She Became the White Moonlight of the Sick King

Chapter 428: big love triangle of the year

Li Jian was silent for a moment, hesitatingly said: "But, the current trend is - Yu Shibei killed Yu Wenguang, and He Lansu killed Yu Shibei to avenge Yu Wenguang."

Li Yaoche smiled and said, "Is it important who kills whom? Can't we just insist that He Lansu killed Yu Wenguang?"

Li Jian was thoughtful, and after a while, he slowly smiled playfully, "It's a bit cruel."

Li Yaoche twirled the long knife in his hand, and said with a half-smile: "The Jiang family can use the name of Lord Qing to turn their backs on their heads, so why can't we?"

"You mean..." Li Jian hesitated to speak.

Li Yaoche nodded slightly, and said with a fake smile: "He Lansu's murder of the Holy One should be punished! As the people of the Great Zhou Dynasty, we have to avenge the late emperor, and at the same time, we also have the duty to abolish the foolish emperor and support the Ming Lord."

These words have two meanings. First, the crime of killing the emperor must be placed on He Lan's family.

Second, as for the new emperor established by the Jiang family on its own initiative and the new emperor established by the Helan family, none of our Li family will recognize them. .

"Good!" Li Jian patted his belly and nodded with a smile.

Li Yaoche looked down at the long knife in his hand, with a slight smile on the corner of his mouth—the world is in chaos at just the right time, all the aristocratic families reshuffle the cards, and the Li family might skyrocket, and then he will have the ability to imprison Ru'er in around.

"By the way, Jiro..."

Li Jian hesitated to speak, seemed to be unable to speak, to be precise, wanted to ask but dared not.

"What does Dad want to say?"

Li Yaoche put the long knife aside, raised his head slightly to look at the middle-aged man with a big belly standing beside him.


Li Jian stopped after uttering two words. After deliberating for a while, he asked hesitantly, "Erlang, do you... like... ah, no, did you ever like Duan Lingyu?"


Li Yaoche stared wide-eyed and opened his mouth wide. First he looked shocked, then very depressed, and then extremely angry.

"Father, why do you have such a strange idea?! Who told you that?!"


Li Jian subconsciously touched "The Past of Dihua" on his chest, and said hesitantly: "I'm just asking casually. That's, that, me, I heard it from an old friend in Chang'an. Hey, you know Well, in the past, you, He Lantong and Duan Lingyu lived in the same dormitory. Then, from the outsiders’ point of view, the three of you seem to like Jiang Ru quite a lot.”


Li Yaoche nodded without hesitation, "This is the truth."

With an expression of "Don't bully me for reading less", Li Jian patted his son on the shoulder, and said earnestly: "You have to follow your heart, you like whoever you like, and don't think about pulling others to be yours!" Smoke bombs, this is a kind of harm to the person you like and to others."

Li Yaoche was like falling into the rain and mist, what was his father talking about? ! Why can't he understand a word? !

Li Jian shook his head in grief, put his hands behind his back, sighed and walked out of the room, then looked left and right, rushed back to his bedroom like a thief, immediately took out "The Past of Dihua" in his arms, and continued to read with relish.

Tsk tsk, Erlang is still pretending to be with him!

Look at how true this book is! In fact, it's a bittersweet and soulful big love triangle of the year!

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