Shaman from Afar

Vol 5 Chapter 38: Thunderstorm at midnight (Part 2)

"Stop them--!"

The two swords slammed the battle axe that was chopping head-on, blocking the elite of the centaur who was almost torn apart. The phalanx infantry behind them hurriedly filled up the vacancies in the front row, such as Lin's heavy spear will burst into the camp of the centaur Jacked back again.

The flaming beacon fluttered in the cold wind of midnight, suddenly and dimly; the Centaur Samurai who appeared in the dark night kept making terrible howling, like a ghost crawling out of hell.

Through the fire beside him, the gray pupil who was panting violently raised his head and opened his eyes desperately to see everything in front of him.

But it is a pity that all he can see are the surging enemies like the Kuroshio, as well as the barracks like a lone boat in this stormy sea.

The wailing screams and the hoarse shouting sounded at the same time, accompanied by the **** smell permeating in the cold wind, and echoed with the sound of the screaming sounds that shone through the sky on this moon-lit night.

Even more than them, the five camps were almost unpredictably attacked at the same time; the wind-like slamming sound swept across the river bank instantly, and the ear was full of horror howls of the Centaur Samurai, and it crashed hard into Bayern On the camp!

There were more and more streams of water behind them, like the tide; the dense "black spots" were even covered by the river, and only enemies were seen from all directions.

Damn it, this was not a night attack at all. The other party didn't even have a temptation, even a sneak attack, and all the troops directly rushed forward.

They just intended to drown us, drowning us with several times the force!

Lucien gritted his teeth, shaking both hands with the dagger.

For a moment, he wondered how the defenders in Thousand Accounts City could survive for three months under such siege?

Because the enemy ... is really too much!


Behind the collision sound of soldiers fighting, Luisen suddenly bowed and turned his head, parrying his sword.

A war halberd lay in front of his eyes, and stopped the tomahawk that was split.

"Damn ... let's fight, what **** do you go ?!"

McCafferty shouted cursedly, the halberd splayed, and the battle axe was thrown; at the moment the Centaur warrior roared, the sharp halberd blade had stabbed into his neck.

Splashing blood!

"It is not now to want to die, have you heard!"

McCafferty's shouts were so clear in a fight and howl that let Lusien wake up immediately; staring at the enemies that were still flowing towards them, his silver-gray pupil shrank suddenly.

"They are running away!"

"what did you say?!"

"If we really want to kill us, they should not spread all the troops on the front, but a part of the forces in the camp, and then let the main forces cross the upper reaches and destroy our camps one by one!"

Wielding his swords to drive back the enemy, Lusien tried hard to recall what Loren looked like in the King City, plus what he learned when he served in the Fortress of the Boundary Mountain:

"So such a large-scale offensive proved that they did not want to defeat us, but to break the blockade set by Lord Loren to break through."

"Offense is a guise, they are about to escape!"

"Really? But now it seems that we have a small problem." McCafferty sneered, turning his halberd across, piercing the face of a centaur samurai in the melee: "Fighting like this will not wait for them to escape , We're done! "


Yang Jian stopped the war spear that was facing him, and gritted his teeth to close the backhand. Before the opponent attacked again, he pierced the throat of the Centaur: "So ... the key to this battle is still the cavalry! "

"As long as at a critical moment, use a cavalry to cut off the enemy's formation along the river, the Centaur will be difficult to look at. The enemy in the back can only watch the front line being strangled by our two lines!"

"And before that ..." The silver-gray pupils flashed cold killing intentions, and Lucien took a deep breath: "We must first block them to ensure that the camp will not fall."

"This is the only thing we can do!" The gray pupil turned his head, his eyes sharp.

McCafferie, who was staring at him, couldn't help but startle, but then he snorted in disdain: "After a lot of talking, is it still the same as now?"

"Of course it's different." Lussin retorted: "Simply being killed is a far cry from knowing why!"


Before he had finished speaking, a javelin screamed and pierced Luisen's shoulder from the position of the collarbone, knocking him out directly!


McCafferty shouted; but in the next second, the gray pupil who had fallen to the ground had already climbed up and pulled out his gun if nothing had happened.

"Hello, Lucien, you ... you are ..."

"Don't worry, I'm fine."

The gray pupil didn't pay attention to him, just raised his **** gun, and cut it off with one hand.

At that moment, the surprised McCafferie glanced at him, and then turned his head in a hurry, his face panicked.

Those silver-gray eyes turned gray-blue!


In the Thousand Accounts City, Earl Angart, standing on his sword, stared at the mouth of the river not far away; in the mountain's tsunami-like fighting, the five camps of the Byrne Army had been crumbling.

Clenching the sword handle in his hand, the old man with a cold eye looked dull, as if the fight outside the city wall had nothing to do with him.

Belo Varna, who was standing beside him, was not so calm. He gritted his teeth and could n’t see a little bit of blood on his cheek: "The gang of centaurs ... they ca n’t beat the thousand account city. Is the target aimed at Duke Byrne ?! "

"Don't be so nervous, young master, these barbarians are just bluffs." Angut interrupted him coldly, staring at the direction of the battlefield without blinking his eyes, his voice was flat:

"I just want to scare our benefactors by these two things. It's almost like that."

"But the strength comparison is still very disparate-the Centaur Army crossing the river alone has already passed 10,000, and it will be dangerous to beat the Duke Byrne in this way!"

Bello turned his head and turned his eyes to the old man: "We are saved, they just bluff!"

"Now counting the army you brought and the remnants of our Thousand Account City, how many can still make up three or four thousand people ... How many of us can we attack the army crossing the river from behind ..."

"No!" Angut immediately drank him before he finished.

"Count Angget, I mean ..."

"I said, no! My task is to guard Qianqian City. As long as I'm still there, the defenders of Qianzhang City won't be able to make a half-step of the city!"

"Guy Angut—!" Belo Varna shouted angrily: "Do you want to watch your Duke, your compatriots are killed by the barbarians, what is your loyalty? ?! "

Suddenly turned his head, the old man's sharp gaze made Belo stunned; he had no time to feel the neckline tightened, and the whole person was mentioned in mid-air next second!

"Don't think that you have the right to yell at me after a victory battle. It's almost the same as your grandpa, boy!"

Angut, with a solemn expression, was like a lion with fire, and he didn't dare to take the first half of the guards around the Duke of Poi.

"In that camp there were more than 500 people I brought from Shanyanbao, my old buddies, more than 15,000 benefactors, and the Duke I vowed to sell his life for ... You Boi guard this **** Thousand-Account City, at the risk of dying! "

The old man opened his eyes in anger and clenched his teeth: "Just today, an Earl of Byrne has already killed your Boye ... so do n’t tell me what loyalty is!"

Suddenly being rid of the collar, Belo Varna said nothing, and there was a silence on the walls of Thousand Accounts City ~ ~ But the next second, this silence was broken.

"Cavalry--!" The ranger on the sentry tower suddenly shouted: "There is a cavalry!"

"Duke Loren ... Is he going to counterattack now?" The old man was stunned for a while, and then he chuckled: "Sure enough, these little young people have a bad temper!"

"No, not the Duke!"

The Ranger shouted violently towards the city wall, his face full of incredible expressions:

"It's Varna's scimitar horse flag!" ...

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