Shaman from Afar

Vol 3 Chapter 38: Taking blood as evidence (Part 2)

The cold wind of the winter poured into the nostrils, so that the brain that did not know how long it had spent in the dungeon was sober instantly; countless times he could only spy on a little day when the old jailer delivered his meal, but now he pierced his silver gray like a sword. Pupil.

The illegitimate child of the Würz family, the Duke of the Principality of Elleman, the youngest head of the flag of all the legions of the empire, plus the complete destruction of the search team and the front line post, the famous "destroyer" Lussien ...

From the dark dungeon mountain fortress dungeon, came out alive.

Standing outside the gate of the dungeon, he looked at everything in his sight. There was still a bit of dullness on the slightly immature cheeks. Until now, Lucien still felt like he was falling into a dream.

But the fierce cold wind and his slightly stiff body told himself that all this is true-the entire north search team, except for the church knights who were completely destroyed at the sentry tower, and were treated as returning Hundreds of Legion Rangers hanged by deserters ...

I am the only one who has survived!

The snow-covered Fortress of the Boundary Mountain is still the same as before, with patrolling legionnaires, cavalry, fanatics of the Holy Cross Church, priests, knights, and busy legions passing by Lusien; although they are all faceless Facial expression, but Lucien could still see a very good disdain from those indifferent eyes.

Deserter ...?

Luisen's mouth twitched a bitter laugh of self-deprecation. When he saw that his comrades who had followed him were hanged, he already had such preparations, and even lost his fighting spirit, ready to meet the upcoming fate.

Joined the army at the age of eleven, came to the Fortress of the Boundary Mountain at the age of twelve, and became the soldier of His Royal Highness Connold in the same year. At the age of thirteen, he was attacked alone. The squadron leader became the leader of the flag in the same year ...

Honor, aura, respect, future ... Everything that once existed disappeared in an instant when he was put in a dungeon. Even people who knew him now saw only a little pity in their eyes.

The deserter is such a humble dross.

Once again, he could not help but laugh with self-deprecating chuckles, the gray pupil who clenched his fists was very clear that he could not have any way out in the Boundary Mountain and even the corps of the entire empire. This kind of honor and military regulations are high. In all places, a deserter is a stain that can never be erased.

Even if he can climb up again by his own ability, his own future under the name of "Destroyer" is completely blocked, let alone become the head of the army one day, can he become the head of the flag before the age of thirty? Hard to say.

If you are a genuine aristocrat, there may be a chance, but you are just an illegitimate child who escapes, not to mention that the Wurz family has not given themselves a name; an unrecognized illegitimate child is slightly more than an ordinary legionnaire. That's a little bit.

"How do you feel about freedom?"

An unfamiliar and familiar voice came from behind, and Lusien turned his head, and the dark-haired wizard stood on the other side of the dungeon door with his shoulders, and there was a nonchalant smile on the corner of his mouth, as if nothing had happened. Similar.

It ’s unbelievable ... Lussin could n’t imagine that just last night, this guy named Loren Turin was tit-for-tat against His Royal Highness Crown Prince Connold, and was even almost killed.

"I don't know ... it's really unclear." Lucien's expression was complicated, and he bit his lower lip:

"I don't understand why I can still stand here and still live."

"This is understandable ..." Loren nodded slightly. When he woke up in the ancient woods forest, he was not much better than Lucien in front of him, and even worse due to excessive consumption and long-time valve opening. some.

Realizing that a trace of perplexity was missing in Lucien's eyes, the dark-haired wizard could only shrug his shoulders. He never knew how to comfort people, and he pointed to the table next to him:

"Your things are there, Your Royal Highness Connold sent someone to find it; and he said that if you want, you can go back to your flag group at any time, and the position of the second flag leader of the Fourth Army is still there. It's yours, absolutely no one ... "

"I won't go back."

Cold-faced Lucien interrupted Loren's words, stubbornness flashed in the silver-gray eyes under the dark blue hair, and his ... the last trace of dignity:

"I know that I came out alive not because His Highness Connold believed me, nor because of the prestige of the Wiltz family, nor because of his" cherishment "of the robe and his subordinates."

"I don't want his charity!"

When he said the last sentence, Lucien almost shouted, his eyes wide open to meet the eyes of the dark-haired wizard, his clenched fists had burst into blue muscles, and his teeth were like fierce beasts choking others.

Loren lowered his gaze slightly, and did not mean to interfere with each other, just asked habitually: "Then where are you going to go, leave the Fortress of the Boundary Mountain?"

"It should be possible. I can't accommodate me here anymore." It's clearly a 14-year-old boy, but Lucien's expression is as mature as 20 years old, and his eyes haven't left the black-haired wizard for a moment:

"But ... the two of us have agreed, and I will take you to Niederhogg-I am from the Elmans, and the Elmans do it!"

"you sure?"

Loren teased his lips in a playful way: "The conversation between my Highness and Connacht, you should all have heard what you should or shouldn't say."

"That's right." Lucien blew his forehead. "You are planning to conspire to eliminate His Highness Brandon on the way to Niederhog. At the price of Connold, you have to ensure your safety and your future. The money will make you his right arm. "

"But I think you may really just be lying, but you really don't plan to betray His Highness Brandon at all; or you are a double-edged spy who deceives you, and you pay allegiance to those who pay a higher price!"

"... you can understand that."

The dark-haired wizard's smile was a bit stiff: "Since I know it's dangerous to be with me, would you still be willing?"

A smile appeared on the pale face of the gray pupil.

That ’s right, it ’s not Connold ’s pity, nor family refuge, but the dark-haired wizard named Loren Turin in front of him who rescued himself from connold ’s hands by gambling. Life.

Even if he is already ready to die.

Lucien knew that he did not save himself for good intentions, but for his own purpose, but what about it; what can the other party ask for so much for the person he just met?

He could bet his life on himself, which was enough-even if he died in his hands, he would just return the life to him.

What's more, he is still a Turin ...

"Sir Loren Turin, can you lend me your dagger?"

Loren raised his eyebrows. The change in his expression made him a little curious. He pulled out the "bright silver" from his waist and handed it to Lucien.

"Nice weapon." Looking at the bright silver in his hand, Lusien's eyes lit up: "The texture on it still has a feel, it can't be wrong ... it must be mixed with Mithril!"

In the next second, the gray pupils clenched the blade without hesitation, and the sharp "bright silver" immediately cut the palm of his right hand ~ ~ Bright red blood ran down the pure white On the snow.

The surprised Loren immediately widened his eyes, and Luisen knelt down on his knees, grabbed the blade with his **** right hand, and handed the "bright silver" to the black-haired wizard. The gray pupil seemed to contain Some kind of power:

"I, Luisen, an illegitimate child of the Wirz family in Ellerman, will swear allegiance to Loren Turin from today!"

Facing those scorching eyes, Loren hesitated for a moment, and he really did not expect this to happen.

But ... nothing seems bad.

At the next moment, the dark-haired wizard tightened the **** "bright silver".

"I'm just an illegitimate child, but the blood of the Wurz family is also bleeding." The oath of blood "is the creed of the Wurz family!"

Lusien, who only reached Loren's chin, looked up and looked seriously at the black-haired wizard:

"I said I owe you a life, and I said it!"

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