(There are small flowers O(∩_∩)O).

"My name is Steve, I'm from the Overworld, and I'm your kindest warrior! I'm here to help you slay dragons!"

"Such a coward would dare to drive an end ship!? Get out of the way, let me get the elytra and slay the dragon!".

Wearing a pumpkin head, he said.

Christina heard a cliché story.

So much so that when she heard the beginning of the story like a bard's carol, she had already guessed the end of the story.

But the person who tells

this story is a powerful SCP, and she still holds 096 in her hand, who has lost the desire to struggle, and is well-behaved like a baby, and no one can show a contemptuous expression.

What's more, although Ender herself is very dissatisfied with her current form, according to Christina's aesthetics, Ender undoubtedly has the best looks.

Except that it was a little barren there, she was like a character out of games and comics, captivating the country and the city, but cold and arrogant, and independent.

If I were a man, I'd have to envy Steve

Well, even if I'm not a man, I'm envious.

So what's so good about the cube people?

Christina pouted, and in her heart, her understanding of beauty made an exclamation that was in line with the psychology of an earthling.

A cold glint flashed in Ender's eyes, but she didn't move.

She never asked everyone to understand Steve, after all, the fewer people who understood him, the more she could enjoy this treasure to herself.

What's more, the Otherworldly people are almost related to water (endermen hate water the most, and they will get hurt when they touch water), but anyone with normal aesthetics won't take a fancy to them, right?

So, in the delicate situation that Ender thinks Christina is ugly and Christina thinks Steve is ugly, the two actually got together like crocodiles and dogheads without meeting, but started the story peacefully.


A long,

long time ago, the dragon suddenly appeared.

Purple dragon's breath scorched the lands of the End, and the lands, no smaller than the Overworld, began to crumble, and endless endermen fell into the dark void beneath the devoid of end rocks, never to be seen again.

The ender dragon

brought disaster and destroyed the endermen kingdom in the End, although the endermen desperately resisted, but due to the lack of effective means of air, the huge country of the ender people had to move their clans, using the remaining materials to build hundreds of ender ships, and using shulkers as weapons against the ender dragon, and fought and retreated, fleeing to the edge of the ender.

In the process of escaping, the Shadowship was sunk one after another, and even Endel, the princess of the endermen and the queen of the entire End, was forcibly taken away by the dragon.

Luckily, after capturing the princess, the Shadowless Dragon disappeared into the darkness, building its own crystal tower and cutting off its connection to the Overworld.

And the surviving endermen have come to a place that even the shadowless dragons can't reach.

This is the end of the

End, unlike Steve's Overworld, where there is no "Wall of Sighs" separating the void from the earth, and the endermen have established their new kingdom in this barren place-—— a ruined city made of several towers and a fortress, the kingdom of the endermen.

It all seems to be over.

The endermen survived under the influence of dragons, and the former Lord of the End was shelved to make and repair ender crystals (the thing that adds blood to dragons), and the end was cut off from the Overworld.

But one day, a brave man arrived!

When the dragon plague came, the endermen of the exiled Overworld lost their minds, blindly carrying mud men, cobblestone, and everything else that could be carried, trying to return home through the vanished end portals and rebuild the shattered land bit by bit. ...

Their move appealed to Steve.

After a face-to-face and friendly exchange with the armed people, the endermen fully understood Steve's sincerity in eradicating the harm to the people, and were willing to sacrifice their ender pearls to help Steve find and reactivate the damaged end portal.

The dragon-slaying warrior wields a sword, the light of magic shining on the blade, each sword leaving a scar on the dragon as it attacks.

After a grueling struggle, he drew his bow and arrows, which shimmered with the light of fire and power magic and finally pierced through the body of the ender dragon.

As he ascended into the sky, the light of the explosion that illuminated the end of the film shone brightly, and the brave finally defeated the dragon.

It's not the first time Christina has heard similar stories about Dragon Quest legends, both in the chaos of Europe and in the monster of Asia, there is a big market, and today, in the 21st century, this legend has been adapted into a series of new gadgets such as games, anime, novels, songs, etc. ...

But that's all fake.

—————————————-—— (small theater) —————————————————————

Steve: "Sheep eat wheat and there will be lambs, why don't you have little villagers." "

Villager: "Uh-huh!!


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