Sequence Player

Chapter 73: Seeking death! (Please recommend and collect)

After Li Changhe heard these words, his body froze.

The originally calm state of mind suddenly became irritable, regardless of whether anyone saw it. He climbed out the window at the corner of a staircase, used [Thunder Breath] to trigger [Wall Over Wall], and ran to the balcony of his rental house in less than two seconds.

He climbed through the window, picked up his cell phone and Mo Yu, and left. Ten seconds later, a figure riding a bicycle left quickly at an incredible speed.

This is actually very risky. [The Great Wall] has very precise control over the entire Yanyun area. If there were no blocking [skills], if someone like Li Changhe used a particularly obvious skill like [Thunder Breath] in broad daylight, he would soon be locked by the [Great Wall].

But Li Changhe was lucky. Due to the previous changes in the world line of [Eternal Tang Dynasty], [Great Wall] branches across the country were working hard to identify members. The monitoring offices in each region only had the most basic combat monitoring. Just using skills also found that No.

It can be said that because of Li Changhe, the entire [Great Wall] is now very busy. Some are blasting other organizations targeting [Great Wall Players] on the [Forum], and some are under investigation within the branch.

At this moment, Li Changhe was in an impatient mood and didn't care whether [The Great Wall] noticed him or not. The worst he could do was join [The Great Wall]. Anyway, Li Changhe now has the ability to protect himself.

He whispered: "Which bastard without eyes dares to touch my hometown?"

He doesn't have many friends, and Xiao Nan and He Feng are the closest. Among them, He Feng can be regarded as a family member.

As for the feeling of home, only the orphanage can be considered home.

The bad old man who likes to do Bajiquan is treated as a 'father'.

I just saw the message from He Feng. It seems that some blind idiot is planning to make things difficult for the orphanage. That is asking for death!

The bigger problem is that I wanted to call He Feng to find out the details, but I was told that he was not in the service area.

Damn it, it's not in the service area! How can there be a place like Yanyun that is not in the service area? Could it be that he encountered some danger?

Li Changhe couldn't help but think of the evil forces he saw in the news.

Damn it!

Thinking that Li Changhe's bicycle was faster. Judging from the sounds made by various parts, the life of this car is rapidly declining.

In fact, it's not just him. If you use [Eagle Eye] or [Eagle's Demonic Eye] from high above Yanyun, it can be seen. You will find several young figures rushing madly towards the same place. Yanyun Orphanage!

In fact, Yanyun Orphanage has been in operation for a long time, it has been seventeen years.

Li Changhe, He Feng and others were among the first batch of people to come out of the orphanage. Although the orphanage has state support, the conditions are still not very good, and the number of orphans in it has always been around a dozen.

But the dean treats the children really well. Even the most naughty children have great respect for the dean.

The relationship between the children is not good, and the main reason is that they want more care from the dean. Oh, what a sinful man.

Even though every one of the children was beaten to a bloody head. But if someone wants to move the orphanage, then let’s do it unanimously!

Li Changhe's rental house is seven kilometers away from the orphanage, and he saw a few familiar faces along the way. Can you not be familiar with it? Everyone has beaten or been beaten.

"Rookie! What happened back home?" Li Changhe looked at a familiar person not far away and shouted.

"Li Changhe? Damn, what kind of car are you riding?" The man was sitting in the passenger seat of a car, watching helplessly as Li Changhe caught up with him on a bicycle. There was no time to be surprised and shout: "I just received a call from a child in my hometown saying that someone was making trouble, and then I couldn't get through. I guess the phone line was unplugged! What about you?"

"He Feng said something happened, but he didn't believe it anymore." Li Changhe's heart sank and he shouted: "Something is very wrong. I'll go first! You're too slow!"

As he said that, he immediately accelerated to overtake and quickly disappeared around a corner of the road, planning to take a shortcut.

The man who looked at it looked confused, and even the driver of the car looked sad and angry. I have been driving for more than ten years, and today I was despised by a cyclist.

On the other side, Li Changhe had entered a sparsely populated path.

This is an emergency and special measures must be used! Throwing the bicycle that was about to fall apart into the [backpack], he directly used the second effect of [Bai Yin Immortal Riding].

【Summon the Army Horse】

A tall military horse appeared under Li Changhe, covered in ferocious iron armor.

Only two dull eyes were exposed. The iron hooves lightly stepped on the ground, creating a burst of sparks.

At first glance it looks like a prehistoric beast.

"Is it the improved war horse of the Xuanjia Army?" Li Changhe murmured. In the plot of the Tang Dynasty, Chongquan and others gave the knowledge of horseshoe fall. Unexpectedly, this time the summons appeared directly.

It seems that Li Changhe's skill is based on the Tang Dynasty army summoned in [Story Mission]. I wonder if there will be gunpowder bombs if the soldiers are summoned?

If this were to happen, the Tang cavalry wearing steam mechas would be summoned, and the scene would be so beautiful.

But these are all things for later, Li Changhe directly grabbed the reins and drove the horse. [Skill: Riding A] The effect can really be applied to war horses. The war horse is like an extension of Li Changhe's legs, moving freely.

Even though his thighs were a little uncomfortable, he didn't care that the characteristics of [Copper Skin and Iron Bone] wouldn't cause Li Changhe any pain.

He changed into a black assault suit and covered his face. Riding a military horse, he ran wildly on the path.

Occasionally, someone nearby saw this scene and looked confused, thinking they were filming some kind of movie.

At the same time, inside the Yanyun Orphanage. A dozen men in black suits were gathered in the classroom of the orphanage.

This was originally a place where the old dean taught young children, but it was now blocked by men in suits.

There were seven or eight children and several young men and women of similar age in the room. They were protecting an old man with white hair. The atmosphere was very anxious.

Fortunately, the men in suits didn't act rashly. They just asked everyone to stay here.

The white-haired old man was also protecting a little girl at the moment, and he was very emotional: "What do you want to do? Don't make a mistake! The police will be here soon! You are committing a crime!"

The men in suits showed mocking expressions. They have blocked the signal in this area. The police had no idea what was going on.

As long as the psychological experts arrive, you will no longer have this memory. Why should I call the police if I can't even remember the missing person?

The white-haired old man is naturally the dean. He was extremely angry and frightened. These people are extraordinary.

The orphanage has been open for such a long time and has a good relationship with the surrounding residents. I had just taken the opportunity to call out to those old friends for help, but they seemed unable to hear me. It’s not that they are indifferent, it’s that they really can’t hear their own voices.

So does the signal, whether it's a mobile phone or a landline. Can't call any number.

It's like this group of people is trapped in another time and space.

At this moment, an extremely violent engine roar came from outside the house.

somebody is coming!

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