J/B, who previously contributed the treasure map guide, saw that Yi Ranpin was selling such a high-end item, and he immediately gave instructions: "Arrange a hundred people to wait to snap up this thing! All the cornerstones are gathered here. In the hands of a hundred people!”

"Yes! President!" A younger brother responded.

Because he is good at playing games, Jiebi actually found the feeling of a real-person game here, and even lived a very comfortable life.

Around the end of the second week, he established a Jack Coin Union named after himself.

Under the leadership of Jie Bi, they have overcome one difficulty after another, and the cohesion within the guild is still very strong.

After giving instructions to his men, Jie Bi pondered: "Where did this person get such a high-level template? Did he pass a more advanced treasure map? This is incredible!"

The last boss of the C-level treasure map is a B-level beast, and what Xiao Yi brought out this time was an A-level catapult. Did he clear an A-level treasure map?

Jiebi shook his head, feeling that it was impossible, because the final BOSS of the A-level treasure map is most likely to be an S-level beast guard, and absolutely no one can reach S level now!

He has this confidence because he has had an S-level water purifier and S-level wheat for a long time. He has been eating it, and he just broke through to A-level yesterday.

Yi Ranpin couldn't be faster than him.

According to normal circumstances, this is indeed the case, but what he doesn't know is that Xiao Yi has a sign-in system. Currently, the two S-level survivors on his island have all been upgraded by signing in to obtain upgrade cards!

So no matter what, Jie Ji couldn't figure out how Yi Ranpin got this A-level three-shot catapult.

Even if Yi Ranpin were to take 10,000 steps back and was promoted to S-level, the probability of his failure would be very high against an S-level beast one-on-one.

At the same level, beasts have an advantage over humans!

Although he couldn't figure it out, Jie Bi told his men to snap up as many of the three-shot catapults as possible!

This thing is very important to their current defense!

Xiao Yi has put the 60,000 catapult on the shelves.

Jiang Yuntian said on the intercom: "Island owner, will this make your competitors fat?"

"Don't worry!" Xiao Yi replied, "Although this will make our competitors stronger, the most powerful ammunition is in our hands! Think about the world in the past, didn't a certain country make its fortune by selling arms? !”

Jiang Yuntian nodded and said: "Yes, if it is just a stone, the attack range and power are limited. With this, they can continue to buy our fireballs. It is indeed a long-term business!"

The moment it was put on the shelves, the 60,000 catapults were sold out instantly.

"Obtained materials: cornerstone * 1.8 million, triggering double harvest, obtained materials: cornerstone * 3.6 million!"

"It seems that the world's catapult market is not saturated at all!" Xiao Yi muttered.

At this time, the public channel was already busy.

"Fake, I only grabbed one, who's hand is so fast?"

"Yi Ranpin, can you put some more on the shelves? I can pay 35 cornerstones to buy a set!"

"Upstairs, please don't disrupt the market rules, so we have to pay an extra five yuan to get the catapult!"

"My hand speed is too slow, I can only use five more foundation stones to buy it!"

"Yes, I am also willing to spend five more foundation stones to buy it!"

After Amelia Su discovered the voice on the public channel, she immediately reported it to Xiao Yi.

Xiao Yi thought for a while and said, "Reply them and ask them to register with you."

"Yes!" Su Wan responded.

Xiao Yi continued in the Yitian group: "Seeds will be sold below. Ordinary seeds are for one cornerstone. You can buy them as you like! If you want high-end seeds, please chat privately."

Xiao Yi puts ordinary seeds directly on the shelves, while high-end seeds let those people chat privately with Nong Bihong.

Xiao Yi has already told Nong Bihong that the price of high-level seeds will increase tenfold. For example, a C-level seed requires 10 cornerstones, and a B-level seed costs 100 cornerstones!

This can also control high-level seeds from flowing out too much!

After the seeds were posted, they were immediately snapped up in large numbers!

"Obtained materials: cornerstone * 320,000, triggered double harvest, obtained materials: cornerstone * 640,000!"

There are only more than 100,000 people in the Yitian group, and on average each person has purchased two to three seeds.

Similarly, 30,000 seeds were hung on the trading floor, and they were all sold out in seconds.

It's not that Xiao Yi doesn't want to hang more seeds, but that there are no more seeds in the inventory!

"Trigger double harvest and obtain materials: cornerstone * 60,000."

"Next, I will put up an ice maker manufacturing diagram on the trading floor. If anyone is interested, go and ask for the price yourself!" Xiao Yi said.

"Hey, ice maker, wouldn't it be great if there were ice cubes in this weather?"

"Boss, are you going to take action on this?"

"Don't be surprised, the boss must have a better ice maker!"

"A better ice maker, could it be a refrigerator?"

"Are you kidding me upstairs? You probably can't open the refrigerator at this stage!"

"You know what the heck, do you think you can drive a yacht at this stage?"

"Well, yachts are no longer what they should be. There can't be another one!"

"Don't judge the boss from your perspective, okay?"

Xiao Yi set a floor price of 10 cornerstones in the trading floor, with a time limit of half an hour.

After hanging it up, someone directly gave me 100 cornerstones!

"Who is this wealthy person? One hundred foundation stones? It shouldn't be a person!"

"Now we won't be allowed to participate in the competition. We can only watch them bid!"

"I'm a theater person. I've known for a long time that this is something I can't get my hands on!"

"I'll go catch a supply box first, it'll be fine anyway!"

"It's so hot and you still have to go out to fish for supply boxes. You're so dedicated!"

"I can't help it. I almost lost the Aboriginal Improvement Card yesterday. I really don't dare to miss it again!"

"You tell me, I have to go out in the sun. It would be great if I had this ice maker!"

Soon, the time came to the last minute.

"More bids, 200 foundation stones!" Xuanyuan Wuwei gritted his teeth as he looked at the ice maker.

Uncle Chen frowned and said, "I don't think this thing is worth so much."

"It's really too hot now. With the ice maker, our work efficiency will be improved!" Xuanyuan Wuwei said while staring at the bid on the island monument.

Uncle Chen thought for a while and said, "This is the final bid. It can't be higher, otherwise we won't be able to get much of the high-grade food behind!"

"Okay!" Xuanyuan Wuwei nodded heavily.

Also bidding was Di Lintianxia. When he saw someone bidding for 200 foundation stones, he decisively gave up.

Others also gave up, feeling that 200 foundation stones was a bit too expensive.

Xuanyuan Wuwei got the ice maker manufacturing diagram as he wished. He looked at the required materials, found that they were all available, and immediately made it.

After it was produced, Xuanyuan Wuwei's excited expression froze on his face!

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