"The island owner has ordered you to get up immediately. There is a big move on the island today. Once you are done, you can rest for one more day!" An Yue's voice came from the phone.

Sun Gudao immediately woke up and responded: "Yes!"

The same thing happened to others. They quickly cleaned up their personal hygiene and walked out.

"Breakfast is ready, let's solve it as soon as possible!" An Yue said.

Everyone immediately sat down and started eating breakfast.

"Uncle An, what day is it today and why are you in such a hurry?" Sun Gudao asked curiously.

Everyone else also pricked up their ears.

"Today the island owner is preparing a big giveaway of high-end food! We need everyone's help to deal with it!" An Yue replied with a smile.

"Huh? Why is it so sudden?" Feng Menglong said doubtfully, "Such a thing should be carefully planned!"

As the boss of a previously listed company, Feng Menglong knew very well that every promotional activity must be planned well in advance and can only be carried out after ensuring that there are no problems in all aspects.

In a situation like this, do you start as soon as you slap your head?

An Yue naturally understood what he meant and said: "We are all our own people. Some things cannot be explained clearly. You must learn to observe for yourself. As for why it is so sudden, find out the reason yourself!"

Everyone looked at the mysterious An Yue with confusion, and quickly finished breakfast without stopping.

"Sun Gu asked you to go to the freshwater river on the island and prepare to pull in a few nets of freshwater fish!"

"Feng Menglong, you guys go to the beach, follow the island owner, and help deal with those sea fish!"

"Bai Qi, you guys go to the manor to assist the farmer and deal with the crops in the manor!"

"Sun Yao, see if there are any medicines for sale over there, and give them to the island owner!"

Seeing that everyone had finished their breakfast, An Yue gave orders one by one.

"Yes!" everyone responded.

"Remember, don't do it when I'm not allowed to do it!" An Yue gave the final instruction that left everyone baffled!

Although they didn't understand, they didn't ask any questions and followed An Yue's instructions to rush to the location where they needed assistance.

Feng Menglong and the others soon found Xiao Yi following the fully automatic fishing net on the beach.

"Island owner, what do you need us to do?" Feng Menglong asked.

"Just follow behind and collect the fish!" Xiao Yi replied.

At this time, the fully automatic fishing net just happened to pull up a net full of sea fish. After pulling it to the shore, the net of sea fish suddenly became more!

Feng Menglong and others' eyes widened.

"What's going on?" Feng Menglong's heart was beating wildly.

There were obviously many more sea fish thrown to the shore than in that net! A rough estimate should be twice that!

"You can roughly classify them based on their vitality. The vitality of different levels of sea fish is different!" Xiao Yi didn't even know what to do and continued to follow the fishing net!

"Yes, Island Master!" Feng Menglong responded, suppressing the shock in his heart.

More than an hour later, Xiao Yi circled the island and immediately walked towards Tamsui River.

Sun Gudao and the others were already waiting impatiently by the Tamsui River.

But An Yue said that they could not take action until the island owner came over!

Seeing Xiao Yi coming over, Anyue said: "Everything is ready!"

"Let's start!" Xiao Yi took a rope and called on everyone to start pulling the net!

Sun Gudao looked puzzled: "What kind of situation requires the island to take action?"

Nowadays, there are abundant fresh water resources, and it is impossible to pull out all the nets in one net, so they have to collect one net first!

After the net was pulled to the shore, the number of freshwater fish thrown on the shore suddenly increased!

Sun Gudao and others also had their eyes widened!

In nearly an hour, Xiao Yi finished harvesting the freshwater fish and asked Sun Gudao and others to roughly classify them while he walked towards the manor.

Bai Qi was completely stunned at the manor, because whatever the agricultural assistant harvested would be doubled.

Xiao Yi came here to receive the food from the woods brought by Xiao Sheng and others!

Now that the area of ​​the island has become larger, it will take a lot of time for the Little Holy Beast King to get it done. Xiao Yi will come here to receive part of it first, and take his time with the rest, as long as it is done today!

Before returning to the island monument, Xiao Yi first made a corresponding number of artillery pieces according to the number of S-class three-shot catapults provided by Jiang Yuntian, and then placed them at the location of the previous three-shot catapults.

Jiang Yuntian has already marked these locations on the island map.

Jiang Yuntian looked at the sudden appearance of the artillery, and was stunned for a moment, and then he became ecstatic!

Artillery is much more advanced than catapults. With artillery, why are you worried about not being able to penetrate the indigenous defenses?

The original methods of defending against catapults were unable to defend against artillery shells.

And what surprised Jiang Yuntian was that these artillery guns actually had aiming devices!

"It seems like it's another high-level weapon!" Jiang Yuntian said excitedly.

With the aiming device, you don't have to fumble for shooting parameters, which will save a lot of trouble.

Otherwise, experienced people are still needed to fire cannonballs!

Just when Jiang Yuntian was excited, Yi Tian's group also became excited because of a siege equipment Xiao Yi put on it.

"Today is still the same as last time. Weapons are listed first. The first thing on the shelves is the [Three-shot Catapult] (S-level). The S-level three-shot catapult throws stones faster and more powerfully. It costs 30 yuan. One cornerstone, each ID is limited to two!”

"Damn, the boss's weapons have been upgraded again. This must be taken down. For now, catapults are still the mainstream defensive equipment!"

"S-level defensive equipment, the boss is really awesome!"

"If there were faster catapults before, it wouldn't be so difficult to defend! I can buy two more this time, which is great!"

Because each ID can buy two, a total of more than 160,000 catapults are needed, so the existing catapults on Xiao Yi's side are simply not enough.

He could only make an A-level three-shot catapult on the island monument, and then let An Ran use the super synthesizer to synthesize it into an S-level!

Attach the synthesized S-class catapult to the group and it will disappear instantly!

Regarding their own safety issues, no one will be stingy with these sixty cornerstones!

"The transaction was successful and the materials obtained: Cornerstone*4901040."

"Trigger double harvest and obtain materials: cornerstone*9802080."

The Yi Tian group is over, and Xiao Yi is ready to hang some on the trading floor.

Xiao Yi compiled the number of IDs of various foreign groups and found a total of more than 600,000.

He finally decided to put up 600,000 units and sell them for 50 cornerstones!

On average, one ID per frame will catch the rain and dew!

Fortunately, the raw materials for the catapult are some common raw materials, and Xiao Yi is not short of them.

And the speed of the super synthesizer is not bad, otherwise there are so many, I don’t know how long it would take to synthesize them!

And after this S-class catapult was mounted, it was also instantly destroyed.

"The transaction was successful and the materials obtained: cornerstone * 30 million."

"Trigger double harvest and obtain materials: cornerstone * 60 million!"

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