Sniper Track

Chapter 26: Get ready, illegal team up!

The Chinese mainland has a territory of 9.63 million square kilometers, thousands of years of wind and frost, and magnificent mountains and rivers.

Since Yu Zu decided on Kyushu, countless influential figures have been born, stirring up the world in their respective eras, holding the kingship, and leaving a deep impression in the history books.

These outstanding figures in history are just symbols of an era. The real subjects of the era are actually the common people of the Chinese nation and the boundless land under our feet.

Land carries life, nurtures life, and buries life. This land is the root of the country, the soul of the nation, and the link between the ancient times at the beginning of time and the bright future.

This land is full of vicissitudes and countless wounds.

We have faced floods and natural disasters, and we have also been subjected to savage invasions by foreigners.

However, the people born in this land are invincible. No matter what difficulties and dangers we encounter, we will guard the cradle of our civilization.

No one has ever taken away the land that belongs to us.

Even though the whole world is now ravaged by monsters, we have always believed that the Chinese nation can take back the territories occupied by monsters!


Train station.

The train route map was holographically projected in the mid-air of the waiting hall. The familiar outline of the map was dotted with many yellow light spots, and the light spots were connected by several white lines.

"Ah..." Chen Xingxi sighed.

Chen Xingye, who was dragging his suitcase, saw that his brother was not in high spirits, and hurriedly asked, "What's the matter, brother?"

Chen Xingxi: "Look at this map. There are so many great rivers and mountains, but there are only a few cities left in the hands of human beings. I don't know if we will have a chance to see the day when the ten thousand miles of territory will be restored."

Chen Xingye: "Brother, this is not like you. In the past, you would definitely go out of the city and kill all the monsters. How can you be pessimistic now?"

Recover the territory with your own hands and defeat the beasts with your own hands.

Yes, this is the dream that contemporary youth should stick to.

Around the city, there is a protective barrier, and between the city and the city, it is divided by countless monsters, each forming a large number of monster tribes.

Fortunately, the human powerhouses took action and opened up the lines between cities, and placed many enchantment stones on these lines, so people could get on the train and travel between cities.

The same is true for planes, ships, and trains, and they can only travel within the range covered by the enchantment stone. Not only that, but also the army of the fittest has been stationed for a long time, guarding the route and avoiding the attack of monsters.

"Hello, all passengers and friends, the ticket check will start at 13:30 on July 12th at 13:30 pm on the bullet train AD1001 bound for Fengtian City, please go to the corresponding ticket gate to check the ticket..."

"Dear fellow travelers..."

Chen Xingxi: "Let's go, Xiao Ye, I'm going to check the tickets."

Chen Xingye dragged the suitcase: "Mmmm."

Chen Xingxi thought to himself: What power can two half-grown children have? Wait until one day to become the king of the nine-rank phase, and then think about it.

Become the king of the ninth rank, and then...

Are you really going to kill all the demon beasts?

After killing all the demon beasts, is there only human beings left in this world?

Will the ecology be out of balance?

The ancestors of human beings won the living space from the hands of the beasts... The wild scene is so similar to the present, so is our current goal.

Take back our living space from the hands of monsters!

As for how to get along with monsters...

It's so nerve-racking!


Southern District, Shen's Villa.

Shen Longxiao made a holiday plan, read the news, looked for information about the fittest, studied firearms, and exercised every afternoon, not to mention more regular.

Even at this weight, he doesn't look thin, and he doesn't know why. It's strange.

At this time, Shen Longxiao was lying on the bed with his back on his back. The custom-made quilt was extremely soft, and when Shen Longxiao lay down gently, the bed surface and the quilt sank deeply, as comfortable as lying in a marshmallow.

dong dong dong.

Knocking on the door, Shen Longxiao knew who it was without even thinking about it.

In this family, only Grandpa Lin would come to him.

"Grandpa Lin, the door is unlocked, come in."

"Yes, young master."

Lin Bo who was outside the door responded with a sound, then gently pushed open the door, holding a stack of books in his hand.

