(The old rule, ask for flowers......... )

I don't know when something began to appear on the earth that is beyond human understanding.

They have even threatened the lives of all of humanity, and at this moment, a mysterious organization has quietly emerged, which has come to be known as the Foundation.

Their mission is to contain these anomalous objects, entities, or phenomena.

The containment process requires that the world remain normal at all costs.

- Because if any anomalous phenomenon were to be made public, it would cause panic to humanity, and some containment objects would become powerful as a result, and even lead to the destruction of the planet.

As such, all of their work must be done in secret, and if accidentally discovered, the discoverer is to be administered Class-A amnestics, and the Foundation is not under the command of any state, and each containment object is given a specific designation, such as SCP-035 "Occupying the Mask" and SCP-049 "Plague Doctor".

As the Foundation

grew up, its mission was summarized in the three aspects of "Secure, Contain, and Protect" (the abbreviation of the three words is SCP), which perfectly illustrates the Foundation.

- Secure refers to the Foundation's ongoing global surveillance and observation of anomalous activities in order to respond to anomalous activity as soon as it occurs, and to organize effective interception to prevent civilians from coming into contact with these anomalies.

- Containment, in Foundation parlance, is the relocation, concealment, or removal of certain anomalies, and the prevention of the spread of information related to them as much as possible, which may involve the use of a chemical compound or technology to delete and then rewrite the memories of infected civilians. and at all costs, to prevent the anomalies from falling beyond their control.


Secure refers to the protection of all human beings from anomalies, including the elimination of entities such as SCP-682 if necessary, 682 is an indestructible reptile that has been proven by the Foundation in multiple experiments not to die, but the Foundation has not given up. Research is ongoing, and the Foundation is still exploring any and all possible methods of destruction that could be used to reduce the harm of more entities.


Foundation has created an object class system for the management of all observed anomalies.

While the classification of all entities and phenomena is determined by a variety of factors, the most important is the difficulty of containment.

The first major object category is Safe, where containment requires very few resources to be safely and properly contained, usually because the Foundation has done enough research on the SCP to require significant resources to contain it, or if the anomaly requires a specific and deliberate way of activating or triggering it.

Even a small number of Safe-class containment objects are allowed to roam the base. However, an SCP classified as Safe does not mean that it does not pose a threat when operating or activating it.

The second category is Euclid, whose behavior cannot be accurately predicted, and anomalies that are sentient and sapient or self-conscious. They have often violated the laws of physics or are now in need of more resources for containment or destruction. Euclid is the largest range of object classes, possessing the largest number of containment objects, and is usually classified as such if the SCP cannot be easily classified into other standard object classes.

Designated SCP-173 [Little Peanut] and SCP-096 [Shy Man], 096 is also known as the God of War for Ribs, although they can be reclassified as Safe-class containment if they are no longer hostile to people.

The third object category is Keter, which has been described as extremely difficult to contain anomalies that exhibit intense hostility towards humans, or are capable of causing significant damage in the event of a containment breach, so for the safety of all humanity, the Foundation considers it a top priority to eliminate or contain Keter-class anomalies.

But containing them requires resources and manpower, and it's terrifying. Keter-class containment procedures tend to be massive and complex.

Examples include SCP-354 [Blood Pool] and SCP-035 [Occupying Mask]. There are many unidentified creatures that emerge from 354, all of which are extremely hostile to humans, and since there is no record, they must be treated with the highest standards every time they appear. It was then disciplined in the subsidiary file of 354 to prevent a second blow.

For example, the giant bat entity 354-1 emits ultrasonic waves that can destroy all communication tools in the base, and fortunately the monster can be shot normally. 354-2 is a monster with distinct bear characteristics, covered in sharp thorns that block most bullet damage. There are also monsters such as 354-3, 354-4, 354-14, etc.

The fourth object category is Thaumiel, which is used to contain or counteract anomalous components of other SCPs or anomalous phenomena. The few remaining Thaumiel-class objects are top secret to the Foundation, and their location, function, and status are known only to a small number of Foundation personnel outside of the O5 Council.

For example, No. 7000-J, which is a book of Latin spells bound in dinosaur skin that can summon a variety of other entities, the Taumiel anomalies are more bizarre and esoteric, but thankfully they are usually less harmful than Euclid and Keter-class.

—————————————-—— (small theater) —————————————————————

A certain author: "I'm just doing another popular science, most of which I read a lot of spicy information, the same people sorted out, there are also a few sentences of me, in language it is borrowing, mathematically it is called analogy, in English it is called copy, geographically it is migration, biology is transcription, physical is the reference system, chemistry is called isomers, politically it is called seeking common ground while reserving differences, and it is the great cultural unification in history


Justified (¬〈¬☆).

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