Spring and Autumn I Am King

Chapter 452: Bronze and Iron


ps: Wu Xie's name for Qu Wuji should be uncle... I got it wrong... There is an exam today, so let's do it first, two more tomorrows, the book group number is 370609612, I hope all readers will support the genuine o(∩_∩ )o~

In mid-January, on a boat by the Pushui River, a girl in a deep white coat leaned against the lacquered railing, enjoying the spring sunshine comfortably.

The ice and snow had already melted in the Pu Shui, but when the beauty Rou Yi reached into it and splashed water, her sensitive skin could still feel a chill.

Under the influence of Ji Ying, Wei's demeanor has completely become a noble lady, and she has a fresh and refined temperament.

Not only that, under Zhao Wuxi's drowning, she has lived with You Rong for a few years. Her skin is as fair and tender as a peeled chicken, and she is not ashamed to show it in the red tent and the dim candlelight. Only these hands were a bit rough due to the fatigue of being a concubine in the early years, and for this reason, she often felt ashamed and hid it in front of the gentleman, intentionally or unintentionally.

But for her younger brother Xing Ao, she has nothing to hide. She will gently use them to tie his hair into a bun and smooth the folds on his clothes. It's just that doing these things this year, she has to tiptoe. .

The boy who was already seven feet long did not understand his sister's intentions, and just kept talking about the important task that Zhao Wuxi had entrusted to him, the journey he was looking forward to along the way, and the prospects after arriving in Wu State.

"We will first go from Pushui to Dayeze, and then travel south from Jishui to Huai and Si, down the river, pass the place where Jizi hangs the sword in Xudi, watch the winds of the crowd, float on the Dajiang, Zhenze, and reach Gusu The big city stops."

Thinking of the magnificent mountains and rivers that he could see with his own eyes on the road, Xing Ao's heart was a little excited. Ke Wei became more and more worried, and her fingertips kept circling the luggage prepared for Adi: "Don't he know. It's not that he can come back in three or five years, but ten years. Even twenty years, or even For a lifetime?"

In order to prevent the tears of parting from falling, Wei turned her face away. She saw some children from farmers and fishermen playing by the water on the opposite side of the river bank. It has only been a few months since the war, and armors floating on the water and getou sunk in the sand are often found on the shore. But because the order was stable under Wu Xie's control, even the bandits disappeared, so these children also resumed their playfulness in previous years.

The youngest of them was no more than five years old. The older ones are nine and ten years old, half are girls, half are boys, and they all have long haircuts. Wei heard them splashing water on each other, shouting to and fro in sharp voices. The little children rode on the shoulders of the older children, shoving each other in waist-deep water, trying to knock each other down, every time someone fell. Splashes of water are always accompanied by a loud laugh.

Although the clothes they put on the shore were very rudimentary or even non-existent, they looked so happy. A scene of talking and laughing Yan Yan. The younger brother Xing Ao is not a few years older than them, but now he has his hair tied in a bun and is wearing the costume of a crowned man. It is about to travel thousands of miles to a strange and foreign country full of terrible legends.

This is Zhao Wuxi's decision. It is also Xing Ao's best future, Wei dare not. There will be no complaints, but the anxiety cannot be eliminated.

Xing Ao didn't notice his sister's daze, and he was talking with a sigh of relief: "When I arrive in the Wu country, I will follow my uncle to visit the prince's husband in the Wu country. Learn Wu language from Yanling Jizi, train martial arts with a specialist, and ask Sun Wuzi for military training, but you must be careful of Daxing people..."

Those unfamiliar names Wei didn't care and only upset her.

So she interrupted her brother's words: "Ao, I heard that the land of Wuyue is desolate and wet, and her husband died early..."

She expressed her concerns. The typhoid fever was prevalent in Xilu a few days ago. The sister and brother escaped under the care of Zhao Wuxi, but she still had lingering fears at the scene of the deceased all over the city. The epidemic in the south is even more worrying. The people in the Central Plains are full of imagination and fear of the south, where miasma, barbarians, man-eating barbarians, and poisonous insects and beasts are rampant. Like most of the Xia people, Wei has this impression of Wu Yue. considered dreadful.

"After you go, you should pay more attention to your diet, don't eat and drink freely, don't get drunk and full at night, and don't sleep in the naked dew because of the heat and stuffiness of the four bodies, otherwise you will not be able to eat and eat, and you will get sick before the expiration of the month. At that time, let’s not talk about the important tasks of fame and fame, and it would be good to save our lives!”

Xing Ao could only agree to the promise, but then he comforted his sister and said, "Sister, in fact, the land of Wuyue is not as wild as you think, and the layout of the great city of Suzhou is not much different from that of Xintian and Taoqiu, that is, there are many rivers. For some, it is not as convenient to take a boat as it is to take a car. In recent years, many people from the Central Plains and Chu countries also went to Wu to serve as officials, and most of them lived well. The atmosphere of Xudi is no different from that of Qilu. Thousands of years later, the land of Wuyue will be the same as that of Qilu. It will be infiltrated with Chinese customs, and it may become a small bridge and flowing water, singing poems and books and forgetting to fight, and a pleasant place with gardens."

Wei didn't believe it, and spit at him: "Rumour, you haven't been to Wuyue, how do you know so clearly."

Xing Ao replied earnestly: "These are all what the gentleman said! The gentleman has never been to Wu, but the sage can know the world's affairs without going out. The gentleman is such a person!"

These words successfully made Wei laugh. From the time she was rescued in the burial pit, she had a kind of blind trust in Zhao Wuxi. Since he said so, it must be reasonable, and the worry was relieved a lot.