Shen Longxiao, who was just about to get up to greet him, saw so many books, but he felt the world was spinning, and he was dizzy.

"Mom, what kind of book is this? It's all! Grandpa Lin, hurry up, take it out, I'm dizzy."

Lin Bo heard the words and said with a smile: "My young master, this is all prepared by the master for you. You can read this book "On the Modern Management of Family Enterprises", it is very useful. The master tells you to read it carefully. In addition, there are This book, "How to Be a Manager Loved by Employees", was read by the master every night with the lights on. Oh, by the way, this is the most important book. This is the book that the master wrote and organized when he was young The notes are still constantly updated and revised, and it can be said that it is the essence of the knowledge of the master in his life. The master asked me to supervise you, and read them this holiday. "

Shen Longxiao: "..."

Why is life so difficult.

Xingxi and Xiaoye are now going to Fengtian to participate in the competition, and I still have to read these books at home.


Shen Longxiao changed to an embarrassed yet polite smile: "Grandpa Lin, I can't do it without watching. As long as you don't tell my dad, he won't know, right?"

Lin Bo smiled and shook his head: "That's not good, my little Longxiao will be in charge of the entire Shen Group in the future. If you don't learn economic management well, how will you run the company?"

Shen Longxiao: "I don't! I don't want to be in charge of the company! Dad promised me, and he agreed with me to continue my practice! If you can't talk, it's nothing!"

Bo Lin: "Master does not object to your cultivation, but he didn't say that he would not let you run a company."

Shen Longxiao was taken aback: "What do you mean???"

When Lin Bo heard this, he laughed even more happily: "Hahaha, what the master means is that there is no delay between being the fittest and running a company. You see that the bosses of many companies in the world are also the fittest? To become a high-quality fittest of the seventh, eighth and ninth grades, this will benefit the group without any harm, it will not only bring advertising effects, but also deter the competitors from all over the world.”

Shen Longxiao: "..."

Lin Bo: "Master, I put the book here for you, you must read it carefully. It is very likely that the master will take time to inspect you, so don't be sloppy. If the master is unhappy, he will punish you. Oh. I'll step back first."

When Bo Lin exited and closed the door, Shen Longxiao was so wronged that he almost cried.

"I'm too hard..."

Drop dong.

Cloud news rang.

Shen Longxiao looked down and saw that it was news from the class group.

Teacher Bai sent a message: "Students, here are our exam results for this semester. Let's take a look. In addition, we will hold a parents' meeting at 1:00 p.m. on July 17. Parents, please arrive on time. Thank you for your cooperation."

Followed by three small expressions shaking hands.

Drop drop drop

The classmates and parents who were diving in the group began to bubble up one after another.

Xu Yang: "Yes, teacher, I didn't do well in the test this time. I will continue to study hard next semester."

Ye Yan's mother: "Received, the teacher has worked hard." followed by three little hearts.

Jiang Hu's father: "Mr. Bai has worked hard, and the parents' meeting will definitely come."

Tie Han's father: "Mr. Bai has been worrying a lot. Tie Han is the last one again this time. Don't worry, teacher. We are fighting."

Teacher Bai: "..."


Shen Longxiao: "??????"

Tie Hanhan... I'm so sorry... You have to be beaten every time, right?

Shen Longxiao clicked on the transcript, scrolled to the bottom, and started looking for his name.

Don't ask why, it's just so confident!

The penultimate place, Shen Longxiao. Grade rank: 273.

Shen Longxiao's heart didn't fluctuate: "I looked for this kid Chen Xingxi, but I don't know how he did in the exam..."

3rd from last... 4th from last... 31st from last...


Shen Longxiao's eyes widened, as if he had gone to the hospital for plastic surgery, and opened the corner of his eye again.

"He's not a scumbag! How come his grades are so high!"

Chen Xingxi, class rank: 1, grade rank: 1.

Shen Longxiao rolled over on the bed and murmured, "My dear, it's a shame that I have been treating you as a great enemy that can shake my bottom position for the past six months. I didn't expect you, a guy who doesn't do homework, to study so well! Damn it! "

After Shen Longxiao read the report card, his frustration lasted for less than two seconds. When a piece of news that interested him popped up at the top of the screen, he started playing with his phone again.

