Shaman from Afar

Vol 5 Chapter 65: The moment of marching (Part 1)

"What is this, new weapon?"

Salika Jonah was playing with a scroll on the table, her big curious eyes blinking at the weird symbol.

Normally she would not be close to the alchemists ’camps; although the Boys did not have a cold to the wizards like the Bayerns, most of them kept a respectful attitude.

However, when the Duke of Byrne was also a wizard and spent several days in the alchemist camp with her "little angel" Ain, Salika was "inevitably" jealous.

"It's okay, but it's still in the experimental stage." Loren was reluctant to deal with two sentences casually: "This is a rune ... If done properly, it can produce a lot of power, just like the ignition agent."


"Uh ... you can understand it as tattoos, tattoos, or some kind of magical text-the method will be very powerful, but I haven't found the right way."

"So powerful?"

Salika showed an expression of sudden enlightenment, but suddenly reacted in the next second, frowning: "Wait ... aren't you just fooling me?"

"Of course not, this is an expression that is easy to understand and belongs to a kind of language art." The black wizard who was extremely upset in his heart showed a "sincere" smile without changing his face:

"Although people usually classify wizards into one category, there are actually many categories among us. Among the most important categories of this category, there are two kinds of spelling and alchemy;

Although the two disciplines are almost completely different, they have one thing in common, that is, ‘ancient runes’.

The difference is that alchemists pursue the use of a third party, while the caster engraves the runes into their consciousness, forming a power called ‘magic’.

What I have experimented with is whether it is possible to apply the magic spells of curse science to the rune seals of alchemy-to turn the curse into a real 'prop', and the existence of the third party is the most direct The effectiveness of ... well, basically that's it. "

When the words fell, the self-speaking Loren could not help but nod ... Such a troublesome experiment was summarized in two or three sentences. It seems that the eloquence level has increased recently.

But this kind of "self-satisfaction" -style triumph is obviously not a grassland girl who can be "appreciated" by Salika.


"It's finished." Loren nodded contentedly: "What did I say, do you know?"

"Half." Salika hugged her shoulders, her expression strange.

"Oh ..." Loren's eyes lit up, revealing a somewhat surprised look: "Which half?"

"You, you know what you just said."

"Well, of course, then?"

"I do not know."

"..." It took half a minute for Loren to understand what she meant.

Resisting the urge to roll his eyes, Loren cleared his throat with a cough.

For this kind of "only know drinking and riding to cut people", "simple" grassland girl, only the most direct "field test" can make her understand her meaning.

So, after Loren blasted a wooden target with a "Fire of Turin", he was ignorant and always felt that he was like a fool, Salika finally understood the purpose of this thing, and looked at the black wizard. It has also become much more "friendly".

Although she didn't know the principle of this thing, she could also perceive how shocking the change would be if it was built into the equipment of Poi Huqi!

The most deficient for the flexible and maneuverable Poe cavalry is the positive destructiveness and impact, and it is very weak in the face of the formation of heavy infantry.

But with this thing, all sturdy fronts will be torn into pieces in a flash; heavy infantry who lose their formation and panic will turn into arbitrary fat under the Boi!

But before she could speak, Loren poured cold water directly.

"why not?!"

"There are many reasons, and the most important is cost." Loren frowned: "The cost of making this one is close to thirty bottles of pyrophoric agent, and the power is less than one-thirtieth of what I just did, even low-level magic. There are no levels of curses! "

This is also where Loren has the most headache ... The technique of applying the spell to the real thing appeared in Ebden a few years ago, but it has not been popularized until now, and only a lot of inefficient luxury goods have appeared.

Because of the rare embarrassment of high-level casters in the wizarding world for many years, and the fact that it has almost become a "juggling" social status in the empire, the nine-man star wizard tower also has little incentive to promote technological innovation, so he and Ain can only fumble alone. .

Obviously only two of them, the efficiency is definitely not comparable to the wizard tower with a complete research system.

All the things in this world that have been cobbled together before they can overcome the technical difficulties can only be inefficient "geeks"-technology like this "magic scroll" level is not something that one or a few wizards can study. Something.

A genius like Alyn Rand ’s alchemist may be able to significantly improve the existing technology; but she wants to rely on her to complete the pinnacle of a brand new system ... that is a feat that Isaac failed to accomplish. .

The original purpose of Loren was to use this kind of thing to arm his "Duke Guard", so that they have weapons that can quickly kill monsters, without having to train the caster on a large scale.

But now the power of this "scroll" is not as good as a bottle of pyrophoric agent ... The solution proposed by the little wizard was to engrave the runes directly on the body of the guard soldiers, and use the principle of the magic wand to "reform" part of their bodies.

But the risk of such a move is extremely high, and for a moment, the pool will turn the soldiers into monsters distorted by the void; not to mention that the church will never tolerate this "devil's move" without the assistance of the college-level wizarding organization like the wizard tower. The success rate is also very low.

Is this really the only way? Either tolerate up to one-tenth of the death rate, or open an academy that specializes in training "battle casters", and training in batches is comparable to the night watchman and the demon hunter who is better at fighting head-on?

Uh ... the "legendary" demon hunter in the impression seems to have been trained from the academy; so it seems that there is nothing wrong with doing it yourself.

What is the name of the college by then?

Wolf Academy? Kyle Mohan?

Just when Loren was full of thoughts and thoughts, the curiosity of Sallyka took the reel and measured it in her hands: "I said ... Can this thing get me a few dozen?"

"A few dozen?" Loren Keung once again endured the urge to roll his eyes: "The one in your hand is the only one that has succeeded so far-I won't get the second one until I find a solution!"

"Cut, look at you stingy, or Duke Byrne!"

Despite that, Salika could n’t help but stick out her tongue when she heard that price—Boy was never a particularly wealthy principality, and he could only rely on the trade balance of each territory to support a wizarding association. Well, it can be done.

"Duke, this is the information of Grand Duke Laszlo Varna."

With the figure coming, Eckert's solemn words interrupted the two who were still noisy, and the dissatisfied Salika secretly took the opportunity to hide the scroll in her arms.

"Two days ago, the army of Grand Duke Varna had officially entered the territory of Grand Poi. One hundred thousand hussars completely swept through several major pastures and marched eastward." Eckert said in a deep voice:

"The Grand Duke also ordered people to send letterhead, asking you to seize this opportunity as soon as possible to intercept the supply line of the Centaur Army, create conditions, and force the Centaur to wage a decisive battle with him."

"Request ... is it almost an order?" Loren shook his head ~ ~ with a little helplessness in his chuckle, he didn't think the other party would let go of the opportunity to order himself:

"But thank you very much ... the hundred thousand Huqi attracted all the attention, forcing the Centaur to have to assemble a large army, so that we can rest and cultivate in the barren hills."

"No, it's not the case," Eckert said suddenly.


"During the sweeping of the pasture, Archduke Varna's army showed no signs of a centaur buildup, and even ... even a wandering centaur samurai didn't notice that they said it was like steaming on earth."

"what did you say?!"...

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