Spring and Autumn I Am King

Chapter 440: Magpie (below)

In Qinyi, and even in the entire Central Plains, the third Xu day after the winter solstice is a big day, because today is the sacrificial day.

According to the tradition of the Zhou people, every twelfth lunar month will hunt around, and sacrifice the captured meat to sacrifice to the ancestors, in order to ensure the harvest and prosperity of the next year, peace and auspiciousness.

At this time in previous years, according to Zigong's account, Zhao Wuxi saw with his own eyes that when the people of Lu State held sacrifices, "all people in a country were like madness", just as the poem said: "Pengjiu enjoys it, kills lambs every day, enters the court and calls him. Sitting, longevity is boundless", how similar to the New Year atmosphere of later generations.

This year, because of the war and the sudden typhoid fever, the preparations for the La Festival in Qinyi were not comprehensive: because of the need to hoard food, there was not much wine and brewing; because of the strong walls and clear fields, the people could not go more than ten miles outside the city. Local chopping wood to make a fire. However, using smoke to get rid of mice and cleaning up garbage, the people did it by the way to prevent typhoid fever.

Doctor Qin Yi was so frightened that he ran to the suburbs when the typhoid fever was raging. Although the epidemic has been eliminated, he was too embarrassed to run back immediately, so he still complained about the illness. Today, the affairs of the city are presided over by Zhao Qing of the Jin State and Zhao Wuxi, a small minister of the Lu State. On the day of the La Festival, they sacrificed the dead in the war and the epidemic, and prayed to Haotian that the dead will return to Haoli as soon as possible, and not stay in the world. .

Seeing Wu Zhu jumping around wearing a hideous mask in the field, Zhao Wuxi said to Bian Que, who was frowning and watching:

"Ordinary people think that the cause of disease is ghosts and gods, and it will be impossible to correct them for a while, and it is even more impossible for them to accept the theory of meticulous diseases. Nowadays, even we can only respect ghosts and gods and stay away. "

Although Huaxia's concept of nature is precocious, the concept of materialism is the patent of a few wise men after all, and it is very difficult to spread it. As a ruler, even if you don't believe it, you have to show a look of awe in order to calm people's hearts, not to mention some of the concepts that Wu Xian grafted from later generations are too old.

"There are as many as a hundred reasons for getting sick, mainly due to cold and heat disorders and overwork, and worshiping ghosts and gods can only close one of them. It cannot completely prevent the intrusion of diseases." Bian Que expressed his understanding, and he shook his head helplessly: "After changing to the "little gentleman" statement, the people are indeed more receptive."

"Of course, it is better to teach a man how to fish than to give him a fish. These are the things that the Master needs to spread when he travels in the future. Only when more and more people learn to prevent epidemics and have the confidence to cure diseases, can more people be cured. Even to save this season of life. I hope the Master and all the brothers and sisters will encourage him."

"It's natural."

It was almost evening, and in the cold wind, a round of red said that the sun was sinking in the west, and the sky was splendid at sunset.

Although there are so many difficulties to face, Bian Que only feels that the road ahead is open.

Because today's significance is not only the sacrificial day, but also the day when an organization named "Ling Magpie" was announced in Qinyi!


In later generations, in the winter of the tenth year of the Marquis of Lu and Song Dynasty, more than 50,000 troops of the Qi State and the Jin State Zhao clan-Xilu coalition fought fiercely on the snowfields on the west bank of Daye Ze, and the soldiers suffered heavy casualties. Bian Que, the ancestor of the physician, passed by here and was shocked by the tragic phenomenon. Immediately decided to put aside his personal career, into the battlefield rescue.

Later, Bian Que also treated Xilu, where the epidemic was prevalent, to prevent typhoid fever from causing more casualties. After this, he wrote the book "Treatise on Febrile Diseases and Miscellaneous Diseases" in Qinyi to spread the methods of epidemic prevention and treatment.

