She Shocks The Whole World After Retirement

Eight hundred and seventy-nine, it’s just Anna

Naris could tell that there was some sincerity in Yu Huang's words, and her attitude towards Yu Huang was somewhat cordial.

Naris asked Yu Huang again: "Why did he give you the mask? Did you..." Naris hesitated, "Has your face been injured before?"

"It's a burn." Yu Huang said: "A fire caused by a real fire disfigured my face. I used to be very ugly."

Yu Huang looked at Nalis with gentle eyes and said, "I can understand the feeling of wanting to hide one's flaws, fearing being discovered, but longing to be accepted by others. Nalis, I can I feel for you. If you want, you can tell me your secret quietly. I promise that I will never tell anyone your secret."

Hearing this, Nalis' attitude relaxed a little, and her eyes gradually became hesitant from the initial coldness.

Naris's heartbeat was a little fast. She was tempted by Yu Huang's words.

Naris really wanted to find someone who could understand her pain and be her friend. But she was also afraid that after Yu Huang knew about her flaws, he would be afraid of her and want to avoid her.

"I..." Naris opened her mouth to say something, but lost all courage in an instant.

Naris twisted her hands together and said embarrassingly: "I'm a bit cowardly. I'm afraid that you will be afraid of me and disgusted with me if you see my true appearance."

Seeing that Nalis kept secret about her shortcomings, Yu Huang sighed inwardly and didn't know how to persuade Naris for a while.

Yu Huang took off the phoenix pattern mask and put it away carefully, then lowered his head and said to Nalis, "I can understand, then, let's take our time."

Naris didn't respond.

Yu Huang didn't want Naris to think that he was an aggressive person.

Fearing that it would bring a psychological burden to Nalis, Yu Huang decided to go back to the room to rest first and find an opportunity to learn about Nalis' situation next time.

But as soon as Yuhuang took a step forward, his wrist was held by Nalis.

"...Don't go." Naris increased the strength on her hands.

Yu Huang stopped and looked down at his caught wrist. She looked up, landed on Nalis' face, and asked her, "Is there anything else?"

Naris smiled bitterly and said: "Everyone on this street knows my physical condition, and sooner or later you will learn about my condition from other people's mouths. Instead of doing this, it is better for me to show it to you in person. "

Naris let go of Yu Huang's hand and held down her mask.

Before taking off the mask, Nalis said: "My face is very ugly and weird. If you see it, you may be frightened. I'm sorry."

After saying that, Naris took off the hat of her dress and untied the rope behind her head with her own hands.

She lowered her head and took the mask off her face without hesitation.

Naris took a deep breath, then slowly raised her head, revealing her complete appearance.

What a face that is!

The skin above her nose is very fair and smooth, and her round almond eyes are even more bright and moving, always glowing with water. But under those eyes, where the nose should be, there was no nose, only two ugly and scary nose piercings.

Below her nose, the skin was no longer smooth, but instead covered with patches of ice-blue dragon scales.

Those dragon scales extend all the way to Naris's neck. They are densely connected together, so that those with trypophobia can faint directly if they see it.

Nalis' lips also look very strange. The upper part is human-shaped, but the lower part is hard-textured wood-grained lips.

It's just like...

Like the lips of some kind of monster.

Beautiful almond eyes, noseless nostrils, and a mouth that looks more like a human than a human or an animal, the combination of them on the same face really creates an extremely stimulating visual impact.

This is no longer just a 'flaw'.

Even though Yu Huang had been mentally prepared for it, when she saw Nalis' appearance, she was still so frightened that her face turned pale.

Naris noticed that Yu Huang's pupils were trembling, and she knew that Yu Huang was still frightened by her appearance.

She quickly put on the lace veil.

After putting on the veil, Naris looks like she has a nose.

Come to think of it, she had the outline of a prosthetic nose installed on the lace veil.

"I'm sorry, I must have scared you." Nalis smiled bitterly and said: "There used to be a kid on the street who was curious about what I looked like, so he deliberately hid in the courtyard to peek at me. He discovered my true appearance. Later, I was so frightened that I became seriously ill."

The child's parents were angry and anxious.

