monsters that should only exist in the dungeon are running out, how the hell did this happen?'

Confused, Jung Daesik heard the driver scream again.

"Again, I'm coming again!"

Suddenly, as I turned my head forward, a huge boulder made of metal dung beetles was rolling in front of the bus.

Moreover, there are rivers on both sides!

It was on the bridge, so there was nowhere to escape.


As the driver shrieked and shut his eyes, Jung Daesik showed his wits.



Magic energy escaped from his fingertips and surrounded the entire bus.

As soon as he reflexively strengthened the bus, a lump of stone coagulated with iron and asphalt collided with the bus.




Passengers screamed and lowered themselves, while the windshield of the bus shattered.


Next, the ceiling was hollowed out.

It's crazy!

But the bus was holding its shape.

Thanks to Jung Daesik's strengthening of the bus, it was able to withstand the dung made by metal dung beetles.


But somehow, the speed of the bus was gradually decreasing.

Apparently, the driver was holding his steering wheel and his head down.

He was so frightened that he thought it was all wrong and lost his mind.

Jung Daesik hurriedly ran to the driver's seat and grabbed the driver's shoulder to get him up.

"Calm down!"


The driver, covered in tears, raised his head at Jung Daesik's remarks.

Looking at his face, out of focus in fear, Jung Daesik spoke with strength in his voice.

"I am a Hunter."

"Huh, huh, Hunter...?"

"I'll cover this bus, so don't be afraid and run!"

Having said that, Jung Daesik took his automatic rifle out of his back pack.

Seeing the shiny black weapon, the driver seemed to have come to his senses.

Whether or not Jung Daesik gained strength from the word Hunter, he closed his mouth and nodded his head.

After patting him on the shoulder, Jung Daesik pointed his gun at the broken glass windshield.

And he aimed at the king mantis, which was running straight this way.



Magic flowed into his automatic rifle, and Jung Daesik slashed his gun.

Todd and to do!

A glowing magic bullet jumped out of the bus and hit the king mantis directly.

The king mantis's large eyes exploded, and the man shuddered.

After hitting the mantis, the bus continued to run.

One after another, another Monkey attacked Jung Daesik and slashed the pistol they attached to the bus.

But then.


I thought the bus was going to sway loudly, but suddenly I heard a flash of light in front of me.



The screams of the passengers broke out, and the bus was thrown into the air as if something had risen from the ground.

It quickly turned over and hit the floor from the ceiling.



A tinnitus that came with shock.

At the end of the tinnitus came a brief darkness.

The veil was forcibly removed and Jung Daesik came to his senses.

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