He put forward two important suggestions at the end of the book: First, "Medical Bianque" and his disciples will call on doctors who can save the dead and heal the wounded, travel together in various countries, spread the art of epidemic prevention, and treat the war wounded and those suffering from epidemic diseases in various cities. suffering people. The second is to request Jin, the leader of the allied Xia, and even Zhou Tianzi to pay attention. He regained the responsibility of "sympathizing with disasters and preparing for disaster relief", and issued a policy book to Bian Que and his disciples to ensure their neutral status.

his advice. He was praised and supported by Zhao Yang, the second minister of Jin State, and Zhao Wuxi, the junior minister of Lu State, and decided to provide labor, medicine, carriages, and unconditional protection in Jin and Lu.

Therefore, on the day of the Lai Festival, with Doctor Bian Que and several of his disciples as the leading doctors, several Zhao's medical doctors joined in, and announced the establishment of a cross-border medical organization called "Ling Que".

"Magpie" refers to the omens of magpies. Bian Que hopes that this organization can be a good remedy for Ji Shi. And "Bian Que" has also become the name of the leader of the past dynasties.

"Ling Que" relies on the funding of the officials to maintain expenses, and calls on scholars, food doctors, disease doctors, ulcer doctors and even veterinarians to join in. At the same time, he swore to Shennong that after joining the "Magpie", he would not belong to any state and would not be involved in any disputes.

Its slogan is "sympathize with disasters, prepare for rescue", and engage in "humanitarian rescue" proposed by Zhao Wuxi.

"Zheng Zichan once said: The way of heaven is far away, and the way of human beings is narrow! Lingque takes saving people as the first priority, so it is called humanitarian rescue."

Bian Que's disciples were fooled by Zhao Wuxi's eloquent chatter, and they all felt that the word had deep meaning and was in line with their careers.

In fact, the so-called magpie is also an initiative of Zhao Wuxi to learn from the later generations of the Red Cross Society. After all, it is a fine tradition of Zhuxia Bangguo to lend a helping hand to neighboring countries when they encounter epidemics and famines.

Zhao Wuxi felt that if this tradition could be carried forward, a non-governmental cross-international medical aid organization could be established in places beyond the control of the government, which might be able to reduce many civilian casualties and famines and diseases during the war.

There were many princes in the pre-Qin period, and doctors who traveled all over the world had this condition. Wasn't the Mohist army, whose slogan "Stop the war, not attack, and love both", came into being in the background of this era? This was originally what the outstanding politicians of the Spring and Autumn Period advocated when they were fighting soldiers, so after being transformed by Zhao Wuxi, it did not appear abrupt.

Bian Que and his disciples have the benevolent heart of a doctor, and have quite a lot of potential in this regard, and Wu Xian has full confidence in them. And the loose medical Bian Que faction also began to condense and stereotype, Ling Que, perhaps also the beginning of the doctor.

Later generations of doctors were not prominent, only Bian Que and Cang Gong were listed in the "Biography", and medical books were not regarded as one of the books of the masters, but were placed together with planting trees, divination, and crops. But in this plane, how could Zhao Wuxi not be one of the hundred schools in the department where his never-before-seen wife belonged? Wu Xian never thought about which one would be the only one, but if it is beneficial to civilization, it will be supported if it can be supported.

Now, apart from the bamboo books written by Bian Que and the ancient Yellow Emperor, such as "Su Wen" and "Lingshu", the "Treatise on Febrile Diseases and Miscellaneous Diseases", which is simple and easy to understand, and can be taught to the general public, has become a school of its own. Writings, Confucianism, which has not yet fully formed, has fallen behind!

When everything is ready, Zhao Wuxi will lead the troops and the newly established "Ling Que" to go to Xuju City, a hundred miles to the east, to carry out armed epidemic relief.


