Shameless Warlock

Chapter 59: The First Dungeon Residents Meeting

Today's training camp Zhang Yue is present in person, and Xu Nan doesn't have to do it for him.

Although Song Xiaocheng was sitting next to Xu Nan, Xu Nan clearly felt that the child was completely autistic. No matter how Xu Nan stimulated him, he would not get any feedback.

Even other people in the class looked at Song Xiaocheng with strange eyes, after all, what happened today has been widely known.

Song Xiaocheng did not completely collapse, but instead turned his grief and anger into motivation, occasionally looking at Xu Nan with a man-eating look in his eyes, and then continued to memorize materials crazily.

Zhang Yue's style is very tough. He was very dissatisfied with the exams in the past two days. Today he sits in person and has only one goal, to let these future masters memorize all the theoretical knowledge by rote.

Xu Nan guessed that after the training camp, there should be something very important waiting for them.

Otherwise, Qianmangshe doesn't have to be so eager for quick success.

Zhang Yue made it clear that the theoretical class was a cramming education, forcing the materials they had on the general world into everyone's minds.

At first glance, it may not look very good, but it is not. After all, the knowledge they memorized is common sense from another world. It’s good to memorize things like common sense. You don’t need to understand it too thoroughly. When you encounter something that can be used, you will naturally understand it.

Xu Nan is, as always, a loner.

There's no way, the blood is like this!

After going through a cutscene and finishing a test paper that Zhang Yue handed out alone, Xu Nan hadn't said anything yet, and Zhang Yue was already chasing Xu Nan away.

In Zhang Yue's words - "Since it's done, don't dawdle; if you have this time, it's better to do more stimulating things and continue to wake up."

It seems that this person is quite familiar with the awakening method of warlocks.

Xu Nan has a good impression of Zhang Yue. On the one hand, it is because the assistant position given to him by the other party has allowed him to gain a lot of points. On the other hand, Zhang Yue did not show any intention of discriminating against warlocks.

Under the envious eyes of all the students, Xu Nan blatantly left early again.

Gained a wave of activity points, but not as many as before. It seems that everyone is numb.

I have to think of something new next time.

Xu Nan scratched his head.


Dungeon base. Today is very lively.

Not only did the captain of the urban management team end his confinement for several days, but he ran back to the base to report to him—the Foreign Language Experimental Middle School successfully completed the professional registration process today, so Qin Lele had time to get away; even Lu Junyi and Shi Fanglin, who had not seen each other for a long time, both Homing.

Seeing this, Xu Nan simply bought more than a dozen catties of green skin crayfish, and everyone gathered together to have fun.

It is worth mentioning that there are not many green crayfish on the market now, and the price is ridiculously high, but there is still an endless stream of diners.

Of course, the ancient well in Grandpa Zhong's house is not the only road in the underground city now.

Xu Nan asked Liuhuo to design the route, and the dwarves were responsible for the construction, and finally opened up the small tunnel between his home and the dungeon base.

In the future, Ah Tang doesn't need to carry lubricating oil with him.

These are all off topic.

At the party, everyone ate and drank to their heart's content.

Xu Nan suggested that it is rare for everyone to get together once, so it is better to take the opportunity to hold a meeting to determine the future development direction of the dungeon and the recent schedule.

Everyone readily agreed.

So the first underground city residents meeting kicked off.

The first topic is the planting of agricultural gardens.

Xu Nan let Liuhuo activate the farming garden a long time ago. The farming garden is the most inconspicuous of the many buildings on the boarding cloud ship, but it is extremely important to the boarding cloud ship.

Self-sufficiency is the key to the ability of the Arcane Empire's cloud boarders to fight in the universe, and the main food output is to rely on farming gardens.

The farming garden has a large area, and it is actually a demiplane, which was forcibly transplanted by the arcanists to the cloud boarder and compressed.

In consideration of saving energy, Xu Nan activated the land in two areas. The first area was used to grow hybrid rice, and the dwarves were in charge. No way, who made the dwarf the only resident of the dungeon at present?

Anyway, Xu Nan is not mining now, and they are idle all day long. Instead of wasting food, it is better to let them work in agriculture.

Now the key is what to plant in the second area.

Xu Nan signaled everyone to express their views.

"Plant some fruit!" The head of the urban management team took the lead in speaking: "For example, plant two trees."

Xu Nan asked, "What tree?"

"One is a jujube tree, and the other is also a jujube tree." Qin Lele may have been a little dazed by reciting texts recently.

Xu Nan laughed and said, "Shall I get you some orange trees?"

"Oranges are fine...or loquat trees are fine." Qin Lele thought for a while.

Xu Nan was surprised: "How to say?"

