Silicon Valley

Chapter 442 Total Net Profit

So far, including subsidiaries, Henry's companies have a total of more than 1,150 companies of various sizes.

The so-called "what's good from above, what's good from below", Henry has always advocated acquisitions, so every company is making crazy acquisitions for development! For example, Cisco, since its inception, has never stopped the pace of acquisitions. So far, hundreds of companies have been acquired around the world, most of which have been directly written off by Cisco, and only about 30% of the companies have remained. Even so, there are thirty or forty companies controlled by Cisco alone.

During the Asian financial crisis, there was another aggressive acquisition, and the number of companies soared for a while.

Of course, in addition to acquisitions, the number of established subsidiaries is also very large.

The ranking of Fortune 500 companies is based on annual income. In 1998, the threshold was very low, and the annual income exceeded 9 billion US dollars to be selected. It only rose to more than 20 billion US dollars in 2013.

Therefore, among these companies under Henry's name, 51 companies can enter the Fortune Global 500, more than 10%. This figure almost makes most countries in the world feel ashamed!

In 1998, only the United States and Japan were able to rank ahead of Henry in the number of Fortune 500 companies. Among them, there are 197 companies in the United States and 114 companies in Japan.

Of course, the Fortune 500 doesn't count the number of privately held companies. Otherwise, they would all be terrified.

Among the companies under Henry's name, the top ten companies in the Fortune 500 are:

"The No. 1 Gene Umbrella Company has an annual revenue of $200 billion and a profit of $60 billion; the No. 2 Global Landmark has an annual revenue of $150 billion and a profit of $35 billion; the No. 8 is Williams America. Banks, with an annual revenue of $108 billion and a profit of $28 billion; the No. 9 Ares Arms Company, with an annual revenue of $96 billion and a profit of $8 billion; SpaceX, ranked No. 10, with an annual revenue of $85 billion and a profit of 60 percent One hundred million U.S. dollars."

Five companies under Henry's name have entered the top ten companies in the Global 500, and the remaining five companies are:


Ranking No. 3 is the US Wal-Mart, with an annual revenue of $148 billion. It was only $105 billion in 1997, and it has risen sharply.

Ranked No.4 to No.6 are Exxon Mobil Oil Company, Royal Dutch Shell Oil Company, and British Petroleum Company, the three largest oil companies in the world!

Ranked No. 7 is Toyota Motor Corporation.


The reason why Gene Umbrella can enter the top 500 companies is because Henry attaches great importance to the development of Gene Umbrella, constantly acquires and recruits talents, does not hesitate to invest huge sums of money in the development of new drugs, and the number of scientists ranks among the largest companies in the world! Furthermore, the sales channels are also well resolved. Henry has 2,600 hospitals under his name and many more. And Henry also established the Hospital website, linking more than 60% of the world's hospitals. This has played a big role in promoting genetic umbrella drugs. At the same time, with Henry's network and the strength of the genetic umbrella, the world's major pharmaceutical sales giants are also very willing to cooperate. In addition, in line with the fact that the fertilizer does not flow to outsiders, Henry strongly recommends that all employees under his name use the gene umbrella drug, and has launched a preferential price for employees. At present, Henry has tens of millions of employees. If everyone uses Gene Umbrella drugs, other channels are not counted. With this alone, Gene Umbrella can enter the top 500 companies.

In a word, good medicines and many channels have created a great success of Gene Umbrella!

Johnson \u0026 Johnson, Roche and other pharmaceutical companies obviously do not have such conditions as a genetic umbrella, so the gap is huge!

Not everyone is as good as Henry. With so many resources in his hand, he can do anything with less effort. So, successful people are more likely to succeed!

As for Global Land, it really lives up to its name. It is buying real estate all over the world. It belongs to the super giant and beats and kicks the 9 real estate companies behind! As early as 1990, when the Japanese stock market crashed, Global Land began to show its fangs, taking the opportunity to buy it aggressively, and its market value reached hundreds of billions of dollars. Since then, it has not stopped. In the 1990s, U.S. real estate was in recession, so with Henry's financial support, he acquired, bought land, and developed real estate, leaving other real estate companies far behind. Especially in the past two years, Global Land has entered China, imitating the development model of Wanda Corporation, vigorously developing, and building construction projects all over the country. With the appreciation of Chinese real estate, Global Land has made a lot of profits. In addition, the Asian financial crisis this time, Global Land has really made a fortune. Henry supports Global Land indefinitely to purchase real estate companies in Southeast Asian countries, or buy land from the government. At this time, the price of land is cabbage, so don't be too cool! Land that used to cost $1 million to buy can now be bought for $100,000 to $200,000! And also took the initiative to deliver it to the door, begging grandpa to tell grandma, asking you to buy it.

At the end of 1998, the economies of Southeast Asian countries tended to stabilize, and the real estate began to appreciate gradually. Global Landmark naturally made a lot of money.

As the largest bank in the world, Williams Bank of America would have a lot of income if it hadn't encountered a financial crisis, and it would have no problem to be ranked in the top ten.

The Combination of Ares Arms is very strong, it is composed of the two major arms companies in the United States in the past life - Lockheed Martin and Northrop Grumman. And these two companies were ranked in the top five arms companies in the United States in their previous lives!

This time, because of the "9.11" incident, the U.S. government decided to increase arms orders and conduct military counter-terrorism. As the largest arms company in the world, Ares Arms Co., Ltd. naturally got the most of the cake. As the United States began to increase military spending, this forced other countries to compete in arms. Therefore, after the "9.11" incident, global armament began again, but it was not as strong as the Cold War between the Soviet Union and the United States. Henry used his connections to get a lot of international orders for the Ares Arms Company. In addition to the weapons banned by the United States, other arms and equipment, even terrorists, are still sold to them. Blackwater bought a lot of weapons anyway, worth at least $20 billion. Moreover, under the coordination of the Blackwater Company, the mercenaries and the rebel army also bought a lot of weapons.

The global aerospace industry is booming. Relying on its advanced technology and its huge scale and price advantages, SpaceX has achieved a market share of more than 35%, making it a well-deserved aerospace giant.

Finally, Henry calculated that the combined annual revenue of all the companies was close to $3 trillion, and the total profit was $200 billion. Businesses are generally taxed at 18-33%. Therefore, after paying taxes, the net profit may be between 140 billion and 160 billion US dollars.

(To be continued ~^~)

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