Sell Evil

: Never changed

With Fu Yue's skill, it is not difficult to avoid Heimang, and Samael doesn't think that the regular attack after the incarnation of the black snake can end the battle. // But he has his intentions. The fear of Tianyi makes Samuel's cunning side appear at this moment. He wants to see ... Tianyi's reaction.

Samael's calculation is that if Tian Yi didn't want him to gain the woman's ability, he could kill her by himself half a year ago. This would be the safest way to do it. The moon demon's survival to this day proves that Tianyi doesn't want her to die, so ... how much flaw will he expose for her?

The answer is no flaws ...

The sky is nothing to do with yourself and usually stands in place, watching Fuyue flee the attack on her own. No expression, movement, or even breathing showed any signs of nervousness.

He just didn't panic to do something terrible to Samuel ... From the pocket of his suit, he took out a jade instrument-snake flute.

"You should know what this is?" Tian asked with a smile.

"It's ridiculous, do you think I'm just one of the creatures of the Second Kingdom?" Samer was already guilty, and his words had a sense of courage: "My 'chaos' has absorbed hundreds of species I am stronger than my ancestors! "

"Your ancestor ... but not in this flute, he is just a person." Tian Yi took his words and said, "In addition, I never thought of you as a creature of the Second Kingdom, because you are just a capable person. He is constantly correcting Samuel's perception: "Even if you look different from other abilities. Even if you are exceptionally powerful ... but that is not going to change or transcend what you are in this space and time. Role and nature. "

As soon as the sky said, he raised the snake flute. Played a few notes. Soon, a spatial fissure appeared quietly, first a snake eye appeared from the fissure, and then a loud howling came out from it, and the fissure cracked instantly, and a black snake almost the same volume as that of Samer emerged.

"Of course, if you have to recognize the monster as the ancestor, this one should be your brother." Tianyi said, and instantly appeared next to Fuyue, regardless of the other's reaction. Hold the waist and hug it, and flash it when you carry it.

The two of them suddenly reached a hundred meters away, and at the same time, Tianyi summoned the black snake's body to erupt. Expansion and destruction, destroying the surrounding ground and buildings. This power is exactly the same as Samal.

"Your brother was still adolescent 800 years ago. Now it's considered adolescence." Tianyi talked to the distant Samael and put down Fuyue: "Except for those abilities you absorb, you At best, it's as strong as your human ancestor is the power you get from it. "

Sameer had no time to respond to Tianyi's words, and in the blink of an eye he was fighting with the other black snake. The two long worms were huge, tangled together and rolled to bite, which made the earthquake tremble. The wind is strong.

Those black awns that can kill humans have no effect on each other, as do the corrosive black water. As for the means of corpses, it is basically a child's play. It is useless to summon no more, even their snake scales can't be hurt . So this battle became the most primitive, confrontation between animals, or the same kind.

Fu Yue watched this scene beside Tianyi. This sense of vision reminded her of the space in the bookstore, as if she was watching two monsters fighting in the second kingdom. It's just that she feels these two at the moment. Does not seem to be too strong.

Seeing the arrogant look of Tianyi on the other side of the fire, Samer suddenly became furious. The sky was roaring, and the killings were combined. The next second, the earth was torn. A gully suddenly appeared, and a strong air flow emerged from the top of the other black snake. Press it into the ground. Immediately afterwards, Samael spewed lava into the mouth below the mouth. After pouring a few tons of water, he saw that the black snake had no movement, and he closed the ground again.

"Hey ... why are you so anxious?" Tian Yi smiled provocatively, and he didn't care about the death of the black snake.

"It's boring, and kill it soon enough." Fuyue has already seen that Samael is not Tianyi's opponent at all. Since then, Tianyi's various performances have been acting skills, and that is This high-end scam is trying to see her response.

"What's the matter, I'm saving the beauty with a hero, can't you cooperate a little?" Tianyi replied: "If I hadn't managed to keep you away from him, he would have swallowed you first when he realized the power of chaos .Now you see, he is in a state of despair, irritable, but like a glimmer of hope ... how interesting. "

Fuyue smirked angrily: "Follow your own target and use it as a bait to catch monsters, right? Interesting?"

"I'm just developing our common interests. You don't need to teach you hundreds of years later, you will find this kind of fun by yourself," Tianyi said.

