No sooner had Steve sneaked onto the court than Leif felt something was wrong.

How did he dig a tunnel to get in?

Putting the TNT aside and crouching down cautiously, Leif leaned his head in front of the 1x1 meter square hole where he couldn't find a flaw.

Reaching out and touching it, there was no

cement, smelled, and there was no smell of glue, Leif had the audacity to stick out his tongue and lick it.

Well, there's really no binder including saliva, just the eclectic taste of Mother Earth!

So why, what is it about this tunnel that has not collapsed?

Even the Kant counter in Leif's bag did not give an alarm, indicating that Steve's tunnel was obviously not built using the abilities of reality benders, but was recognized by the laws of physics in this world, and even Newton and Einstein nodded with satisfaction!

Mr. Newton, Mr. Einstein, if you are threatened, blink your eyes, and I promise to save you.... Or forget it...... I promise to say a few kind words for you in front of the cube people!

If Newton had known, and didn't know if he would have blinked at the risk of being milked, perhaps he would have explained

"It's all said, China is not under my control, it's under my brother's control, what, it's not China, it's Minecraft?

Why the Minotaur?

Because of the minotaur biss.

So Minecraft is unsupervised.

Well, worthy of Newton, the argument is simply powerful and convincing!

Somehow, Leif had praised Newton like a convulsive hand, stood up and patted the dust off his body.

Forget it, no matter what anomalies you encounter, you can explain that Mr. Steve is an SCP, and Leif just needs to do his job.

He picked up a cubic meter of TNT and walked over to the task force who was struggling in front of the door, shouting

"Big brothers, come on TNT. "


A new cycle began, and Dr. Caya squatted down and threw herself to the ground next to her, and in the next second, the iron rod that she was supposed to use to support the Heat's cheering slogan turned into a killing weapon and swung it across.

Since the beginning of

an unknown number of reincarnations, the man sitting behind him to the right would slam her head at the beginning of the reincarnation, and after she lost consciousness or simply fell into [death], he would take her self-defense gun as a member of the Foundation.

After more than ten reincarnations, Caya's body has developed muscle memory for the time, position, and even strength of the swing, which allowed her to finally dodge the fatal blow at the beginning of this reincarnation.

Seeing his wife suffering, the husband was on the verge of a nervous breakdown, but almost instinctively grabbed the beer bottles and cans around him and waved them at the attacker in an orderly manner.

As it turned out, skill was less important than luck when the situation was already chaotic, and Caya was lucky enough to seize the only possible opportunity and dodge the blow with maximum speed and a near-twisted stance, but the attacker was not so lucky.

The beer bottle slammed into the stunned attacker, and the

young man subconsciously wanted to cover the top of his head, but in exchange for the bloody blur of his hands pierced by the fragments of the beer bottle, and the next moment, the pinched and flattened cans coincidentally crossed the neck of the screaming and retreating attacker

The husband never thought of killing someone. So, watching the attacker scream, choke on blood, and finally lose his life, he was so shocked that he stood still.

But Caya is a professional, although the doctors who work in the Foundation don't often see blood, but that's also "inoften", compared to the task force members who lick blood from the knife edge and dance the tightrope, they may be a lot inferior, but in the face of abnormal life, who hasn't experienced a few life and death partings?

She is an employee of the Foundation, the only person in this living hell who can protect her family and protect all people.

She hadn't fallen yet, so she stepped forward, hugged her distracted husband, and pushed her frightened daughter into his arms, while she ran quickly to the court.

The picture scroll of hell, accompanied by a gradually scarlet light, is attracting the attention of demons, which are demons in the true sense of the word, and they are existence that humans cannot compete with or even understand for the time being.

In countless cycles of death, she gradually discovered this.

Reincarnation is not without limits, or rather, although there is no limit to the number of times, but there is a limit to the lives of Cava and many humans in the stadium, if the lights are completely scarlet, the bloody demon will look at this hell scroll, above the grand scene of the world, including Caya, everyone, must die.

And if it is killed by "it".... Is the power of a reality bender really enough to bring them back to life?

Caya isn't sure, but she knows that you can never gamble on the opportunities that ethereal others have given you, and she has to take her fate into her own hands!

For yourself, for your family, and for the protection of the humans in this arena!

"We contain, we control, we protect!".

With the

Foundation's purpose in mind, Caya leapt from the bottom of the stands, the plan already in her mind that her first target would be the center of the stadium, where he would have a wider vision to find the damned reality bender hiding in the crowd and playing peek-a-boo.

The greenery of the stadium is right in front of you.

Dr. Caya is a tumbling unloader.

plunged headlong into the square pit that suddenly appeared.

Die before leaving the school, and the hero will be full of tears!

—————————————-—— (small theater) —————————————————————

Newton and Einstein: "Strange, did the author see our coffin board, we have been looking for it for a long time." "

An author: "Why do you ask me?" Don't ask Steve".

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