Silicon Valley

Chapter 227 SpaceX

NASA wants to take these talents for its own use, but the U.S. Congress considers that these talents were dug up by Henry Williams. If they forcibly take away his people, terror will have a huge negative impact!

So, NASA's proposal was rejected!

California is the second largest aerospace manufacturing base in the United States after Washington State. The main products include aircraft and parts, missiles, spacecraft and aircraft navigation equipment, etc. There are more than 1,000 related companies, and well-known companies include Boeing and Lockheed. ﹒ Martin, GM, Northrop. Grumman, Thor and more! The main advantages of California in developing the aerospace industry include: a world-class education system, numerous R\u0026D centers, three NASA laboratories, three major U.S. Air Force bases, and high-end material suppliers.

So, Henry decided to establish SpaceX, a space exploration technology company in Los Angeles, California.

The establishment of SpaceX shocked the world, and all countries were amazed. They found that the most first-class aerospace talents in the entire Soviet Union were poached by SpaceX!

On January 10, 1992, Henry, as the founder of SpaceX, delivered an important speech on the occasion of the establishment of the company!

"Today, SpaceX was founded in Los Angeles, California, and although the company has less than 1,000 technicians, but..."

"In 100 years, we will dominate the entire solar system!!!"

Henry picked up the microphone and said loudly, although his tone was calm and unhurried, but his words were full of unparalleled confidence!

Everyone was shocked by Henry's words, is this tone too condescending?

At this time, Henry raised his hand to signal everyone to be quiet, and then continued: "Our employees are the most outstanding talents in the world, and I believe that SpaceX can create a brilliant future and become the clearest banner in the aerospace field!! !"

"SpaceX will not be too ambitious, we will only be down-to-earth and move forward step by step! We will first make some achievements in the launch vehicle that we are most familiar with, and our goal is to minimize the cost of rocket launch! I hope One day. We at SpaceX can launch rockets cheap enough to allow the vast majority of people to travel to outer space!!!”

clap clap clap...

As soon as the words were finished, applause could not help! ! !

At this time, someone below asked: "Mr. Williams. Your idea is really good! I think if it is possible to travel to space, everyone would like to go! But is it really possible? According to I know. The price of launching a rocket is at least hundreds of millions of dollars. I am afraid that except for a very small number of rich people, ordinary people can't pay such an expensive transportation fee!!!"

Henry smiled and asked back: "It's true now, but are you sure it won't be possible in 100 years?"

Hearing the words, the man smiled awkwardly: "Maybe..."

After Henry made his speech. The company's CEO and rocket designer. Dr. Dick Barth, an outstanding technical talent in the former Soviet Union, gave a speech. He was in his forties, 1.8 meters tall, with a thin face and a beard on his mouth. When he spoke, his voice was low and powerful. The content of his speech was mainly about the technical advantages of SpaceX and the specific development aspects in the future. He knew more about these than Henry. Including engines, boosters, fuels, high temperature materials, guidance and navigation, and more…

This lecture lasted for half an hour. In fact, many people, including Henry himself, didn't quite understand it. However, it is for representatives of NASA and the military. In the future, they will be the main users of SpaceX!

after the press conference. There is also a reception!

After making an appearance at the reception, Henry and Dick Butt spoke with representatives from NASA and the military.

This time, the talents Henry dug up are the elites of aerospace technology in the Soviet Union. To a certain extent, it can be said that they represent the top technical level of the former Soviet Union! Therefore, both NASA and the military place great importance on SpaceX! In addition, Henry purchased some technology from the Soviet Union, which is also very important to NASA...

The NASA representative was an old man in his fifties or sixties with slightly gray hair, named Lawrence Hobson, wearing a pair of glasses, he smiled and said to Henry: "First of all, congratulations to Mr. Williams, congratulations to you Establish SpaceX! In addition, we deeply admire Mr. Williams' ability to snatch so many aerospace technical talents from the former Soviet Union before many countries in Europe and America!!!"

