Shaman from Afar

Vol 3 Chapter 58: Read as "trap" (below)

At dawn, Blood Skull Valley Camp.

The church knights and legionnaires packed their outfits silently and left the camp in their respective directions with great tacit understanding. There was no sound from beginning to end, leaving only an empty abandoned camp.

Even if you fought side by side, the gap between the two sides will not be eased by the reconciliation of the commanders of the two sides-you can absolutely trust each other in a few days, and there is no such good thing in this world.

The church knights of the Holy Cross still look down on soldiers from the south, and the Legion of the Sacran Empire also has its own pride. It is harder to make both sides bow their heads than to go to the sky.

Stepping on the cold, piercing snow, the legionnaires who were struggling in the cold winds of the morning, carrying their bags, biting bitter black bread harder than ice, lined up in a neat formation to the east of Blood Valley .

Grabbing the reins in his hand, Edward's indifferent looked at the dark-haired wizard who was also silent on the side of his eyes. He was very hesitant in his heart, but reason told him that this was correct.

Never do unnecessary things, never intervene in an irreversible situation, and finally ...

Never be stupid.

"I thought you would go to the Cliff Mountain with His Highness Brandon." The night watchman said quietly: "When His Highness commanded me, he had to admit that he was unavoidably surprised, but ... it is also a matter of course. Nothing can be changed. "

"Yes, one's power cannot change anything ..."

The contemplative dark-haired wizard murmured to himself: "But if he has thousands of people willing to die for him, it's another matter."

Edward turned his head and deliberately avoided the dark eyes. Of course he knew who Loren said: "What did you find?"

"Yes, it's not ... it's not right, it should be said that there is only a hunch." When he recovered, Loren shook his head: "I always feel that we seem to ignore some very important clues-and that Connor What is his real plan, Your Highness? "

Turning his head instinctively, Loren frowned and looked at the indifferent night watchman: "You really told me everything?"

"You asked two questions, which one do you want to ask?"

"Of course it is best to answer both."

This almost "scoundless" attitude made the night watchman sigh and calmly stared straight ahead: "First of all, he couldn't tell me, because I'm a little **** who is insignificant and can only know what I need to know . "

"As for the second ... I have told you everything I can tell you, Loren-I don't want to repeat it again, but if there is a choice, I really don't want to intervene in this matter, do you understand?"

Loren shrugged clearly, apparently Edward was not going to say anything.

So all he had was the intelligence at hand-Loren hated assumptions, but the situation now had to be done by himself.

Suppose that everything from Connord's expectations after they arrived at the Fortress of the Boundary Mountain, what would he do next?

Or who would be the assassin "acquired" by Connor?

It is certain that this person is definitely not the chief knight commander Naze, because his identity and position are too eye-catching and extremely easy to expose, and it is not easy to end if an accident is committed by him-most importantly, a person like Naze has already It is not easy to be persuaded by this "second two" excuse.

So, the murderer is one of the twelve church knights?

Loren just thought about it in his head, and soon gave up the idea.

There is indeed such a possibility, and these knights who promise "Oath" do have the possibility to assassinate Brandon in front of the dragon. The unreasonable power, it is difficult to say whether one-on-one Loren can win them. .

But in fact, there are only twelve church knights. Once someone leaves Naze, he will surely find out the first time. The result is that Connold will bear the possibility of being an enemy of the Holy Cross Church; a person like him will not let himself carry this. Black pot, otherwise why don't you just start on the Jiejie Mountain?

No, there must be a more secret candidate, there must be an "assassin" who is not known but can be fooled and used by him, and will not be discovered afterwards.

An existence that is subconsciously ignored by oneself.

"What did you think of?" The indifferent night watchman tentatively asked.

"Only one ..." Loren narrowed his eyes slightly and sighed softly:

"Although I don't want to admit it, ... maybe I underestimated the Prince Sacran!"

Edward glanced at him with the corner of his gaze: "It's nothing, 'Never underestimate a De Sa Lyon'-this sentence is not unreasonable, you are not the first to lose money in the Dragon King family, Nor is it the last one. "

"Besides ... do you really have to worry about these things?"

Hearing this, Loren looked up alertly and slowly looked at the night watchman beside him:

"what do you mean?"

"It's nothing, but I think you seem to care too much about His Highness Brandon, which is very inconsistent with your performance in Ebden." Edward shook his head: "You have come to the north, only one step away from Niederhogg; How does the destiny and life-and-death of Brandon De Salion have anything to do with you? "

The dark-haired wizard didn't answer, and the expression looking at Edward became more and more confused, even a little weird.

"Edward, I need you to answer me a question truthfully ...

While at the outpost, you said that Connold had ordered you to provide the ‘assassin’ with all operational conveniences. Loren narrowed his eyes slightly:

"Have you done the same?"

The night watchman did not look at him, and said coldly: "Loren, I have told you everything I can tell you."

This reply is no different from the default!

"So say ... your suggestion to divide the troops is actually Connor's plan?"

After glancing at each other, Edward simply chose silence.

At the next moment, the surprise on Loren's face gradually receded, and the corner of his mouth slowly evoked an extremely sarcastic arc, and the dark pupil stared at the expression of the night watchman.

"Slap!" Edward, who didn't look back, held Loren's shoulders: "Don't do stupid things, I told you how dangerous Highness Connold is, it's time to let go, Loren."

"That's right, he must be invincible with your help!"

"It's as if I still have a choice." Edward, who was not annoyed, still said calmly: "What's more, we don't know who the assassin is, all the army of the church is transferred, they can't contact To His Highness Brandon! "

Loren lowered his head slightly, his face extremely ugly.

Calm, calm ... Edward didn't do anything wrong, and he was already helping himself to the best of his ability. It doesn't make any sense to complain at this time.

Some clues are also needed, just a little hint.

Forcibly calm, Loren raised his eyes and looked at the night watchman: "Do you have any speculation?"

"If it is now, it's just like you-I can only guess that the assassin may not be in the church's army, or that he is buried deep."

Edward said quietly: "But if it was not any of the twelve church knights, who could it be? Or that he deliberately hid his name and hid in the church army?"

"No ~ ~ If that's the case, then he would have been aware of it." Loren shook his head and rejected the speculation of the night watchman, whispering in a low voice: "It must be a guy who has appeared long ago People who can conspire with Connold and are ignored by us, and ... "

Before he finished, Loren's eyes widened sharply!

That's right, isn't there such a person who is always ignored by his own subconscious?

Reached the Fortress of Forbidden Mountain before himself;

Very familiar with His Highness Brandon and himself;

Have the power of oath, the strength cannot be underestimated, and be a knight loyal to the Holy Cross;

And it will never be discovered by anyone in the Church of the Holy Cross, because they do not know it at all, and may never even notice the existence of this person.

"Fanesisi's guardian knight ..." Loren stunned slightly, as if everything was clear in an instant:

"He is the" Assassin "who conspired with Connor--!"

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