Although it was my child's fault first, he shouldn't have sneaked into Nalis's courtyard and peeked at Nalis. But Nalis frightened the child so much that he lost consciousness, suffered nightmares again and again, lost more than ten kilograms due to a serious illness, and almost lost his life. The parents still hated Nalis.

Under the deliberate publicity of the parents, almost everyone on the street knew that the tavern owner's daughter was a monster with no nose and a body covered with blue dragon scales.

Since then, Nalis has stopped going out.

Even though she had dressed very covertly and covered her whole body, so she wasn't scary at all, she still didn't dare to go out.

Because no matter how well she disguises herself, she still can't hide the fact that she is a monster.

Seeing Yu Huang's expression of shock and astonishment, Naris felt not only painful but also a little annoyed.

Knowing that his appearance is scary, why would he show it to Yu Huang?

Naris turned around and left.

She decided not to go out for a month. She was afraid that Yu Huang would tell her story to her companions. She was afraid that as soon as she went out, she would receive looks of ridicule, fear, or pity from Yu Huang and her companions.

Naris took two or three steps toward the door when her petite and thin body was suddenly hugged from behind.

Naris opened her eyes suddenly.

She lowered her eyes and looked at Yu Huang's hands holding her body. Naris's eyes changed several times before she asked in surprise: "What are you... doing?"

She had never been hugged so hard by someone before, and Nalis only felt terrified.

Yu Huang pressed Nalis into her arms forcefully, and she put her head on Naris's shoulder. Her tears fell on Naris uncontrollably, soaking her velvet dress.

"An..." Yu Huang almost blurted out the name 'Anna'.

When the words reached his lips, he stopped in time.

"Naris." Yu Huang told Naris in the most serious and serious manner: "Naris, I will find out the real cause of your physical disability, and I will definitely help you cure your body. trust me!"

Naris could hear Yu Huang's seriousness.

But she felt strange, even a little baffled.

This woman named Yu Huang is really strange.

They are obviously not familiar with each other, and tonight is the first time they meet.

Why does she act like she cares about herself?

Besides, there was something wrong with Yu Huang's previous eagerness to know the condition of her body.

And after seeing her true appearance, instead of saying that she was afraid of herself, she hugged herself tightly, which made Naris even more confused.

If she hadn't known that she and Sheng Xiao were husbands, Naris would have misunderstood Yu Huang's attitude towards her.

Naris suddenly said: "Do we... know each other?"

They probably don't know each other.

Yu Huang and the others were all ascended masters from the small world, and Nalis had never seen them in her memory. They had never known each other before.

Then why did Yu Huang do this?

Do they know each other?

Of course they know each other!

When Yu Huang walked into the small courtyard, he noticed the presence of a familiar soul breath.

The reason why she decided to book a room with the tavern owner for a month was not to save money at all, but to find the soul of a familiar old friend and get to know her again!

In the room earlier, Yu Huang told Sheng Xiao about his plan.

She hoped that Sheng Xiao would create an opportunity for her to be alone with Nalis so that she could verify the relationship between Nalis and Anna.

In fact, Yu Huang recognized Nalis as early as when he saw her eyes, and felt the familiar soul breath from her body.

When he hugged Annalise just now, Yu Huang even noticed that there was a cold breath pouring out of Annalise's chest.

That is clearly the demonic energy belonging to the Ice Tide Tyrannosaurus!

Yu Huang remembered that after Anna's identity as a demon cultivator was exposed, when the Bingxi Tyrannosaurus took Anna to escape to the abyss, he pulled out the heart-protecting scale and gave it to Anna.

It was also that escape journey that made Anna truly accept the Ice Tide Tyrannosaurus.

This demon and a human being transcended race and form and became a couple.

Nalis' soul aura is the same as Anna's, and she also has the heart-protecting scales on her chest.

She is simply Anna!

Yu Huang wanted to tell Nalis that they were once best friends, and her real name was not Nalis, but Anna, Tao Anna!

But Anna obviously doesn't remember anything. She doesn't remember herself, Sheng Xiao, Feng Laosi and her master. She doesn't even remember the Ice Tide Tyrannosaurus!

As long as Anna remembers the existence of the Ice Tide Tyrannosaurus, it's impossible not to know that those blue dragon scales on her face are not monsters at all, they are clearly Tyrannosaurus!


Do you think Yu Huang and Na Lisi are a little bit orange?


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