Although the world in front of me is still an angular rectangular room, it is unusual to have a large round statue with an obvious and square person, and the colorful paint seems to be splashed directly on the statue, but it does not dye the whole statue with a certain eye color like the traditional dyeing.

What a miracle this is!

I remember playing Pure Survival!

There are rainbow squares that only exist in mods!

Breaking the fourth wall is a

common move, and Steve has always disdained to observe the world from the most divine perspective, after all, he lives in a world with a bug product like the Destiny Cube, and the so-called fourth wall is nothing more than a /:gamemode1 instruction.

Whether or not this is new to the Nether, all in all, say hello.

So, behind the surveillance camera, under the gaze of Dr. Andrew and a group of researchers, the unusual SCP cube life in front of him, as if it was a trick, without warning, changed his cyan boots to gold, and at the same time, the long sword in his hand was also miraculously replaced with gold ingots

"Doctor, do you see that?" muttered the researcher, rubbing his eyes subconsciously

Dr. Andrew frowned in displeasure, of course he saw, and saw very clearly, that at Side-19, just across the wall from him, the cube life in the monitor had performed his first abilities as a newly born, undocumented SCP containment

Completely new items were created out of thin air without causing any energy fluctuations.

In normal times, Dr. Andrew would have put a big X on his internship file when he heard a researcher question such a stupid question questioning his vision, but only today, he doesn't care about those crooked bureaucratic products.

His shock was not under the researchers.

Even God's creation of life still produces energy, and SCP-1239 (Witch Girl), who has the power to make wishes come true with almost omnipotence, will produce a certain mind-control fluctuation when exerting her abilities, and can be blocked by SCP-148 (Mind-Blocking Alloy).

There are no energy fluctuations, creating things out of thin air?

What a horrible and cosmic thing

this is?

I'm afraid this SCP isn't easy to deal with!

Dr. Four of the Apocalypse and

Incident 239-B-Clef-Kondraki (The witch girl's wish come true ability played a role in a strange place, and he felt that Dr. Clef wanted to punish him severely, so the Doctor, who didn't want anything in the first place, really had the idea of killing him, which later caused civil unrest among the four Dr. Apocalypse. The jewel is in front. Andrew didn't dare to use the cost of "accidentally" hitting the corner of the table nine times and paralyzing all the neck down to prove the strength of the cube like Dr. Clef, so he immediately pressed the emergency communication button and said to the busy voice coming from the other side of the transmitter

"There was an accident in the containment chamber of side 119, and an unregistered SCP life suddenly appeared, and the preliminary determination level was at least .... Keter。 Immediately send a task force to support. "

Then, he pushed away the panicked researcher and sat down on his own.

He had a bold, but also the most plausible idea, that he intended to show favor to the cube lifeform in front of him.

Although the existence of the

cube life in front of him and the initial ability to show it have far exceeded the scope of human beings, but in terms of appearance alone, Andrew has to admit that Steve is also a human with a nose and a mouth, a pair of eyes and two legs, and an arm that can take off.

Although there won't be that human being in a square shape, right.

There are several advantages to humanoid SCPs, first of all, most of them have a certain amount of intelligence, and even if they are infected by the zombie virus, they also have basic hearing and sight senses. Second, some of them can communicate, and being able to communicate means that there is room for reconciliation, and Andrew did not fail to think that the cube man in front of him might be a monster similar to SCP-096 (a shy person, very famous, I won't introduce it, I may be killed by describing the appearance), but he didn't shoot at the D-class personnel and 173 who still had weak vital signs.

So, he

felt that he had a chance, and the gate of SIDE 19 used a special alloy, which was not so easy to break through.

So, he turned on the microphone that connected to the room.

People can, at least try.

This is the most valuable first-hand information, and if you get it in advance, you might be able to reduce the casualties of the task force, and even contain this terrible creature peacefully.

Life is priceless at all times!

"Hello, unknown life. "

He swallowed and tried to speak in English.

"We are the SCP Foundation, my name is Andrew, and the organization and content of the Foundation will be put aside for now, but for now, we have a very important thing to inform you. "

"Please absolutely, absolutely do not look back, and do not take your eyes off 173, otherwise the moment you move away from the realization of the 99th...."

Steve turned his head and looked at the announcer on the wall:

"Which one is 173?".

There was a gust of wind behind him, and the

fluorescent light projected from the fake window was suddenly obscured by the tall statue, forming a strange shadow in front of Steve, and the mysterious statue that was originally immobile suddenly stretched out its hands.

A force so great that it seemed to be irresistible acted on Steve's neck, and Steve's head was turned one hundred and eighty degrees unguardedly.


Although he was covered and couldn't see Steve's condition, Andrew was already screaming that something was wrong.

This cube head can be created out of thin air, can't you perceive the danger in front of you?

He didn't think Steve, who was an unincluded SCP, would die of a broken bone so easily, and he was even more worried about whether 173's actions could be perceived as hostile

If this cubeman is recognized as an enemy, what kind of crisis will happen to the Foundation?

But it didn't take long for Steve's words to dispel his concerns.

The cube man slowly adjusted the perspective that had been forcibly twisted, looked at the big man in front of him, knocked on his stone skin, as if measuring the hardness, and said in a leisurely tone

"You don't beat me in golden shoes, I thought you and the pig spirit girl were relatives, but you wanted to sneak attack for a long time. "

"No wonder you don't want gold ingots, silver ingots, and diamond sets, good guy, just gave me a chaotic dubuff, and the perspective was crooked. Xiaobai is not as yin as you, a good iron puppet, dirtier than a witch.

"But, master, be strong, or I'll have to do it!"

The cubeman's head turned around three hundred and sixty degrees, and he pulled out a diamond pickaxe out of thin air.

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