Playing with the phone happily, turning over and continuing to play with the phone happily.

After a long time, Shen Longxiao remembered his holiday mission - after reading the pile of "Books from Heaven"...

Turning over, he continued to play with the phone happily and anxiously and nervously.


On the train, Chen Xingxi and Chen Xingye also received news from the group.

Chen Xingye grinned: "Brother, you did well in the test this time!"

Chen Xingxi withdrew from the state of closing his eyes and opened his eyes: "Oh? More than you?"

Chen Xingye was surpassed by his brother, but he was happier than his brother: "Mmmm! Brother, you are the first in the grade this time!"

Chen Xingxi put his hands behind his head and lay comfortably on the seat: "Alas, masters are lonely. There is no way to rise, and the heights are too cold. How can I improve in the future?"

Chen Xingye smiled: "Since you have become the number one, you must keep it up, or you will fall off if someone chases you, what a shame."

Chen Xingxi: "The academic performance has become the first, and this competition will also be the first!"

At this moment, two more people came over with luggage.

The man walking in front was wearing white short sleeves, with fairer skin than a woman. Hearing this, he immediately smiled and said, "Hey, brothers, you two are also going to Fengtian City to participate in the Future King competition?"

Chen Xingxi smiled at him, and Chen Xingye greeted, "Yes."

Another person, wearing a peaked cap diagonally, took out two tickets with difficulty from the pocket of his little yellow jacket, and murmured, "No. 13, No. 14. Oh, what a coincidence, our seats are together!"

The boy with white short sleeves looked back at the ticket in his companion's hand, and was also surprised: "Oh, it's true, 11, 12, 13, 14, the four of us happen to be sitting around the same small table."

The two put their suitcases away and sat opposite Chen Xingxi.

The motor train slowly started from Beiming Railway Station and headed for Fengtian.

The four of them are all young people, and they have a lot of common language. The car has just started to chat within five minutes.

Wearing white short sleeves, his name is Wang Ershan. He lives in the main urban area of ​​Beiming City. His family is in good condition. Face.

Another young man wearing a peaked cap named Xiao Si. Compared with Wang Ershan, his skin is much darker, the bridge of his nose is higher, his facial features are somewhat sharp, and he looks a bit aggressive. His father and uncle were born of the fittest, and the uncle served in the army for two years when he was young. Xiao Si grew up in such a family. He dreamed of "becoming a strong fittest" since he was a child. Hearing about this competition, he decided to sign up without thinking about it.

Chen Xingxi looked at the two peers on the opposite side and complained in his heart: Wang Ershan is too white and soft, Xiao Si is too sharp, neither of them are as handsome as me and Xiao Ye!

At a time like this, I am afraid that only an inconspicuous person like Chen Xingxi would pay attention to these useless things.

Chen Xingye and the two were chatting: "It's normal for Xiao Si to participate in the competition. Why do you want to participate in the competition, Wang Ershan? It doesn't look like you are determined to be the fittest."

Wang Ershan smiled lightly: "Hey, didn't I accompany Xiao Si! He insisted on pulling me along. My dream in the future is to be an entrepreneur, and I don't want to be the fittest. I feel that no matter what position you are in, you can play your part and do something for the country and the nation."

Xiao Si turned his head and glanced at Wang Ershan. Because his eyes were too sharp, Wang Ershan was shocked.

Wang Ershan: "Why are you staring at me?"

Xiao Si looked innocent: "I don't have it."

Wang Ershan: "I said no! My handsome face was almost cut open by your eyes."

Xiao Si: "..."

Wang Ershan took out a mirror, looked at his face, and said, "Xingxi, Xiaoye. What is your dream in the future?"

The corner of Chen Xingxi's mouth rose slightly: "It's a very common and popular dream, to be a strong fittest."

