Shaman from Afar

Vol 5 Chapter 85: Meet you at the "end" of the world

Staring at the already cold corpse, the pale dwarf sat down, his lost pupils trembled, panting heavily.

Luisen squeezed the corner of his mouth tightly, curled up in a corner of the minecart; the oath knight was holding the "Can Star" in his arms as before, bowing his head as if praying.

No one spoke.

The cold wind roared, and the minecart carrying four people was moving fast on the underground railroad track.

The atmosphere of death has dropped to zero.

Leaning on the railing of the carriage half-squatted, the dark-haired wizard twitched the corners of his mouth, holding on to the temple that kept beating.

The body has not fully recovered from the battle with Brunnhild. The use of three large-scale Torino fires in a row is still too heavy on himself.

"Master Loren, are you okay?" The gray pupil on the side looked at him anxiously and asked tentatively.

"It's okay, it's still alive."

Tearing the corner of his mouth like a joke, the dark-haired wizard turned his eyes to another corner: "H.E. Paulis Mihailo?"

The lost dwarf barely looked up, and it seemed that he had not recovered completely from the shock.

But Loren didn't let him go at all. He asked directly before he responded: "When you came, you said," If you go along No. 43 Jiu Road, we may go in the direction of ... ", just how?"

Hearing this problem, Lucien and the oath knight couldn't help but turn around, staring at the dwarf curled up in the corner.

Paulis, who was staring at the same time, twitched his cheeks and licked his cracked lips.

"Each mine in the Yunling Kingdom has its purpose." The dwarf said silently:

"The ninth railroad track is the first attempt at the deep well of Silver Helmet Mountain ... We dug the mine down and kept going down. After countless generations of efforts, the mine was extended to a deep enough level, and Based on this, an underground mine network was developed; "

"The most important thing is that we found something different that time."

"We ... first discovered Mithril."

With the roaring railroad tracks and the roaring wind, the dwarf's heavy voice swayed in the ears of the three people like a Hong Zhong.

"... So." Oath Knight's calm voice sounded: "Following this railroad track, we are going to enter the deepest part of the Silver Helmet Mountain ... the end of the world?"

"So ... isn't that the exact opposite of our destination?" Gray pupil widened his eyes in astonishment, his expression full of surprise: "When will this continue to take down the Silver Helmet Mountain, the Bain army outside is the most Only two days! "

"On the contrary, this is the fastest way to get inside the fortress." The dwarf glanced at him, very indifferent:

"After the Mithril Mine completely dried up, Silver Helmet continued to send an expedition team under the pit, so there was a special channel that allowed us to avoid the outer pit area and directly reach the top of Silver Helmet Fortress."

This answer satisfied Loren, although he still felt a little something wrong with the other party.

The simplest and most direct reason-if it can be so easy, how can Fanesis, who has controlled the Silver Helmet Mountain Fortress, leave it to himself without setting any traps?

But Paulis ... doesn't seem to be lying at all.

Loren ’s insight and vision that enabled “beyond perception” are far beyond the normal category; after life and death, especially after the battle with Brunnhild, he has gradually mastered the observation of subtle movements and expression changes The technique can even hear the heart pulse and even the changes in blood flow.

At least for now, the dwarf did not try to hide or deceive himself.

"That Holy Blood Elixir, and they ..."

The dwarf's face was defeated, as if he was terrified, and his cheeks were trembling under his beard: "The missionary of the empire, Farnesis in your mouth ... What is the purpose of this?"

The knight with a solemn vow glanced at Loren, and the dark-haired wizard could only sigh heavily and nodded slightly.

"Ebdon ... that's the city of wizards, the site of the Nine Stars wizard tower, you may have heard of it." After seeing Paulis's expression, Loren continued to say:

"There, Fanesis did a similar thing. As a result, most of the city, the entire civilian area became a slaughterhouse and an altar to sacrifice the evil god!"

The dwarf's face was dull and his breathing was disturbed and there was no response at all.

In the dark, the solitary minecart roared past the rails, and the rate of descent became faster.

"Why?" Paulis gritted his teeth and stared like a brass bell: "Why did he do this ?!"

"Because there is something he wants to get in Ebden."

The oath of the knight whispered quietly: "Fansis ... He was wearing the robes of the servants of the Holy Cross, but in his bones was a wild dog chasing authority and power; in order to get what he wanted, he could do whatever he wanted."

"There is no good, no evil; he can join forces with opposing enemies, and he can seem innocent to the innocent people who are stuck in his way by fearful slaughter ... all is just‘ he needs ’.”

Lusien squeezed his lips tightly, remembering the figure in shabby black robe who had "helped" himself and Isaac in the Dragon King City.

At that time, did he not kill himself because of "necessity"?

"I think this time, it should be no different." Loren said faintly, his dark pupil staring at the dwarf: "He spent all his hard work, even using the Holy Blood Potion to control the old mining area of ​​Silver Helmet Mountain, must Something. "

"So it must be something very special; a piece of text, a book, a treasure ... very special, enough to make him pay so much, and he will not hesitate to cause a war!"

When the words fell, the dark-haired wizard stared at the dwarf's expression, hoping to get a little clue from him to relieve his final confusion.

But the result disappointed him.

The dwarf's expression in contemplation was even more confused than him, and apparently knew nothing about it.

"Of course, this is just one of many speculations." Realizing that the atmosphere became depressed again, Loren immediately began to change the subject: "It may also be that Fanesis wants to use the power of the Yunling Kingdom to weaken the Empire."

"He is already a wanted criminal in the church, and everyone in the empire shouts, so he can only cause damage to the empire through external forces."

"In order to weaken the Sakran Empire, will the civil war in the Yunling Kingdom be launched?" Paulis, who was shocked and surprised, showed an incredible expression: "This missionary ... how arrogant!"

