Xiao Yi waved his hand and continued: "After the area of ​​all islands is expanded, Brother Jiang, you will be responsible for re-arranging the defense of all islands. All islands must cooperate with Brother Jiang, do you understand?"

"Understood!" Everyone responded happily.

Next, the leaders of the alliance's South Island, Southwest Island, and West Island all said that they had no problems.

When it was Sun Gudao's turn in the alliance's North Island, he said: "Island Master, I have a question here about instant messaging. Although we can contact you in time using the island monument, in case we are not in front of the island monument, we need someone If you see it and then run to notify us, this immediacy is not enough. Normally it is fine. In case of emergency, if you wait a few seconds, the situation may be different!"

Sun Gudao knew that there was a continent in the north. On the edge of the continent, Xiao Yi encountered the most powerful enemy in history, Qiufeng City.

Moreover, the wizards from Qiufeng City retaliated and injured the S-class Kun Yu!

Facing such a powerful enemy, the timeliness of information transmission is particularly important, which is why Sun Gudao raised this issue.

Xiao Yi was slightly startled when he heard this question. Originally, he was planning to give the phone he brought over as a reward to everyone.

I didn't expect Sun Gudao to ask such a question, it just happened by the way!

Everyone nodded when they heard this question. Even if they were not soldiers, they knew the importance of information in war!

Xiao Yi stood up with a smile, took the carton on the table next to him, and said, "I found a solution to the problem Sun Gudao mentioned!"

As he spoke, he took out all the telephones in the paper box.

Everyone looked at the black rectangular bodies with doubts on their faces.

"Island owner, is this a mobile phone?" Sun Yao asked uncertainly.

Xiao Yi nodded and said, "Yes, this is a mobile phone!"

"Mobile phone?" Feng Menglong frowned and asked, "Even if we have a mobile phone, we don't have a base station or satellite, how can we talk?"

"Who said we don't have one?" Xiao Yi asked.

"Ah? Do we even have satellites?" Qiu Sheng asked in shock, "Then hurry up and see what this world is like!"

Xiao Yi rolled his eyes and replied: "There are no satellites, only base stations!"

"Only base stations? Then I guess we need to build a few more, otherwise we won't be able to cover all the alliance islands!" Wei Bo also participated in the discussion.

"No, we only have one, and one is enough!" Xiao Yi said.

"Is one enough?" Everyone's faces were full of question marks.

"Don't worry about the base station problem. This world is not the same as before. The base station coverage here is much larger than before! At least there is no need to worry about communication within the alliance island!" Xiao Yi said.

Everyone nodded, thinking about it, all kinds of things in this world may become more perverted.

"Starting from the east island of the Alliance, moving clockwise, the numbers are 6611-6618. There are currently no islands in the southeast and northwest, but leave the numbers for them first!" Xiao Yi said, "Come up and get your mobile phone!"

After the person in charge of each island received it, Xiao Yi continued: "In the same order as before, each island will receive another mobile phone, the numbers are 6621-6628."

The boys who were brought over by the person in charge excitedly walked up and took the phone down.

"Everyone follow this process to bind!" Xiao Yi demonstrated to everyone.

The person in charge's phone is entirely for his own use, while the other phone on each island is shared, that is, more than one person can operate it.

"This mobile phone is too advanced!"

"Yes, there is an artificial intelligence, what a luxury!"

"If this phone were sold in the previous world, it would probably cost tens of thousands!"

"Tens of thousands? I estimate there are people who want hundreds of thousands!"

Everyone was talking about it.

"After everyone is bound, please be quiet!" Xiao Yi said again.

Everyone immediately fell silent.

"Everyone here is considered to be one of our own. I need to share two pieces of information with you. This information is very confidential. It can even be said that no one knows it. Everyone will be rotten in their stomachs after hearing it today. Don't tell anyone!" Xiao Yi He said looking at everyone.

Everyone responded: "Yes!"

"First, there is more than one race of humans in this world!" Xiao Yi said.

"Could it be that the mermaids those tourists saw yesterday were real?" Feng Menglong couldn't help but ask.

Xiao Yi nodded, everyone was shocked!

"To be precise, I rescued and released that mermaid!" Xiao Yi continued.

Now everyone was even more surprised, except Sun Gudao and the other three.

Xiao Yi told the story about the mermaid, and everyone who heard it for the first time was stunned.

"This mermaid tribe actually wants to ask us for help? What did they encounter?"

"The island owner was extremely wise in not agreeing to its cry for help!"

"It doesn't matter what you say, the island owner is not Xu Xian, Ning Caichen or the like!"

"What do you mean?"

"A sun snake, a sun ghost, but the island owner still likes humans!"

After saying that, he specifically looked at An Ran and Su Wan.

Xiao Yi never expected that his subordinates would have such talents!

"Furthermore, this mermaid should have a special way of hiding his body. Even the Qinglong can't find it!" Xiao Yi said, "It should still be near our island!"

"Is it so powerful that even an S-level blue dragon can't be found? What does it want to do?" Jiang Yuntian asked with a frown.

Xiao Yi shook his head and replied: "I don't know, now we can only wait for it to come to us!"

Xiao Yi paused and then continued: "In addition to mermaids, there should be giants in this world!"

Everyone has been shocked one after another, and they are so shocked that they are numb!

Xiao Yi talked about the giant leg bone again.

"Is it the leg bone of the unknown creature found in the group?" Sun Gudao asked.

Xiao Yi nodded and replied: "When I got the leg bone, I got this information and didn't tell it in the group!"

"Luckily you didn't say anything, otherwise everyone would have panicked!" Sun Yao said.

"So, everyone must develop their own islands so that when we face those unknown races in the future, we will be able to fight!" Xiao Yi said.

Everyone nodded.

"Second, regarding Qiufeng City, they are frantically looking for us survivors, and they should be the main enemies we face in the next stage!" Xiao Yi said, "Everyone must cheer up, their strength is comparable to ours The natives we encounter now are much stronger!”

Xiao Yi talked about the first time they met the Qiufeng City team, including how Kun Yu was injured.

"Are they all equipped with rifles on a regular basis?" Qiu Sheng asked in horror.

A society can mass-produce muskets, which speaks volumes about their productivity!

Because they don’t have anything like a plug-in like an island monument!

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