Shaman from Afar

Vol 3 Chapter 61: Thunder in the North (Part 1)


The collision of the blades ignited the dazzling spark, the guardian knight was expressionless, and the memories once came to my mind like fragments, and my ears seemed to think of Farnesses again.

"Do you know why the" sword of oath "must take away your name, your identity?

Because this oath is not a knight, or even a burden that a person can bear; this is the mission from Holy Cross. At the same time that the oath is promised, it means that your destiny is maintained in your mission.

You are not waving for yourself, but for the Holy Cross.

You carrying this oath are carrying out the will of the Holy Cross, which is invincible;

Therefore, you are invincible! "

Suddenly opened his eyes, and the frenzy passed like a flame through the eyes of the guardian knight.

At the moment of slipping, the dark-haired wizard shuddered suddenly!

The guardian knight wielding the blade in front of him became more and more violent, gradually losing his rules and regulations, as crazy as a awakening beast, regardless of everything, rushing towards himself, using all the strength of his body to chop and wave the handle Full of falling swords.

No matter what kind of dodge and retreat, all-out dodge is of no avail. The guardian knight has bite himself and refuses to let go. The distance between the two sides is always limited to three steps, with a slight hesitation. Will rush on the face!

If the distance cannot be increased, the power of Torino ’s fire must be limited to a very low level, otherwise there is a risk of dying together, and the battle of the furnace town is enough to prove that the damage of that power is not helpful at all;

In the same way, he couldn't use the "primary force impact" within three steps. He didn't have to wait for his hand to raise his hand, and the mitre silver sword that could cut steel would tear the left arm into a rotten piece. meat!

Sword front wheel dance, Loren can only use the bright silver in his hand to parry again and again, the collision, interweaving, and splashing sparks in the snow are fleeting in the snowstorm, and flash again and again!

The gray-blue swordmans continued to slide over the spine of the sword, leaving wounds on the body of the guard knight again and again, but none of them were crucial, and the other party did not have any meaning of dodge, and the spurting plasma could not stop his pace. .

This will not help at all, and the strategy must be changed!

The other party has already seen through his skills and means, and he has also seen that he will not desperately fight with him. The furnace town trick cannot be used a second time. Loren can't believe that this one can be fooled again.

Sure enough, the best way to deal with the wizard is to close the distance and then continue to advance, without giving any breathing time within three steps of hard work ...

During the fight, Loren, who was mocking himself, pulled the corner of his mouth and blocked the long sword that pierced his cheek with a cross. The exploding sword mandrel flicked away the tip of the guardian knight, but it was only a moment ... winking The fierce sword wind rushed into the chest like a substance.

Wait, for a moment?

That ’s right, the essence of "bright silver" is not a so-called metal weapon, it is not substantial, and it is more appropriate to say that it is an explosion-so if you want to stop your own attack, the other party must use more power, and in While bouncing off, there will inevitably be a moment of "weightlessness" due to inertia.

This is impossible to avoid, and will inevitably be more obvious because of the strength.

In a flash, it ’s just a blink of an eye.

The sword wind roared, and the crazy guard knight had red eyes, as if the storm was approaching Loren within three steps, the touch of death was even colder than the snowstorm!

The faceless Loren instinctively blocked, violently trembling pupils constantly looking for opportunities on the other side-the rushing guardian knight was flawed from head to toe, but the stormy sword wind would put himself in the moment he succeeded Also cut into pieces.

The so-called blocking, blocking, and evading are all simple to say; but when a fierce beast that is not afraid of death rushes at you with a sharp blade, it is another matter;

This is a paradox. If you can attack the other party, it proves that the other party can also attack you. The final ending must be the same. Loren is very convinced that the guardian knight in front of him will be happy to do so.

But he didn't want to!

The gray-blue swordman's head was chopped head-on, and the madly advancing guard knight didn't mean to dodge at all. He held the sword in both hands to make a cross-cut, and the cold sword edge ripped the air towards the neck of the black wizard.

The biting chill approached, almost making Loren think that his neck had been cut off!


With a violent impact, a gray-blue light beam passed over the spine of the sword, and even smashed the trajectory of the long sword with explosive inertia; the guard knight could not resist this force, and the blade was swung open.

The opportunity is coming!

Loren let go of his right hand and snapped a finger in the opponent's line of sight. The guard knight whose pupils contracted suddenly didn't mean to stop.

But this time it was not "Turin's Fire" nor "Prime Impact".

Just a small, hovering curse ...

The icy guardian knight was aware of the impact of his wrist. The long sword had been completely deflected in an unconscious moment, even if only for a moment, he was already empty!

Yes, an instant is enough ...

Loren clenched his bright silver hilt in his hands, and the spitting gray-blue awn was like a burning spear, and he stabbed straight toward the guard's chest.

Who is going to back off this time? !

It's too late to parry, and the dodge will be cut off by the neck of the sword directly ... but the guardian knight did not choose any one, but rushed towards his sword as usual, and the slammed blade swept forward. :


The guard knight roared with all his strength, and the dark-haired wizard who felt the biting sword wind narrowed his eyes, and squatted down at that moment, the bright silver pierced was changed to split, and the gray-blue sword was aligned To protect the right arm of the knight.

Stagger, turn around, dodge, wield a sword!

Like a dragonfly, I think of the dark-haired wizards who acted in the morning star forest elves in one go, and in the blink of an eye, it seems that even time has stopped.

When the guard knight blade fell, the faceless Loren had stood five steps behind him.


The sound of torn skin and tendons came from the right arm of the guardian knight with spewing plasma.

The expression of the cold-guarded knight was distorted instantly, turned to stare at the figure of the black-haired wizard, and his right arm dyed red was still holding the long sword in his hand.

But that doesn't make much sense ... the muscles might be able to be supported if they are torn apart, but even if the tendons are broken, they can't raise the sword anyway.

A knight has lost his right hand wielding a sword, and he is no longer afraid.

The dark-haired wizard did not mean to step forward again, and the bright silver in his hand also retracted his waist, looking calmly at the guardian knight who was five steps away from him.

That expression is like a winner looking at a loser.

"Lorren Turin, do you think you won ..." The guard knight looked dull and screamed enthusiastically:

"Do you think it's over?"

"It's not what I thought." The dark-haired wizard gasped quietly, and he didn't feel well just that moment:

"It's over."

"No, it's not over yet, it won't end like this!"

The long sword full of collapses was stuck in the snow under the feet, and the guard knight half kneeling on the ground grabbed the sword handle with his left hand, and the enthusiasm in his eyes was not reduced:

"My Lord, please give me the humble redemption ~ ~ please allow me to fight for you ...

Let the light of the Holy Cross shine on us once again! ! ! ! "

Pulling out the long sword, the guardian knight who sang loudly stood up again, waving the long sword in his hand and launched a charge towards the dark-haired wizard who was close at all!

Loren, standing in place, had no intention of evading, and there was still a trace of admiration in the pupil reflecting the figure of the other side.

No matter how disgusting the church is, this kind of person is really not annoying ...

Raising his right hand slightly, the crimson runes once again floated on the palm-from the beginning, Loren ’s tactic was to pull the two sides away enough, this is not the warehouse of the furnace town, as long as it is outside the safe distance Don't worry that the "Fire of Turin" will affect yourself.

So, it's really over ...

Flames erupted from the palm of your hand, and the golden-red beam flashed through the snowstorm.

In an instant, countless fires burst beside the guardian knight!

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