Shocking Venomous Consort: Frivolous Miss

Chapter 4892: One thing hasn’t changed

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Ling Chuxi also stepped forward and gave Ling Yichen a deep hug.

Ling Yichen's body stiffened slightly, then calmed down again, spread his arms and embraced Ling Chuxi.

This is a hug between friends, nothing more.

Seeing Ling Yichen's candid smile, everyone had an illusion that the sky had become higher, the ground had become wider, and the world had become so broad and clear.

"By Yichen, how is your injury?" After a while, Ling Chuxi suddenly released her hand and looked at Ling Yichen worriedly.

Amidst the extreme surprise just now, she even forgot that Ling Yichen was still injured, and then remembered suddenly.

"It's no big deal, just a small injury." Ling Yichen said casually.

Knowing that he had said this, Ling Chuxi would not be relieved, so he pulled back slightly.

The first thing to show is the large and small scars. Although they all look old, they are still shocking. Finally, Ling Chuxi's eyes stayed on the arrow wound, the wound had scab, and no more blood flowed out. Compared with his old injuries, such injuries are really nothing.

However, it is precisely this way that made Ling Chuxi understand that Ling Yichen had experienced many dangers and hardships in the past few years before he had the strength he has today.

Ling Chuxi's heart also felt a bit more sour.

"It's okay, it's all gone. I've become a master of physical refining during the condensing period, even if the void and turbulence do not want to hurt me, this little injury will not hinder me." Seeing Ling Chuxi felt sad, Ling Yichen comforted She is coming.

With the passing of time, Ling Yichen is no longer the former Ling Yichen, but one thing has not changed. He is still willing to bear all the hardships and hardships alone, and he does not want Ling Chuxi to be hurt in the slightest, not wanting to see her feel a little sad.

Ling Chuxi did not specifically practice physical exercises, but only knew that the three realms of physical exercises are condensed body, condensed heart, and condensed spirit. However, refining body is completely different from refining gas, so she doesn’t know how strong the master of physical training in the condensing period is. However, judging from Ling Yichen’s shot just now, it should be equivalent to the realm of the level of Qi refining, or from the level of Zun. There are some gaps, but in some respects, it has a greater advantage than half of the master battle.

"Congratulations, Yichen." Ling Chuxi is not a sentimental person. He quickly adjusted his mood and was heartily happy for Ling Yichen's achievements today.

"This bow is what you want, give it to you." Ling Yichen handed the sunset demon bow to Ling Chuxi.

Ling Chuxi took over the setting sun demon bow, and immediately felt the majestic power hidden in the bow. Such power is by no means a master of the gods, or even a master of the masters.

Think about how the **** monk in the past only came to the emperor rank, how could it be possible to control this **** bow?

Ling Chuxi looked closely at the Divine Bow in his hand and quickly found the reason.

The arched and powerful bow body is obviously made of two bows, which is the same as Ling Chuxi's guess. If she guessed right, then the Lord of the Broken Heavens defeated the Aura Storm with the setting sun demon bow, and he fell to the end of the bow to destroy people. Then, the incomplete setting sun deity bow fell into the void, and by coincidence was caught in the gap of space The plane murderer gets. However, it was not known whether it was obtained by Zhixue, or it fell into the hands of others.

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