Xiaocui's face turned red all of a sudden, she held back for two seconds, then handed back a popsicle in her hand, glaring at the boss angrily.

"I don't want this one anymore!"

The boss smiled and didn't answer.

"Girl, your popsicle has melted, you can't return it."

Xiaocui is in a hurry!

"I didn't eat this bite, and I didn't even leave your small shop, so why can't I return it? People buy things in department stores and they give you a refund or exchange. Why are you so awesome? Bullying people? Don't even look at me who!"

The polite smile on the boss's face faded, and his tone was neither soft nor hard.

"Guarding the compound of the municipal party committee, who dares to buy and sell to bully others? Girl, I don't know who you are, but if you open and shut your mouth, the department store should be a decent person, right?"

"Department stores are full of high-end goods, not cheap. Where can I afford them? Don't you want a five-cent popsicle from me?"

Xiaocui almost fell backward in anger, and opened her mouth to argue with the boss, but was stopped by Su Haitang.

"Forget it, it's so hot, and I didn't have a few bites of adzuki bean popsicles. It's cooler to eat two. Oops, eat it quickly, it's about to drip!"

Su Haitang exclaimed, urging Xiaocui to eat quickly.

Xiaocui's hand felt cold and sticky, she instinctively lowered her head to lick it, not letting go of both hands holding the popsicle.

Suddenly, she froze, looked up at the boss and Su Haitang who seemed to be smiling but not smiling, gave them a hard look, turned her head and walked away angrily.

Su Haitang said goodbye to the boss, and walked away slowly.

Xiaocui didn't know if she was angry at Su Haitang for embarrassing her, and ran away like a smoke.

Su Haitang was not in a hurry either, and walked around with great interest while eating ice cream leisurely.

She is still not familiar with the municipal party committee compound. Even with her ten years more experience, the environment here is still very good.

The green trees are towering, the flowers are shining brightly, and the whole green ivy is crawling on the wall beside the road. Just looking at it feels cool.

The asphalt road is straight and spacious, with zebra crossings painted with white paint on the outside, delineating the motor vehicle lanes, the curbs are neatly laid, red bricks and gray bricks are paved with simple and elegant patterns, and a blind road with a width of one person goes straight forward.

Looking further away, traffic lights are set up at intersections, vehicles drive slowly in an orderly manner, and there are very few honking horns, which is probably special treatment.

Su Haitang walked along without inquiring about the location of the vegetable market, but when she saw people queuing up to buy from a store selling stewed meat, she also walked over.

After buying two catties of braised duck neck, chicken feet, chicken gizzards and bean curd, Su Haitang felt that as a customer, buying these was in accordance with the etiquette, so she strolled back slowly, without even thinking about looking for Xiaocui.

Grocery shopping is originally the job of the nanny, so she can't do it for her.

After successfully finding the third floor and knocking on the door, Wang Qingshan came over to open the door in a hurry, turned his head and continued to talk on the phone, forking a piece of melon from time to time to eat, his joyful expression looked ridiculous.

After Su Haitang changed his shoes, he took the duck neck he just bought and walked to the kitchen, just in time to hear Wang Qingshan talking with a smile on his face.

"The results of the calligraphy competition have come down? Xiaobao won the first prize again? He is indeed my grandson! I will pick him up from school at noon, and you will come back early."

Wang Qingshan hung up the phone contentedly, and showed off to Su Haitang.

"My grandson has won another prize! The city's youth calligraphy competition, first prize!"

Su Haitang turned around, beaming and congratulating earnestly.

"Excellent! I have to ask the little calligrapher for advice on how to write a good handwriting after a while."

Listening to her flattery, Wang Qingshan felt ironed all over his body!

"Haha, thank you for your good words! I also hope that he will have a future!"

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