"Hehe, it's just luck, there's nothing to say about this," Henry smiled lightly and said, "Mr. Lawrence Hobson, look, with the technical strength of our SpaceX company, can we cooperate with NASA?" He said, Henry turned to look at another middle-aged man in his 40s wearing a military uniform, and said to him, "Colonel Andrew, we at SpaceX also very much hope to cooperate with the military! It is understood that the military launches every year. Military satellites or spacecraft, SpaceX can provide launch vehicles!!!”

Lawrence Hobson nodded to Henry: "SpaceX's technical level is indeed good, but we need to see the specific rocket and evaluate the situation before making a decision!"

"Our military also means this!!!" Colonel Andrew said solemnly.

"Well, of course!" Henry smiled.

Later, Lawrence Hobson and Andrew asked some technical questions, while Dr. Dick Butt answered them one by one. Lawrence Hobson and Colonel Andrew looked satisfied, smiling the whole time. After talking for a while, they reached a cooperation intention with SpaceX: if the rocket made by SpaceX meets their requirements, they will hand over part of the order to SpaceX!

Henry spoke to Dr. Dick Butt for over an hour after sending Lawrence Hobson and Andrew away!

Henry has high expectations for SpaceX and will fully support it. Henry and Dick Barthes emphasized one point, and that is cost control. SpaceX is a private company and a for-profit company. It cannot be squandered like a state department. If it runs out of money, it can only go bankrupt!

"Dr. Dick Bart, I can give SpaceX 10 years. I will allow the company to lose money in ten years, and will continue to inject capital into the company, but after ten years, the company must be profitable!" Henry solemnly told Dick Bart said the doctor.

Dick Butt's face was full of confidence, "Don't worry, Mr. Williams, I will make SpaceX profitable!"



SpaceX is relatively remote from downtown Los Angeles, and it takes a two-hour drive to get there from downtown. There, Henry built a large SpaceX rocket launch center, and all the aerospace talents poached from the Soviet Union were sent there!

Salary and various benefits are among the best in the industry. As for their family members, they are temporarily arranged to live in the surrounding towns with elegant environment. If anyone is willing to work, Henry will also arrange for them. Construction and development of IMDB Plaza, cinemas, hotels , supermarkets, etc. can provide many jobs, or even open a store there. If children go to school, they can arrange to study in a school established by Cisco!

Anyway, don't treat them badly!

At present, Henry has made a total of 50 billion US dollars after the disintegration of the Soviet Union, but the ruble is still depreciating wildly. Henry has only cashed out 10 billion US dollars in emergency, and the remaining money will continue to short the ruble! ! !

Henry has spent a billion dollars on SpaceX's investment. In a short period of time, it will not have any effect, and he will definitely continue to inject capital after that! However, once developed, the market is huge and profitable! Other companies need hundreds of millions of dollars to launch rockets, and SpaceX only needs tens of millions of dollars, so the orders are not rolling in?

The more orders you have, the more experience you have in launching rockets, the more technology you have accumulated, and the faster the company's development will be! Moreover, if there are more orders, mass production will also bring down the manufacturing cost!

In this way, it will be even more difficult for other companies to surpass SpaceX!

When SpaceX's rocket technology is mature, commercial satellites can be developed. Even if SpaceX has not received orders from NASA and the military, Henry has a lot of companies and naturally needs a lot of satellites. Therefore, SpaceX can get enough satellites. Orders, launch satellites to practice hands, and speed up the accumulation of technology!

And this is far from comparable to other private companies! ! !

Therefore, in Henry's view, SpaceX's future is infinite, and at the same time, it can save himself a lot of expenses for launching commercial satellites!

SpaceX currently has only 1,000 people, but the company is already recruiting more talents to join the company, and has selected first-class universities in the United States to cooperate. SpaceX has invested and handed over some technical difficulties to the school to be responsible for overcoming, and the school will get project funding and opportunities for exercise , while SpaceX gets the technology!

At present, SpaceX has cooperated with three universities, University of California, Berkeley, Stanford University, and Caltech, and will reach cooperation with more universities in the future!

(To be continued ~^~)

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