Shocking Venomous Consort: Frivolous Miss

Chapter 4956: Photo is correct

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the shocking drug concubine: Mad Mad Lady!

"Slap!" The words just fell, and the follower of the Lord of the Heavens was also shot to the ground, but Meng Dingtai shot.

"In the past, the Lord of the Heavens was killed by his body to protect the Heavens for thousands of years. Now the Lord of the Heavens is also killed for the safety of the Heavens. As the deacon of the elders of the adjudication council, you are not responsible for guarding the Heavens. Thinking about fighting for power, how can I stand up to them." Meng Dingtai said more and more angry, rushing up is also a beating.

"You, who are you, dare to take action against me, and offend me is to offend Lord Lord of the Celestial Realm, you are looking for death!" As a follower of the Lord of the Celestial Domain, this person is much tougher, Although he was beaten up with a swollen nose and blue face, he pointed to Meng Dingtai and asked aloud.

"Old man Meng Dingtai! The Lord of Heaven is not here today, even if he is, the old man can still make a mistake." He really felt deeply ashamed of this man's behavior.

Heard of Meng Dingtai’s identity, this elder dare not talk much anymore. Others don’t know the origin of Meng Dingtai. Of course he knows it. If it wasn’t for following the Lord of Heaven, Meng Dingtai was It is likely to become a domain owner. He was right in saying that even if he beats him in front of the Lord of the Falling Heaven, the Lord of the Falling Heaven will never say nothing, maybe he will beat him.

"Stop, Senior Mongolian..." Another elder said when the situation was not good.

But before he finished speaking, he was overthrown on the ground, but this time it was Lingmu who shot.

"Whether you are the deacon elder, and who's follower, dare to ruin the big things of Chu Xi, I will beat you to find teeth all over the place." Ling grandmother opened his small arm and calf.

Although the strength is not as good as Jin San Fat and Meng Dingtai, the visual effect of violent realization is no worse than the two.

Within a few moments, the elder had foamed at his mouth and his limbs twitched.

Seeing this scene, those who had previously laughed at Lingmu's kindness now can't laugh anymore, and even fortunately wiped his forehead. Fortunately, the little girl didn't buzz just now, otherwise she is spitting foam. People are them. People must not look, people must not look.

"I... I wanted to admit that I was wrong..." Before the elder had finished speaking, he was kicked by Lingmu's head on his head, and his eyes rolled out.

Everyone is cold sweat. If you guess right, Lingmu will probably hear the meaning of others. This is the first thing to prevent others from speaking out. In plain words, she just wants to beat people.

Several other elders were so scared that they turned pale and wanted to admit their mistakes, but before they could even speak, He Lianjie slashed with Qijue Mosha, Long Ruotingyuan, and Shangguan Wuxie and others rushed up at the same time.

After seeing the heroic atmosphere of Jin San fat beaters, they actually wanted to beat them.

So, in the house, screams were screaming one after another, and the miserable scene was even more unbearable.

"Let me give it, let me give it, and give me one." Yi Feng's movement was slower, and he was squeezed out of the crowd, roaring anxiously.

Unfortunately, everyone is beating with joy, who will let him.

Ling Chuxi's mouth twitched and looked at the scene of a big fight in front of her, oh, no, it was a unilateral group fight, and his forehead slipped a few black lines. This is too spectacular. These masters have a little bit of ordinary temperament at the moment, one by one, like the city's ruffian, full of excitement.

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