Since knowing that there was a certain big guy standing behind her, Christina was a little more confident in doing things, dragging the mouse while explaining to Steve:

"Mr. Steve, do you know what a reality bender is?".

Steve touched Fang's chin, thought about it thoughtfully, and then shook his head decisively:

"I don't know. "

Christina had an expected expression, if the cube man knew everything, what else would she have to explain?

She smiled slightly

"It's okay, I can explain this to you later, so do you know what the Hugh Indifference Index is?"

Steve was silent for a while, racking his brains to recall all the terms he had heard, and then shook his head

"I don't know. "

Christina comforted herself, there is such a thing as Hugh Mozhi, people who have not really studied this aspect are indeed unlikely to know, and it is reasonable that Steve does not know.

So, she asked again

"Mr. Steve, do you feel like you're inadvertently changing reality and making everything work your way where you think it's good?"

Steve frowned, recalling the tragedy of being

accidentally scalded to death by magma when he went down the mine, recalling the pain of finally digging up a group of diamonds, but being shot into the magma by Xiaobai's sword that he didn't know where it came from, and recalling pretending to be too lazy to go downhill step by step, holding a bucket from the top of the mountain The leap of faith didn't have time to release the water, resulting in the accident of "Steve landed too violently".

It turns out that these are developing towards a good place

Are you kidding me?

Steve shook his head a little depressedly, looked at Christina with questioning eyes, and said:

"I don't think so. "

"Everything I have is piled up with my life, and in my world, there is no luck except for the pickaxe enchanted by fortune!".

Although I don't know why Steve's tone suddenly became stern, Christina still blinked her eyes and nodded a little aggrieved.

Isn't there something wrong? Shouldn't I have taught Steve?

Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, Mr. Steve is not a bad person, and many reality benders are not aware of their abilities at first, just remind him a little.

"Maybe you didn't notice, but you never thought about how you managed to make so many gold nuggets?"

Before Christina could finish speaking, Steve stood up, picked up her laptop in front of her, put it in his pocket, and said to her

"See, I put it in my pocket, I didn't conjure it up, I spent a lot of effort digging it out of the mine!"

The corners of Christina's mouth twitched, and she gestured: "You didn't subconsciously think that you could put it in when you put it in, so you put the computer in the ....... that is not that big at all."

Steve: "You're teaching me how to do things?"

Christina: "...... I'm really sorry.".

Steve patted her on the shoulder and pounded her chest with a generous blow

"It's okay, I forgive you, let's say, what do you want your big brother Steve to do for you?".

Christina's expression was blue and purple for a while, and she took several deep breaths before she rolled the old groove in her heart and the unwilling tears of humiliation in her eyes into her stomach.

She pointed to the paused tape on the large display and said:

"We want you to help us find a reality bender. "

Steve: "What is a reality bender?" "

Christina: "You know the Hugh Desert Index.... Anyway, we'd like to ask you to cooperate with the Task Force, and when they storm the stadium with the Reality Anchor, the Reality Bender will definitely show up to check on the conspiracy that has been disturbed, so can you help us catch him?"

Steve raised an eyebrow, oh, catch.

He leaned closer to Christina and whispered in his ear

"I Steve isn't sure about arresting people, but I'm sure I'm

going to kill that guy in the name of arresting people, and I'm Steve, and it's big!"

"So, ask me beforehand, you can as long as you live, right?"

Christina's spine shuddered when she heard this, big brother, you said this in front of me, is this really reasonable?

But she had to nod her head anyway.

Indeed, the

Foundation's approach to reality benders has never been to contain and confine, but to go beyond the scenes.

The reason why I wanted to catch it alive this time was just to find out why the reality bender was targeting Foundation staff.

It's okay to kill, just do it.

With that in mind, she nodded.

Riding in the Foundation's car, Steve set foot on a foreign land for the first time in the true sense of the word.

Beyond the one-way glass windows, matchbox buildings are full of beauty, and the steel forests and modern streets are full of traffic, completely overturning Steve's judgment that the Foundation is just a village.

Here, at least, it is also a super-large building complex that is not lost to the Shadow Kingdom and Hell Fortress!

Lying in the car, Steve

felt very comfortable, although the car was not the payment that Dr. Garner had promised him, but just now, Steve had reached a verbal agreement with Christina that as soon as Steve brought back the troublesome reality bender, she would pay out of her own pocket to buy Steve a top-of-the-line roadster.

Steve specifically asked what a roadster looked like.

"Roadsters have cool, streamlined body ......".

"I don't want a convertible one, you can get me one. "

Steve points to the truck wallpaper on an innocent researcher's computer.

He still remembered Christina walking up to the researcher, poking her head out to take a closer look at the Dongfeng heavy truck on the wallpaper, and looking back like a fool.

Steve expressed disdain, tasteless woman, are humans in this world so blind?

Look at the big truck, that angular appearance, that powerful lines, that cool and pulling, even the driving cab is superior to others!

Do you dare to say that this kind of artifact, it's not domineering?!

Now, as Steve looks out the window at the distant tube building, he understands something.

- Christina is only a stinky woman who is stupid, and other humans are still normal!

—————————————-—— (small theater) —————————————————————

Christina: "Do you believe in luck?".

Steve: "When I didn't take the Three of Fortune and the Enchanted Bow, but was struck twice a day by thunder, I was born on the island, and there was only one tree, and I didn't give it to the sapling, and I have believed it ever since." "

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