Sign in, the Man Is on an Isolated Island, and He Has Just Built a Luxury Villa by Himself

Chapter 0432 Giant leg bones, indigenous people reappear in the west

"No, basically everything will display basic information when placed on the island monument!"

"It's not the leg bones of those prehistoric beasts, is it?"

"Perhaps it's not that Dao Monument doesn't recognize him, but that he doesn't want to tell us now!"

"It might be the leg bone of a prehistoric beast, because it's too big! This leg bone is as tall as me!"

"Wucao, this must be the leg bone of some kind of dinosaur!"

"I don't know, that's why I'm telling you this, otherwise wouldn't it be nice for me to lie in the house and eat the high-end food I just bought?"

Xiao Yi looked at the leg bone of the unknown creature and said in the group: "Can you lend it to me?"

"Of course!" That person was straightforward!

It's a loan anyway, it's not like he won't return it to himself.

Xiao Yi couldn't use the system to identify the object without seeing it, so he needed to get the object.

"[Unknown Creature's Leg Bone] 1-hour usage rights transaction is not available."

Xiao Yi immediately agreed to the deal, and a leg bone almost as tall as Xiao Yi appeared next to Xiao Yi.

"So long?"

The message on the island monument just now was vague. Although the survivor said that the leg bones were about the same height as himself, the actual sight was even more shocking.

"Giant leg bone: It is the calf bone of an unusually large humanoid creature. Usually an adult giant is about nine meters tall."

Xiao Yi was startled when he saw the system prompt message.

"Giant? Are there more than just ordinary humans in this world?" Xiao Yi thought in shock.

"Boss, how's it going?" That person had already started asking in the group.

Xiao Yi thought for a while and replied: "This looks a lot like human bones, but it's too huge, so I'm not too sure."

After saying that, he returned the leg bone.

"Human bones? So big, a person must be at least three or four meters tall! Are there any giants here?" the man said.

"No, the natives haven't completely finished it yet. Are there giants again?"

"It's really hard to tell. We are only in a corner of the world now. Just looking at the map, we know that the area we occupy is not large."

"How big is this world?"

"The world is big, I want to go out and see it!"

"No, safety first, I'd better stay on my own island!"

The intercom on the side rang: "Island owner, everything is ready, you can come over."

"Okay, I'll come right over!" Xiao Yi replied, then got up and walked to the beach resort.

When Xiao Yi arrived, Nong Bihong and others were already waiting at the bar.

Xiao Yi said: "Everyone knows each other, right?"

"Understood!" everyone responded.

"Except for Sun Gudao who is far away from us now, here are all our own people. Let's communicate more." Xiao Yi continued.


Xiao Yi nodded, and then said: "The barbecue grill outside is ready, everyone can do it yourself!"

"Okay!" Everyone walked out one after another.

An Ran stayed at the back and asked in a low voice: "What happened? I feel like you are a little absent-minded."

"A new situation has arisen. I will tell you in detail when I get back to the villa. Now let's have a good barbecue!" Xiao Yi replied with a smile.


There was already a group of people having a barbecue on the beach. Naturally, the sailors who went out to sea gathered in small groups, rented the barbecue grills in the resort, formed a small game, and had fun together!

Seeing Xiao Yi and the others coming over, they waved Zhou Zhong's skewers as a greeting.

Xiao Yi and the others nodded in response.

"Are you envious of them?" An Ran asked in a low voice, "You don't have to carry too much, and you don't have to think too much. You can spend the day easily."

Xiao Yi was stunned for a moment, then replied with a smile: "Actually, it's not bad, I don't have too much pressure."

"Humph, what a liar. There's no pressure. There are two or three beauties around, but no reaction?" An Ran replied in a low voice, rolled her eyes at him, and then walked to the barbecue grill to start grilling.

Xiao Yi was startled again. Jiang Yuntian came over and asked, "What's wrong with you?"

After fighting side by side for such a long time, everyone could tell that Xiao Yi seemed to have something on his mind.

"Well, someone fished a leg bone about 1.8 meters long from the sea." Xiao Yi replied in a low voice.

"A leg bone of 1.8 meters?" Jiang Yuntian put down the beer in his hand and said, "How big must the whole person be?"

"Generally speaking, the length of the calf bone is 20.4% of the entire height, which is about one-fifth! You can calculate that the height is about nine meters!" Xiao Yi replied.

"Nine meters? The height of a small three-story building?" Jiang Yuntian felt as if Xiao Yi was telling a fairy tale.

Xiao Yi nodded seriously and said: "The information I got here is that it is a giant leg bone."

"Giant? Is there such a human being here?" Jiang Yuntian felt more and more outrageous.

Xiao Yi shook his head and said, "Maybe. Now I just found a leg bone. I'm not sure whether there is such a person."

"What are we talking about?" An Yue came over and asked.

"Possible enemies in the future." Xiao Yi replied.

"Since we are possible enemies in the future, let's relax now!" An Yue handed over a handful of grilled meat skewers.

Xiao Yi smiled and nodded, taking the meat skewers.

"Sun Yao, give some of your medicinal seeds here, as well as the plants themselves, and I'll keep a spare copy here!" Nong Bihong found Sun Yao and discussed.

"Okay, don't worry, farmer, I will trade all the medicinal plants on the island for a share when I get back!" Sun Yao responded immediately.

"Thank you for your hard work," said Nong Bihong.

"You're welcome, Mr. Farmer," Sun Yao replied, "But isn't there something wrong with us trading so many crop seeds today?"

"Don't worry, there will be people buying seeds before long." Nong Bihong said confidently.

Seed conservation and breeding are all technical tasks, otherwise the farmers would not have to buy grain seeds every year.

After hearing what Nong Bihong said, Sun Yao nodded. Nong Bihong was an expert in agriculture, and his words would not be without purpose.

Fuxi and other three indigenous leaders were constantly communicating their tribe's plans in indigenous languages.

Bai Qi has received nine-year compulsory education, so he naturally has his own ideas, which are different from those three purely indigenous tribes.

He plans to turn his tribe into a pure offensive tribe. In his opinion, there will definitely be many wars in the future. Only tribes with real offensive power can survive for a longer period of time.

"Island owner, someone in the group is reporting that the natives in the west are doing something strange again." Pebbles came over to report.

"Has the island with survivors been attacked?" Xiao Yi asked.

"It is said that they have seen the large ship of the indigenous people. They are gathering urgently. There are four islands nearby. Five three-shot catapults have been gathered on the islands. It should not be a big problem!" Pebbles replied.

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