"Tianyi! You deceive people too much!" Samael opened his mouth wide and descended from the sky. He had completely lost his mind and even wanted to swallow the other person directly.

As soon as Tian looked up at him: "If you are really a creature of the Second Kingdom, it's nothing, they have no" sin. "He didn't even move, Samuel stopped there by himself, unable to move, "Even the entire eternal core can't tell you ... what is the 'capability' of the capable person. Have you ever wondered why only aliens like the capable person can be produced in the creatures of the fifth kingdom? After hundreds of millions of years, four powerful and extreme kingdoms have perished, but in the end a species born with 'sin' has become the master. "

A bitter and painful voice came out of Samuel's throat: "You did ... what ..."

"'Sin' is a force under my direct jurisdiction. If you are an understanding person, you should try to avoid me forever ...

The blood puppet is smarter than you. He has already guessed the origin of the so-called ‘ability’ and guessed who originally divided those levels. He knew that as long as it was human, there was no chance of defeating me.

But you, even after absorbing so many abilities, came to me. This behavior is like a wizard who has learned hundreds of black magic, but ran to challenge the Dark Lord ...

You're still vocal about killing the leader's candidate in my presence, ha! "Tian Yi laughed.

"Don't just give me an inexplicable title," Fu Yue said to him.

Tian Yi spread his hands, smiled at her, and then moved his fingers. The energy in Samal's body suddenly raged away, and instantly smashed his huge snake body from the inside to the outside. The snake body after the destruction was not even It turned into a liquid, but disappeared directly.

In the end, only a mirror mask remained, falling from the air.

As soon as the sky came up, I took the mask with one hand and said to the serpent's face in the mirror world, "I originally wanted to call your father out of the snake flute, but I was afraid that the island of Ireland would disappear from the map , So ... farewell. "The mirror in his hand was broken, shattered, and the crystalline debris was gone with the wind.

Fu Yue looked at Tian Yi's creepy smile and asked, "Do you and me differ from him?"

"Why do you ask?" Tian Yi said.

"If he has everlasting life, he should be better suited to be your successor than me." Fu Yue said, "Perhaps he can manage to kill you so that you can get what you want."

Tianyi looked at her: "Oh ... you said this difference, this is not nonsense, if I have to choose a companion, of course I choose the person I like."

"What did you say?" Fu Yue seemed to hear something just now, but she couldn't believe her ears.

"Well? How's your tooth?"

"Don't diverge, what did you just say?"

"Do you like chocolate?"

"Pretend to be stupid, right?"

"quick, get in the bowl!"

Fuyue turned and left ...

Tianyi followed her: "My bookstore is in that direction, six blocks from here."

"Go!" This was the response he got.

"So, in order to alleviate the embarrassment, tomorrow you come to my store as if it's okay, the secret code is 'has the book I ordered?' Frightened here, Fu Yue actually took one of her molars with her fingers, threw it to the ground, and broke her foot.

"Well? Wait ... how do you know which one?" Tianyi said, "Is it ... ah!"

Fuyue opened her mouth and spit out the blood on her face. She shook her head and left.


South America, the Amazon Basin.

Underground ruins, dark water is standing in that huge dome space. It was dark at this time, but he knew everything here, even without vision.

This place was originally filled with mud when the gunsmith escaped. It took a long time for the dark water to return to this place as usual after returning. ~ ~ At this moment, he knelt down on the ground reverently. The ritual may also be a kind of etiquette only understood by some darkwater people. It was a long time before he stood up and walked to the colossus that was more than twenty feet tall.

Darkwater reached out and pulled out a rugby-sized cyan crystal from his mouth. This object was formed by the fusion of many fragments of the eternal core with the original core in the ruins.

Without a moment's hesitation, he put the core directly into the statue and returned to his place.

The ruins light up again, and cyan light tracks emerge around. On the floor are mountains and rivers, and the sun, moon and stars appear in the dome.

Dark water looked around, his eyes were green and bright, and no one knew what was in his mind. Would he also be emotional about the world? Will you miss this hometown? Will you rest here forever?

He looked for a moment, without words, without sighing, or sneering or lamenting. I just walked silently to a wall, pressed a handprint symbol, re-closed the ruins, and buried it in the ground ... Support is my greatest motivation.)

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