Wang Ershan shrunk when he heard it: "It's boring, you two are like Xiao Si, your mind is full of fighting and killing, I don't want to go out of the city to kill monsters, how dangerous..." Wang Ershan's eyes flashed as he said: "I I know my dream in the future! After I joined my father's company after graduation, I devoted myself to serving the fittest! I kept the price to a minimum and provided medicines, supplies and various materials to the fittest and the army!

Although I'm a little cowardly, I don't dare to go out of the city to hunt monsters myself, but I can do something for you too! If prices come down, the fittest can buy more medicines and more affordable accessories! In this way, everyone's strength has increased, and more monsters can be hunted, and the price of my raw materials will be reduced.

A circle of conscience is formed, I have made money, the survival of the fittest is guaranteed, and the difficulty of cultivation is reduced! I am such a genius! "

Chen Xingxi laughed heartily, the guy on the other side was cute, he didn't shy away from saying that he was a coward, and he also had some business acumen.

Chen Xingye: "Ershan, this idea is good, but you will be scolded badly by your peers for lowering prices like this."

Wang Ershan raised Erlang's legs: "I'm not afraid! What I do is a good thing, a real thing that is beneficial to the fittest. If the fittest can buy good and cheap goods from me, they will protect my company. !"

Xiao Si looked at Wang Ershan: "I will also protect your company and you."

Wang Ershan twitched for a while, feeling goosebumps all over his body: "It's alright, it's alright, the money promised to you won't be less for you, just don't be disgusting with me."

Xiao Si: "..."

Chen Xingxi took out snacks from the suitcase and distributed them to Wang Ershan and Xiao Si.

"What's the matter? What's the matter with money?"

Only then did Wang Ershan remember that he had missed the point, and turned to ask Xiao Si, "Can I say no?"

Xiao Si shrugged and said it didn't matter: "Yes, it's not a shameful thing anyway, let me tell you."

Xiao Si: "My family is not rich, Ershan is my good friend, so the two of us secretly agreed on something behind the back of our family. Ershan contributed a part to help me practice, and when I became successful , protect him and his company."

Chen Xingxi and Chen Xingye were shocked when they heard the words.

Chen Xingxi joked, "Ershan, you belong to a child bride!"

Wang Ershan: "Nonsense! What a child bride! I'm an investment! I think you and Xiao Ye are also good, do you need me to invest for you two? Don't worry, I'm not a bad person, and I won't sign a contract with you two. There is no contract between Xiao Si, it is all self-consciousness, is it not Xiao Si?" Wang Ershan touched Xiao Si with his shoulder.

Xiao Si said very seriously: "I will never betray my Although there is no written contract, I have sworn in my heart with the gun of the fittest!"

Wang Ershan didn't expect Xiao Si to be so serious, and hurriedly stretched out his hands to support Xiao Si's shoulders: "Oh, okay, okay, no need to be so formal, our relationship is so strong, friends help each other... okay okay Let's not talk about this..."

Eating the snacks provided by the Chen Xingxi brothers, Wang Ershan thought that he couldn't be stingy, so he secretly pressed the button on the armrest of the passenger seat and ordered four bottles of drinks.

The four of them pulled down the curtains, and the seats formed a "small private room", where they ate snacks, drank drinks, and talked about various interesting things in the world.

Clink glasses!

Wang Ershan said: "The four of us brothers can be considered to meet by chance. We meet in the game later, but we should take care of each other one or two!"

Chen Xingxi: "Definitely."

Chen Xingye: "That's for sure. With one more ally, the game will be much easier."

Wang Ershan: "That's it! We can cooperate first and enter the final stage of the game together! If it really comes to the last moment, we will all rely on our abilities, hehe!"

Chen Xingxi: "A word is for sure!"

Wang Ershan: "A word is for sure!"

Xiao Si said weakly, "You are an illegal team."

Wang Ershan: "Shut up!"

Xiao Si: "..."

The four bottles of drinks touch each other: "Come on!"

Chen Xingxi: "I wish you the championship."

Wang Ershan smiled: "Hehe, I wish you and Xiao Ye the championship too!"

The train runs on the track, passing through the mountains and rivers.

Outside the orbital range protected by the barrier stone, the beasts dance wildly...

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