On the third day after the establishment of the magpie, the people provided by Zhao Yang loaded the remaining medicine into the carriage and began to walk slowly outside the city.

When the people of Qinyi learned that they were walking among them these days, they looked, heard and asked, and the old sick doctor who extended the medicine to give medicine was about to leave, so they came out one after another to show off and stay. One by one, they were holding the food they had saved so easily, such as slurried water, fried corn, and some even found pasta. They wanted to stuff it with Bian Que's disciples. The ox cart was full in no time. The festival day was still lively.

"Peach and plum don't say anything, they form their own way, and they are talking about people like Yi Bian Que."

Zhao Yang, Zhao Wuxi and their son looked at Lao Bian Que, who was standing on the ox cart and salutes the people around him. He seemed to be used to such scenes, but he smiled lightly.

In addition to wanting less bloodshed and fewer deaths in this era, so that doctors can improve their medical skills during the battlefield treatment, and speed up medical exhibitions, Zhao Wuxi is naturally selfish.

Bian Que was already very popular among the feudal lords. The high-ranking officials regarded him as a miraculous doctor, and the lower-ranking people even believed that he was a messenger sent by the Emperor of Heaven to rescue the suffering.

This influence will be multiplied after the establishment of "Ling Magpie". Although "Ling Magpie" considers itself neutral, as the biggest economic and human supporter behind it, Zhao's reputation will also spread to the bottom of the country during the period of walking around the world. among the people. In the short term, there is no effect, but in the long run, there are many benefits.

The Zhao family will gain heart after heart without knowing it.

This may be the mentality of the wealthy and wealthy businessmen of various large enterprises in later generations to fund humanitarian causes.

Zhao Yang had already approved Zhao Wuxi's plan, and he ordered: "I am afraid that the people in Xujuyi who are tormented by the cold are expecting the magpie's omen like a long drought, and you can't wait, let the whole division start immediately. !"

According to the plan, Zhao Wuxi's 2,000 soldiers will go out first to clear the insecurity along the way, and at the same time force Doctor Xu Gu to open the door for medical treatment.

Watching Zhao Wuxi leave on his horse, Bian Que in the crowd also raised his head and watched him go away, and then sighed to Yang, the great apprentice beside him:

"Zhao Xiaojun threatened to learn from my doctor's heart and cure diseases in the world. Although I had a strong ambition, I thought it would be a matter of decades. Unexpectedly, it was only a few days later that he proposed to save people and save the world. The good recipe, this son was like a **** of punishment who danced in battle when he was fighting. After the war, he took off his armor, but he became a good doctor who loved the people like a son. This is the heart of a little gentleman. Although I have medical skills , but it can only save the body, not the world, so it's not as good!"


Zhao Wuxi, the army and the "magpie" left Qinyi on the same day. They braved the fine snow and arrived at Jiyi in one day.

Under the guidance of the guide provided by Ji Yi, after approaching the swampy area created by Onozawa Beizhu, the originally not-so-good road gradually turned into a trail. They made their way slowly through the seemingly endless mud along the winding causeway ~www.wuxiaspot.com~, all of which was fortunately frozen hard by the cold winter. So it took them a total of two days to cross the causeway that would normally take five days to cross, and arrived near Sujie-eup.

The former small state capital, which should have been densely populated, is now showing a depression and loneliness.

Just outside an empty little lilu, Zhao Wuxi met his scout, Yu Xi.

"Sikou, although Xiaoyi and Lilu around Xuju also suffered from typhoid fever, at most one-tenth of the people died, and the rest entered the city today."

"The epidemic is rampant, and the movement of people should be restricted, but the doctor has done the opposite. What the **** is going on?" Zhao Wuxi was a little annoyed, and this trip to the east really brought a bit of a sense of guilt.

Yu Xi's expression was serious: "Si Kou, it was Doctor Xuju who summoned the public to watch on the outskirts of the city."

"Watch what?"

"Watch the living sacrifice!"


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