"What did he think of the great Yunling Kingdom, who did he think he was ?!"

"I said, this is just my guess, or even just one of them." Loren's eyes were calm, and a slight opening interrupted him: "Not to mention the situation now ... has he succeeded?"

The dwarf's cheeks turned red, but he was speechless.

No, this is not all.

Sighing softly, Loren's pupil reflected the crazy figure of Farness.

"... Brenhild is only one part of my plan, not even the most critical; even if you stop me, it is just to keep the truth hidden, and let this false empire and mediocre continue to live. Among deceptions and lies ... "

Farnesis is definitely not like himself, taking one step at a time; on the day he left the Dragon King City, he already ... No, even before that, he already had a comprehensive plan.

The bleak cold wind swept through the dark tunnels, and the minecart still going deep into the ground, obviously has begun to slow down and is about to reach everyone's destination.

There was another silence in the carriage.

Until the gray pupil who was curled up in the corner, he tried to reach out his right hand, and he was somewhat uncertain. "I think ... Fansis may not do this to weaken the empire, or just weaken the empire."

The dwarf and the oath rider frowned slightly, looking at him with an interrogative expression.

Loren raised his head and passed an encouraging look towards Lucen, who was still a little bit less confident, and motioned for him to continue.

"It's very simple. If the ultimate goal is to weaken the empire, then Fanesis will not aim at the Silver Helmet Mountain, but the peak of the cloud." Lucien said:

"The easiest way to control a region is to directly control the most powerful people in the area ... Fanesis can copy everything he once did in Byrne, through the heretics and the Holy Blood Elixir, create a belonging to him. Puppet regime. "

"I even suspect that the centaur has been controlled by him in this way before I make the decision to abandon the Great Boyi collar and fight the deadly referendum with Laszlo Varna!"

The gray pupil said more and more excited, the dignified and serious expression, Loren almost saw the shadow of Grand Duke Elleman Julie Wiltz in him:

"Fanness, he is not just using it, but he is afraid of the Yunling Kingdom!"

The dwarf Paulis' face was astonished, and the silent oath knight suddenly opened his eyes as if he suddenly figured out something.

"Because the Yunling Kingdom is not a centaur, nor a barbarous race like a monster, but a civilization that is very high or even beyond the empire; but such a race has no belief, even rejects it."

Lucien stared at Loren with a dumb voice: "Whether it is a traitor of the church or not, Fanesis was at least a holy cross or a follower of the evil god."

"Since this is the case, then he will have a heartfelt fear of this race that does not need faith, or even rejects faith!"


The metal sound of the runner striking the baffle was very harsh in the dark mine.

The minecart stopped.

In the darkness, there was silence.

"Interesting guess."

With a chilling voice, it sounded from the darkness.

The shocked four turned around at the same time, looking behind!

"Lucien ... Well, it seemed like it was a mistake not to kill you at the beginning; the person who reversed the trajectory of the world, your existence will only make everything worse."

What ... The dark-haired wizard was cold and his pupils shrank.

"Lucien, get down-!!!!!!"

The words didn't fall, and I just felt a sudden death.


In the electric light and stone fire, the gray pupils lying on the railroad tracks unbelievably widened their eyes, staring at the thick figure of the five-headed body "floating" in mid-air.

A black shadow penetrated the dwarf's invisible neck, the blood spewed, and his limbs were like fish on the chopping board, struggling ... struggling ... struggling ... and finally hanging down weakly.

Paulis Mihailo, dead.

"The first one, he is useless ..." The hoarse voice came, but he could not judge the direction of the sound source at all.

The expression of the dark-haired wizard was ugly to the extreme, constantly glancing back and forth around the darkness.

Farnesses ... Where is he? !

At this moment, Loren, who opened both "beyond perception" and "spiritual horizon", was shocked to find that he could not find the figure of Fanesis.

"Holy Cross, please let the evil collapse, let the Holy Light shine on the humble us ..."

With a cold expression, the knight knighted his sword with one hand and roared and began to pray:

"If the future is boundless, please give us blessings; if the winter is coming, please give us martyrs ..."


Accompanied by a harsh loud noise and a cracking fire, the oath of the knight was slammed into the sky; with a loud spit, he spit blood and barely supported his body with the "Cancer Star" so as not to fall.

The next second, the thick black mist slammed through the chest of the oath knight, leaving a huge hole in the heart's place; the knight who was too late to resist was shocked and fell straight into the pool of blood.

"Second, I hate the dogs that are called" Wang Wang "there, especially the wild dogs who are not reluctant and chasing ..."

With a sneer, Farnesses' cruel voice sounded again: "Then, the third ..."


Looking at the falling figures one by one, the frightened gray pupil stood up without thinking, and rushed straight at the dark-haired wizard who was still standing.

"I told you to lie down!"

Loren screamed on one knee ~ ~ The backhand opened the magic force's "force impact" and aimed at the ground.


Lucien, who had fallen on her knees, only heard the roar of the hurricane, and everything around her was toppled to the ground in a raging wave.

The dark-haired wizard was still kneeling on one knee, and the gray-blue sword-mantle frame was less than a palm away from the front, which could block the "black mist" that almost pierced the face door.

"Loren Turin ..."

Accompanied by creepy words, Farnesses appeared from the darkness little by little.

The long messy gray hair, the shabby black robe, and the bloodless face-this skinny figure gave the black-haired wizard a great sense of oppression: "You are blocking my way again."

"I don't want to boast about myself, but ..." With his teeth clenched, the pretentious and relaxed Loren barely raised his mouth:

"This is my strength ... Good afternoon, honorable Master Fanesis."

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