Shocking Venomous Consort: Frivolous Miss

Chapter 4709: With a hint of hope in my heart

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When it comes to Master's death in the hands of the man, Fang Rubao's expression is obviously a bit sad. Only with some hope in my heart, I refused to believe it.

"Deacon Fang, don't know what your Master's token looks like?" Ling Chuxi asked. If she guessed right, Fang Rubao’s master was the god-rank master that Gu Qiusong had died in the hands of the setting sun demon bow. He was afraid that he would be sad about Master’s death, and Ling Chuxi did not mention it.

"It's a small tripod about two inches high and about one inch wide. Its shape is similar to the alchemy furnace, but the seal rune above is actually a spirit of guidance." Fang Rubao said.

"Deacon Fang assured, when I found that person, I must find a way to reclaim your Master's relics." Ling Chuxi promised. Since it is a spirit symbol, there will be a unique flavor of the spirit symbol. At the Yuexu Zongfu ruins, pay attention to it, and it should not be difficult to find it. If it was taken by the plane murderer, it would be better to do it anyway. She wouldn't be able to grab the setting sun demon virtual bow without killing the plane murderer anyway.

"Then thank Master Ling." Fang Rubao continued with a grateful look. "This token is of great importance to my master and involves the life and death of my master. I was supposed to go in person, but my master In the past, when I made an oath to join the Family Judgment Meeting, I had to take the safety of Heaven's billions of souls as my responsibility, and everything must be guarded by Heaven. No matter what happened to the teacher or himself, there should be no delay. It's time for the family ruling.

A few days ago, you already knew about the movement of people and plane murderers in the virtual realm, but you may not know that many young people who have come to experience have died in their hands. I am the master of the domain. To kill those people in destiny is really a lack of avatar, and remember to respect the teachings of his old man before he can ask Master Ling for help. Alas, I am actually ashamed. "

Fang Rubao said the more guilty, the tears flashed in his eyes. Ling Chuxi looked a little sad, she understood that the feelings between people are so precious, guarding the entire heaven, often lose a lot, including the people they care about. Afterwards, I will do my utmost to protect everything that the person who cares about needs courage, suppressing the sorrow in my heart and continuing to advance on this road.

"Deacon Fang, please rest assured that I respect Ling Chuxi's great respect for Master's righteousness. In any case, I will help you find your tokens." Ling Chuxi's master, Ru Baobao, apologized and solemnly promised.

"Lord Master Shao has this intention. If you find that person, you must not be forced. I respect his old man and he is already a master of the peak of the **** order, or it can be regarded as a semi-venerable state, most of them have encountered unexpected, you I can't carelessly." Fang Rubao listened to Ling Chuxi's praise of his master, and was very fond of Ling Chuxi, but he didn't forget to specifically remind them.

"What, half respect!" Ling Chuxi was surprised.

Earlier, I heard Gu Qiusong mentioned that the master of the god-level and the master of the plane were struggling to no avail, and even burning the blood to split a gap in space failed to kill each other. Finally, he died under the magic bow of the setting sun, Ling Chuxi. Intuitively think that the god-level master's strength will not be too strong. After all, the master of the plane is only the peak of the emperor rank. If he has stronger strength, how can it be so hard, how can he take his life.

Now I heard Fang Rubao’s words that his master turned out to be a master of half-realm, and he was naturally taken aback: how could a high-ranking emperor peak kill the master of half-realm!

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