Half a month has passed in a flash.

Of course, for Steve, half a month is just a blink of an eye, and after receiving the blessing of the Craftsman's Soul mod, he can finally rest assured and boldly take the Fortune Manuscript to dig up new minerals all over the world.

Therefore, recently, the monsters in the underground mines, who finally got time to rest, have once again ushered in the destruction of the legendary terrifying Homo erectus, and it is no exaggeration to say that Steve has now hollowed out all the valuable minerals within a radius of dozens of miles.

In fact, with the command block, he can create these precious minerals directly from the void, and there is no need to waste time at the risk of falling to death in the mine and being blown up by creepers.

But life lies in movement, turning on the mode of creation, and doing things recklessly against the whole world, he has done enough, and he has already done it tirelessly. What's so bad about having a pure survival once in a while?

Not to mention, this time of pure survival, he also learned a lot of secrets that he didn't even notice when he used to go around just to complete the "inventory mission".

For example, why are there so many endermen carrying blocks in the Overworld, and why do endermen in the End never carry any blocks, they have been banished from their homeland, but they have not given up their faith in saving their homeland.

Another example is the origin of the end city, why the end city with such a large fleet of end ships is built in the middle of nowhere, so remote that it is absolutely impossible to reach without the ender pearl teleporting at the portal - that is the spark of endermen's civilization, symbolizing the last struggle of a race.

Another example is the grudge between Ender, the leader of the endermen, and the ender dragon.

Ahem, well, well, I've recently been in contact with a group of good dragon relationships, and Steve's attitude towards the ender dragon has become warmer now, in short, it's not good, it's not good.

Maybe it was because she killed too fast at the time, and she knew that she would find a rein for the ender dragon to be tied to her obsidian tower, so that she could exchange feelings.

All in all.

If he hadn't really immersed himself in the survival of a world, Steve might never have cared about these stories hidden in the depths of the MC, let alone understood what kind of epic epics are hidden behind every life.

Of course, except for the villagers, the profiteers will always be biss, don't let me catch you, or you will put a fence in front of your house while you sleep, and you will not be released without tolls

Except for the creeper king, every time he goes out, he targets me, it's like blocking my door, I Steve can't be at ease as an idler farming and fishing, no matter what you think, it's your creeper's fault

But Steve doesn't care about ten days and half a month, it doesn't mean that the people in the Foundation don't care.

Since Steve's return from the interior of SCP-1762-1 and his return to his own world, it seems to be a tacit understanding that both SCP-1762 and Steve have temporarily lost signs of activity.

None of them showed up

This is something that has never happened before, Steve's side for the time being, he is very intelligent, his style is also strange, and he likes to talk about the Foundation from time to time, so he is not very popular except for Christina, whose performance has skyrocketed, but 1762 is famous for his love of humans, and a large group of people will fly out of the box almost every once in a while, flying around the humans, as if they are playing and playing.

Over time, the little paper dragons became almost the Foundation's little mascots - while no containment object should technically be taken lightly by Foundation members, 1762 was not a threat, and even the O5 rating was given a large Safe.

So, all of a sudden, the paper dragons that like to fly around and the cube people who like to run around the Foundation have disappeared, and the staff of Sectors 13 and 19 have a strong withdrawal reaction

This withdrawal reaction is especially manifested in Christina.

The first thing the director does when she gets up every morning is to run to Side-19's containment chamber with a large gold chain weighing several kilograms, and instruct the researcher to keep an eye on the performance door.

It's the gate of hell.

Then go back to work.

Dr. Garner, who was tasked with cooperating with Area 19 Observation 1762, was also strongly condemned by Director Black

- Let you study the containment, you're really awesome, the first research report submitted to me was the 1762 cessation of activity?If you didn't know that this matter had nothing to do with you, you would have to call up the CN Department in a few minutes to deal with the monster SCP containment over there~"

In view of the urgency of the situation, Christina's performance and Dr. Garner's life, the Foundation had to start preparing for it, abandoning the passive surveillance and observation it had been doing so in favor of active contact.

"Hopefully there won't be any problems. "

Christina rubbed the big gold chain on her hand, her face was solemn, as if she was holding a string of prayer beads in her hand, and she was like an enlightened monk, and the too serious contrast made Caya on the side a little unbearable.

But Christina didn't notice it, she just frowned, slowly flicked the big gold chain, and said to herself while playing with tarot cards:

"I always feel like I have to do something today. "

Dr. Caya glanced at the task force in the box of Hell Gate and 1762-1, which was in two orderly rows on the surveillance, and pressed Christina's shoulders to comfort her:

"Don't think about it, nothing will happen. Hasn't the council already asked 343 for confirmation?"

Christina gave Dr. Caya a blank look and complained

"You mean the prophecy that I'm thinking about the fact that I'm going to be fine?" Please look at the surveillance at the time, 343 almost blasted people out, and he was just perfunctory. "

(I've hinted at that, why don't you destroy the door and go to the demon world!!)

Christina sighed, a worried look lingering between her brows like a cloud,

"Have you forgotten what Steve called that door? Hell Gate can make 343, [God] so jealous, the demon who has never had anything to do with him......... What a horrible thing that has to be. "

"Maybe it's called an extraterritorial heavenly demon?"

Caya made a joke, (read the violent novel, just go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

"I've only read this word in Chinese novels, but then again, Christina, if you're so worried, why should you go to him?"

Christina stumbled.

Indeed, why go to him?

She can't say anything about her nephew.

Probably used to a small joy a day, a big joy in three days, and a life with new surprises every day.

Caya smiled faintly and turned to look at the big screen

"All in all, don't worry so much. Even if it's a place more terrifying than hell, the Foundation has broken through, so what's a hell?"

"That's right. "

Christina stood up, walked to the command platform, and ordered: "Then, prepare, go"

PS: Do you think it's better for the Foundation to go to Minecraft to change the block or not to change the block.

PS2: Plane 1400, high-speed rail 800, green hard seat only 260, not that the plane can't afford to sit, but green skin is more cost-effective, so I choose green skin, to sit for 30 hours to get to Shenyang, ah——, I'm so difficult.

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