Sequence Player

Chapter 55: Night visit to Changshoufang (Thanks to Hongming Xiaotiange for the reward)

The soldiers of Yanhemen were surprised to find that their superior "Li Ba" kept the Dali Temple Prime Minister, Chang'an Bad Marshal, and the last doctor who arrived in the military tent to discuss late into the night.

Said to help investigate the plague.

According to the soldiers delivering the meals, each of them was holding a small red bucket with light smoke coming out of it. It also emits a certain fragrance.

Is it possible that they are still refining some elixir to cure the plague? The Qianniu Guards soldiers thought to themselves that they would have to ask adults for a few pills later.

On the other side, in the military tent. Li Changhe naturally didn't know what those cheap subordinates were thinking. At this moment, several of them were eating with instant noodles and huffing and puffing.

After learning about the food of the Tang Dynasty from the Moon God, Li Changhe decisively took out his spare food. The flamethrower originally intended to kill rats has become a tool for heating food.

Moon God put down the bucket of noodles in his hand happily: "You Great Wall are so considerate that you even prepared food. I have almost been driven crazy these days. The Tang Dynasty was a powerful country, but food was It doesn’t work very well.”

Li Changhe thought to himself that even if [Great Wall] prepares food, it won't be instant noodles. It's not impossible to bring out [Elf Cookies] and the like.

Then he glanced at the few people and saw that they had all finished eating before saying, "Well, let's go explore the road tonight. At least come up with some information."

Luna and others nodded slightly. This was what Li Changhe said was an immature idea.

After all, it is indeed unsafe and immature to enter Changshoufang without knowing anything. But currently this is the only way to investigate information.

"Without troops?" Seeing Li Changhe leave with his sword in hand, Yue Shen couldn't help but raised his eyebrows and asked, "What reason did you use to leave?"

"It's impossible to lead troops. The order I received was to block Yanhe Gate. I was only given a few soldiers in total. It would be too obvious to take some away." Li Changhe shook his head and said, "I can find several reasons. I found out from the identity information of 'Li Ba' that he wanted to patrol the surrounding area alone at night, so that he wouldn't be too conspicuous."

Zhongquan nodded and said: "The uncle is right, we all have to direct as few subordinates and acquaintances of the 'character' as possible. If the plot characters find out that we are abnormal, then it will be very troublesome. Especially the uncle's identity is the most restrictive. , be very careful.”

Now, the five [players] can be regarded as sharing weal and woe, and their relationship has become much better. Each other has perfected some of their respective action directions.

Mo Mang left the camp in a flash. The Tang Dynasty didn't have a good look at knights. In their view, knights used force to break the law. But she couldn't be found coming out of the general's tent openly.

Li Changhe and the four of them walked together. They said they wanted to patrol and dismissed the soldiers who wanted to follow.

After passing through the simple but wide streets, the five people finally gathered not far from Changshou Fang.

Groups of soldiers patrolled the area from time to time. It seems that even at night, this area is tightly cordoned off.

[Players] did not rush into the longevity workshop. From the previous information, it can be seen that the longevity workshop at night is very dangerous. Gotta do some research.

Li Changhe, who was hiding in the shadows, looked at the gate of Changshou Square and narrowed his eyes slightly.

[Eagle's Magic Eye] triggers.

As the field of vision expanded, countless traces of light appeared. These are all traces of the various creatures that once passed through this area.

Many traces quickly dissipated after appearing for a few seconds, which must have been a long time. I haven’t seen anything strange yet, after all, there are too many traces. When Li Changhe was unsure of his target, these traces of light seemed a bit messy and numerous.

"Has anyone else entered Changshou Fang after the incident?" Li Changhe asked in a low voice.

"Yes, but they were all soldiers who went to rescue and evacuate residents. I also went there during the day." Chongquan whispered: "The first night I came here, someone else went to investigate. The identity should be the relatives of some powerful people. Soldiers or secret agents. But in the end, a few people were missing, and the rest were infected with the plague. After that, there should be no one in the area. At least, no one entered."

Bai Luohe also whispered: "I came a day later than Chongquan, and I also heard some information from nearby residents. Some people felt that there would be noises from the eaves at night. It is estimated that some people have entered Changshou Fang with some ideas."

"After all, it is a plot mission. In addition to us [players], there will also be plot characters who are also interested in this place." Li Changhe muttered to himself, and suddenly his eyes moved, and he saw several dark figures entering his field of vision. Instantly disappeared into the longevity square.

"Hey, just come as you say." Moon God discovered this through some means, and said with a smile: "What do we say, catch up?"

"Someone has given us the lead. We have to accept it humbly." Li Changhe smiled lightly, and in the blink of an eye, the [Great Wall Mountain Armor] on his body was replaced by an ordinary jacket. Shan Wenjia moved too loudly.

"Follow them and take a look at their purpose."

The five of them are all [players], and their attributes are not low. Even Li Changhe, who is at the lowest level, can easily sneak into Changshoufang.

Then rely on Li Changhe's [Eagle's Demonic Eye] to track the whereabouts of those people. One of Mo Mang's skills covered the auras of the [players], and he chased the men in black all the way.

It was relatively successful. With the cooperation of multiple [Skills], the people in black did not notice the [Player]'s tracking.

The routes they took should all be safe. Following the traces, there was nothing unusual, and I didn't see any plague rats. Is it possible to see plague rats under certain conditions?

Li Changhe was calculating in his mind, but Mo Mang suddenly held his shoulder. The whole person was dragged into the shadows.

The other [players] also hurriedly hid, and the men in black who were the tracking targets had stopped.

They stopped in an alley deep in Changshoufang and looked around for a while. Then one of them slapped his palm on the thick wall.

The wall that was at least 30 centimeters thick was shattered by a palm, and the faces of the [players] changed wildly.

Even though the walls of the Tang Dynasty were far less tough than the concrete of the modern era, they were not that weak.

To break this kind of wall, [players] need to use thermal weapons or use offensive [skills]. I didn't expect the other party to slap me

In other words, this guy's palm is equivalent to a skill of [players]?

"It's an extraordinary person," Mo Mang whispered: "If we couldn't use [skills] to hide, it would be dangerous."

Li Changhe nodded silently. Not to mention historical dynasties, there are extraordinary people even in modern society. This is the official research result of various countries. Those supernatural powers such as Taoism and Buddhism are all called extraordinary beings.

It is said that it is inextricably linked to [Evolution Game]. It seems to involve some topic of extraordinary elements. Li Changhe has seen similar topics in the [Forum], but unfortunately he is not interested.

On the other side, after the man in black broke the wall, what was revealed was a passage with a faint light. As the walls shattered, the entire Changshoufang began to feel a little turbulent, like a monster waking up from a deep sleep. Subtle sounds came from countless corners, and countless red light spots lit up at the same time.

"Damn, this is trouble." [Players]'s faces turned pale. They didn't want to fight the plague rat at this time.

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