The D-class shuddered, put down the glowing mosaic fishing rod in his hand, raised his hands and turned around, and saw that it was a Foundation task force, and without saying a word, jumped off the cliff with a backward leap.

The unexpected situation made Li Hua slightly stunned, but he reacted immediately, while stating on the walkie-talkie, "It's a living D-class personnel who have committed suicide by jumping into the sea", and quickly rushed to the cliff and looked down.

I saw the D-class personnel jumping down in the posture of the Philippine national diving team, but like the magic sleeping position of the sheep and sheep games, the lazy sheep did not splash the slightest splash, and instantly sank into the sea, but after a few seconds, they quickly floated up, not only did not receive the slightest injury, but also turned around vigorously and waved at Li Hua on the cliff.

(D-class staff member "Four-Eighty-Seven": "Come here.") ")

Then, he was stabbed by the three halberds and turned into a cloud of white smoke, but Li Hua didn't care about this.

The cliff was even higher than he had estimated, at least more than fifty meters high, but the man jumped off without being hurt in the slightest, and narrowly escaped Li Hua's pursuit by waterway.

This is absolutely impossible to do in the real world.

Sure enough, there is weirdness everywhere in this world.

Li Hua picked up the walkie-talkie, intending to communicate with his teammates, but just raised his head, but saw the green figure in front of him, making the sound of the fuse burning.


A dark shadow flashed.

On the other side, Caitlin and Menyashi, who were taking pictures of the towering castle buildings in front of them, also began to explore.

It was a huge castle, six stories high, and although it was all made of blocks, it still gave the two of them an air of luxury.

- This is the woodland mansion, a castle that Steve found by accident, which contains a lot of rooms, including a wool room, a pumpkin room, a logging room, a study and other rooms, Steve liked it when he first came here, and after a cordial and friendly exchange with the vindicator and the evoker, the vindicator and the evoker cordially invited Steve to live in the castle.

And he moved out of here, leaving behind only the emeralds, iron axes, and a precious immortal totem for Steve.

(Killed all the families who had no grievances with you, lived and worked in peace and contentment, robbed them of all their valuable property, and wantonly occupied other people's villas)

And the amazing thing is that this castle also produces diamond blocks, which are buried in the obsidian pile in the black sparkle storage room, and there is also a diamond block hidden in the center of the magma pool in the magma room.

After some exploration, Catelyn and Menyashi found a familiar figure on the top floor.

Steve was standing at his workbench, concentrating on piecing together the first thing he had gotten from the Foundation world.

"The debris is in a circle, but there is no power source. "

"Pistons have tried, redstone torches have been tried, water and lava have been tried. "

"I was thinking that I guessed the wrong way. Sure enough, yes. "

The cubeman picked up and put all the pieces away, turned his back to Menyashi and Caitlyn, and placed the T-shaped pieces on the ground, and then placed a pumpkin head on them.

In this way, the eight pieces were divided into two and laid out in the same way.

The next second, something magical happened.

Without warning, the shard and the pumpkin head merged, and something familiar and unfamiliar appeared in front of Menyashi and Caitlyn.

It is a statue with an appearance similar to that of a humanoid statue made of concrete and steel. Its exterior is covered in a green coating that looks a bit broken, and it also has a magical ability that you won't like to blink when you look at it.


Or two in a row


Catelyn's exclamation caught Steve's attention, and the cubeman turned his head, glanced at the visitor's uniform suspiciously, and nodded in realisation after seeing the familiar 1ogo.

"What are you doing here, folks?"

Menya Shiqiang squeezed out a smile, pressed the camera in his hand, and said:

"Coming for you, Mr. Steve, you haven't been seen for over half a month, and both the Director and the Foundation are worried about your safety...."

Steve suddenly realized and smiled.

"I'm very safe, speaking of which, this mine and research have indeed been a little longer, sorry. "

"But it's not without fruit, you see, I'm not going to fix your things.........? It's supposed to be called SCP, right?,I accidentally broke it last time.,We're all friends.,It's embarrassing.,I'll fix it for you.,How's that?,Interesting enough, right?"

The corners of Caitlyn's mouth twitched, resisting the urge to blink, pinched Menyashi's waist, motioned for him to help star, and then blinked as fast as she could, breathed a sigh of relief, and replied with a wry smile:

"yes, thank you really, very much, but can you give us a preview of what you're going to do next time you do something like this?"

She pointed to the two SCP-173s with an extremely subtle expression:

This kind of performance, the two of us really watched it, "I can't take my eyes off it, and please be sure to let more people help me see it next time (read the violent novel, just go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

Shi 5.2 Tiff scratched his head in confusion.

The next moment, Ender suddenly appeared in the house carrying Li Hua.

A reporter: "Mr. Steve, how is your life in hell? "

Steve: "I'm fine, I talk to the villagers every day, I exchange supplies with the piglin girl, and I learned a new word called the Geneva Conventions, which is said to work eight hours a day, only one hour a day for lunch, only on weekends, and only eight days off a year. Is all this true?"

A reporter: "..................... ,, you listen, people say no. "。

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