"There is a loquat tree in the courtyard, which was planted by my wife when she died. Now it is as graceful as a canopy." Qin Lele shook his head.

Xu Nan threw her out directly.

He figured it out. This guy probably hasn't been back to school for a long time. Recently, he was stuck in school all day and had to learn some texts. He deliberately showed off to them today.

"What do you think, Brother Jun Yi?"

Xu Nan looked at Lu Junyi's thinner figure with some concern, and looked at Shi Fanglin: "What's wrong with him?"

Xu Nan noticed it when he was eating crayfish just now. Lu Junyi, who came back this time, was obviously unhappy. He even ate one crayfish at a time.

Lu Junyi raised his head wearily: "Plant whatever you want, just okra!"

Xu Nan pondered: "Okra? Do you have any explanation?"

Shi Fanglin sneered: "Aphrodisiac."

Xu Nan: "..."

Shi Fanglin added: "For those who want to go back to the hospital, veterinarian Lu and Wenxin have had a fierce fight these days, running to other people's bed every night, not squeezing him dry is considered Wenxin's kindness."

Xu Nan turned pale with shock.

Barbarian female warrior? Can Lu Junyi speak up too?

Lu Junyi said angrily: "Isn't it you, a dead monster, who forced me to become a professional? The chance is in the hospital. How can you become a professional if you don't take it back to the hospital?"

"Don't look at me with such eyes, what's wrong with the barbarian female warrior? Xinxin is in good shape now! The thirty-sixth brother is pure natural! The silicone has melted away."

Xu Nan scratched his head: "But that hair is too thick."

Lu Junyi lay on the sofa with his head up: "Do you think I don't know? I shave her hair every night, and it grows out the next morning. I didn't scare me to death when I slept for the first time!"

"I betrayed my appearance, isn't it for the sake of the overall situation?"

"The hospital's matter will be resolved by next week at the latest. Wenxin promised to have a good talk with her father, and with my connections in the capital... there shouldn't be too many problems."

Everyone was in awe.

The meeting continues.

Ah Tang ran over dissatisfied, and patted Xu Nan on the shoulder: "Why don't you ask me what I want to plant?"

Xu Nan said to himself: "I have prepared a small bamboo forest for you..."

"Why should I eat bamboo?" Ah Tang wondered.

Xu Nan was taken aback: "Giant pandas don't eat bamboo anymore?"

Ah Tang said contemptuously: "I don't have to eat anything, so I eat bamboo. I don't want to eat bamboo. I want to eat roast duck! Can I grow it?"

Xu Nan was speechless.

"Forget it, I don't expect to be able to grow roast ducks as your master, I have to steal it myself..."

Ah Tang beeped a few times in a low voice, then turned around and took out a mobile phone: "Then help me see if there is something wrong with my mobile phone."

Xu Nan took a closer look, it was the latest Macintosh, and she didn't know how she got it.

He checked the shame points, and it did increase slightly. It seems that Ah Tang did a lot of wicked things during his absence.

Xu Nan felt relieved.

Xu Nan checked the phone and wondered, "No problem?"

Ah Tang said angrily: "There is clearly a problem! I heard from them that this phone has so many pixels, and the photos it takes are all in full color."

"But I just tried to take a selfie, and it turned out to be black and white!"


Xu Nan was silent for a while, then pushed Ah Tang away, and left the seat clutching his heart.

leave me alone!

He watched coldly from the sidelines, seeing everyone chatting and laughing happily, and lamented in his heart: Why is there a bunch of psychopaths in his dungeon!

Sitting in a dungeon with a group of neurotic residents, the future is worrying!


The first Dungeon Residents Meeting ended without a problem.

Regarding what to grow in the second area of ​​the farming garden, everyone was arguing endlessly and there was no conclusion. Xu Nan simply opened up the authority to them and let them toss about it by themselves.

I don’t care what kind of plant you like!

Xu Nan originally wanted to discuss the second topic with everyone, but seeing this group of psychopaths dancing and bragging while eating crayfish, it's okay to think about it.

The army of the great demon Inoya has always been a serious concern to him.

The vanguard of the kobolds was wiped out, why did the large army not come?

Is this a distortion of human nature or a loss of morality?

Xu Nan couldn't figure it out, and the dwarves sent out to explore the surrounding area didn't find anything.

Until at this moment, a dwarf suddenly ran over and chattered a lot.

Xu Nan only heard: "I found the traces of the big army!"

"Where is it? Take me there!" Xu Nan was nervous and serious.

The dwarf led Xu Nan and his party out of the dungeon, ran to the side of the underground river, pointed to the corpses floating down the river and said:

"It's all there!"


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