Shaman from Afar

Vol 3 Chapter 44: Winter's Expedition (Part 2)


Connold, dressed in a military uniform, sat on the armrest in front of the long table and stared at the map of the Fortress of the Boundary Mountain without opening his head to his loyal deputy commander.

"Your Highness?"

"You look worried. Which one of my orders made you unhappy?"


"Absolutely not!" The middle-aged knight immediately turned around and bowed his head heavily, his voice clanging powerfully: "I can swear to the Holy Cross that there is absolutely no soldier who is dissatisfied with His Royal Highness' order by the entire fortress!

Seeing the expression of his fortress deputy commander, Connold's mouth slowly showed a helplessness.

"Every time I run into this situation, I can't help but envy Brandon and envy him from the bottom of my heart."

Ernst Dresis, who was not aware of it, looked up and saw the prince of Sackland with a sigh:

"Never worry about the people around you because of his identity, and would rather lie rather than tell the truth-at least the people around him treat him sincerely, whether it is good or bad."

"No, Your Highness, I really ..."

"No need to explain, Ernst, I'm not blaming you." Connor, who looked cold, reached out to stop him:

"As I know, you do n’t agree to let Brandon serve as the commander of this Ranger Banner Regiment-you, and other legion commanders, think this is my temporary softheartedness and let my brother play tricks. Results; not judgments made with absolute reason and calmness. "

"Do n’t refute, because the two of us do n’t know each other well--just like you have always regarded me as a nephew and even took the initiative to become my deputy; I have always regarded you as my uncle, Ernst . "

"Your Highness ..."

Ernst spoke softly, almost burying his head in the ground.

"And I also know that you don't agree to let me release Loren, the illegitimate son of Loren Turin and the Wiltz family." Connold said slowly. "You don't think I should trust them."

"Exactly, Your Highness Connold!"

Without hesitation, the middle-aged knight immediately said: "These two are just unknown soldiers, and it is no problem to let them go-but you must not believe in a wizard and a deserter, even if they are the Turin family and the Wiltz family respectively. The descendants of, the glorious surname does not prove anything! "

"You're right ... I can't believe a wizard and a deserter, and I really don't believe them." Connor snorted, and his red pupil was extremely cold:

"But this doesn't prevent them from getting smug for a while, feeling like they guessed my mind."

What does this mean ... Ernst's eyes were confused.

Does it mean that the release of Loren Turin and Lucien was intentionally done by His Highness, in fact, there are other backers?

Or perhaps His Highness Brandon ’s actions after arriving at the Fortress of the Boundary Mountain are all his expectations? !

"This is the end of this matter, and we will not discuss it in the future." Connor interrupted Ernst, as if deliberately concealing something: "Now that Lucien has decided to leave the legion, and Will The Ci family also said that they would not delve deeper, so let him go-order the soldiers in the legion, no one should continue to mention this matter! "

"Follow the orders, I will tell you."

Although he nodded and said yes, Ernst did not want to leave, and still stood in a difficult opening on the spot: "But His Highness Brandon, is it ..."

"Although Brandon has always been fond of nonsense, he is still very capable-Ebden's thing is enough to prove this. Even if there is a problem, there will be a church knight Naze, at least let him return safely.

Connor frowned: "I know you are all worried but I said that, and the discussion ends here."

"But what I want to say is not just whether your brother can accomplish this mission, His Royal Highness Connold!" Ernst gritted his back molar with a very excited expression:

"There are more important things, the kind ... the kind is very important, but you must not participate, or even have the slightest involvement-that is the most important mission of this search team, isn't it ?!"

"This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and absolutely only once! You must grasp it for the sake of the Holy Cross, otherwise, if ..."

"Uncle Ernst!"

Connold sighed: "Brandon said he was attacked in the camp, it should be what you arranged, right-deliberately did not directly suppress the ice werewolves and let them run along the south road in order to hit Get on Brandon's guard. "

"I do not have……"

"Tell me, are you worried that if this is my order, my hands will be dirty, so if Brandon is really in trouble, you are prepared to take all the responsibilities yourself-and the old father The emperor can't treat me except to hang you, because he doesn't have a third son. "

"Tell me, did you think that way?"


Ernst replied hard.

"I thank you for your honesty." Connold sighed and looked at the middle-aged knight in front of him:

"But I will not use the people around me as my victim. Brandon must die, but he will die in a sudden accident; but if it is unfortunate, let him live to the end ..."

"I would never mind dirtying my hands, because this is a sin that only the emperor can bear!"


"That ... I know that you should all know who I am, but most of you should see me for the first time, and I met you for the first time, so ... just introduce yourself once!"

Under the banner of the hunted iron crown, Brandon de Salion, who showed a childlike smile, opened his arms and opened his eyes to the hundreds of heavily armed rangers in front of him:

"I, Brandon de Salion, the second prince of the thirteenth generation of the empire, plus a dragon rider. Many of you may have heard of my name, but I guess Bacheng is not a good word."

"As for why my infamous" faceless prince "would stand here, you should know how much-yes, I will go north with you to the land covered by snow and snow, ruled by evil spirits and monsters, Look for signs of invasion. "

"This is bound to be a difficult expedition. We have to wander around the familiar but equally strange land to find any clues; even it is not impossible to meet the invading army of monsters directly!"

The soldiers on the scene were silent and did not respond at all.

"I knew ... I didn't have a gift for speaking, but it didn't matter." Brandon smiled self-deprecatingly: "Because I don't plan to say anything, 'I will never leave any of you to die' or ... "I will live and die with you" and other empty words, because too much talk is too boring! "

"The reason is simple-even if you all died in the north, it is not as important as when I died there alone; the aristocrats in the south would not know how many robes you have to let them spend a warm and comfortable afternoon. Died on the cold ground in the north. "

"And if I die there, the empire will have a very good excuse to gather troops ~ ~ to launch a real expedition to the north, and those noble lords will be really sober and willing to open their eyes A piece of cold land! "

"So, brave and fearless soldiers, I do n’t care what you are for this land, but from now on you have only one task-to live as much as you can before I die. . "

"If you are going to devote yourself to the Holy Cross, this is just an outpost war that is not worth boasting, a war among wars that no one will remember;"

"If you still have family members, remember that they are still waiting for you to go back, even if you want to be a hero, you will at least die in a battle worth your death!"

The voice fell, and with the friction of the iron chain and gears, the gate of the fortress was slowly opened, and the land of the north wind roared in front of everyone.

Brandon de Salion had a wonderful smile on his face:

"Now, brave and fearless gentlemen ... Let us see the appearance of **** together, and ...

Come back alive again! "

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