But she still refused to forgive Adi, blushing and exhorting: "You are not too young, and I don't know when you will be able to return. If you meet a woman you like, let your uncle take the lead and marry you, so that we can continue our clan. Bloodline. But there is only one point. I heard that most of the women in Wudi also have tattoos and engravings. On weekdays, their upper body is naked, their feet are bare, and only rushes are around their waists. Their temperament is fierce and fierce. You are not allowed to find such a concubine. no!"


"I'm not allowed to marry a woman with a tattooed face? Hey, I have no interest in such a woman."

Standing on the dock at this moment, Xing Ao was a little amused, thinking about her sister's request yesterday. His uncle Qu Wuji had already treated him as his nephew, and he often held it by his hand. During the period, he also said that when he arrived at Wu State, he would talk about a marriage for him. Perhaps it was the daughter of the Dazai family, and my sister's worries were unnecessary.

Having said that, now Qu Wuji is listening seriously to Zhao Wuxi telling a story! It happens to be related to tattoo carving and the custom of stomping feet.

Zhao Wuxi talked eloquently: "In the past, there were people in Lu who were good at weaving, and his wife was good at weaving. The two heard that Wu Guojun was a wise minister and wanted to move to Wu. A neighbor told Lu people that he moved to Wu country. If you go there, you will be poor. The people of Lu asked why? The man replied: 'Shoes are woven so that people can walk in them, but the people of Wu walk on their feet. So no one needs them; People wear it, but the people of Wu State rarely use it. With the expertise of Ru and his wife, how can they go to a country where they don't need them? How can they be poor? What the neighbor said, my uncle thinks it is good. Does it make sense?"

"That's right, the Chinese Yiyue, the people of the five directions, all have sex. It cannot be changed. The tattoos are cut off, and the inscriptions on stomping feet are the customs of the people of Wuyue. The clothes are appropriate, and the Lu people who weave shoes and cloths. The couple went to Wu, I'm afraid it won't be of much use."

Qu Wuji's answer Zhao Wuxi had already expected it, so he shook his head: "This statement is not good, in the stories I know, the people of Lu country asked him back, saying that he has arrived in a country where we don't need our expertise. We can guide Wu people to wear shoes and hats, they are more widely used, how can they be poor?"

"Uncle, think about it, when I didn't communicate with Zhu Xia a hundred years ago. What was the state of Wu? After the construction of the Great City of Suzhou, more and more foreigners went to Wu, and more and more people practiced bird seal script. The people imitated the customs of the Mid-summer period, and more and more people wore shoes and hats already?"

"That's right, it's true..." Qu Wuji thought about it, and it seemed that it was really like this, thanks to Qu Wu, his ancestor of the Qu family.

"So my uncle doesn't have to worry that no one uses paper in Wu State, and no one cares about it for a while. Then we will use it. The profit of this thing is not much lower than that of porcelain, and it can also be used to promote education. Others I dare not say that this thing must be needed by the Yanling Jizi! Why don't uncle bring a boat back and try it?"

Qu Wuji was persuaded, and Zhao Wuxi successfully stuffed a ship of unsalable paper into the envoys of the guest caravan. Xing Ao admired him from the side, secretly said that he had gone to Wu State, and he had to handle the business affairs for the gentleman.

The nobles of Wu State needed the porcelain and beautiful silk from Xilu, while Zhao Wushi urgently needed the copper and tin resources in Wu, as well as strategic resources such as leather and feathers. Wuji's relationship can definitely make some!

As for the person who was familiar with water battles that he wanted before, with the surrender of Onozawa Pirates, it seems that he is no longer urgently needed. But Xing Ao knew that Zhao Wuxi's strategy after that was to control the waters of Pushui, Jishui and Dayeze, and even wanted to open a canal connecting Pushui and Jishui to connect the two major water systems near Yuncheng, so that the Ships of porcelain and other goods can easily travel to Taoqiu, then westward to Xinzheng, and south to Shangqiu...

So he decided to discuss this matter first when he arrived in Wu State. There are not many other places in Wu and Yue, and people who are skilled in water and boat battles are not easy to find?

Xing Ao was thinking about it, but saw Zhao Wuxi beckoning to him, as if he had something to tell him.


"Have you said goodbye to your elder sister?"

Because it was outside, Xing Ao didn't dare to be as casual as usual, and replied respectfully: "Wei, my sister has instructed a lot of things, and also prepared a bag for me."

"Shan, I also have something for you." After Zhao Wuxi finished speaking, he untied the Shaolong sword from his waist and solemnly handed it to Xing Ao.

"Gentleman, this!" Xing Ao was startled, then became excited, and hurriedly fell to the ground, bowed his head and took the sword.

After the red and black carved scabbard was removed, it was found that the sword had a simple and simple style, about two and a half feet long and a quarter of a foot wide. The thick grid is in the shape of an inverted concave, the grid is decorated with gold inlaid turquoise animal face patterns, and the round sword jewelry has cloud and thunder patterns.

The people of Wu Kingdom gathered around to watch the excitement, and Qu Wuji was also watching with enthusiasm. This is the saber forged by the ancestor of the Qu family, Wu Chen, in Wu. It fell into the hands of Zhao Wuxi to "keep it for you".

Today, is this sword finally going to return to the hands of the descendants of the Qu family?

"A promise of a gentleman, horses are hard to chase. I said before that this sword will be returned to you sooner or later!"

The ancients believed that the sword has spirituality. Although there is no exaggeration of Juque sword sneaking into Chu because of the immorality of the king of Wu, but Shaoyu has been drinking blood in recent years, and the darkness that has been buried for a long time has been swept away. And turned into a dazzling blue-gold brilliance.

Looking at the old man who had been with him for three years, Zhao Wuxi, who had always been able to afford it and put it down, was a little reluctant to part with it.

However, Zhao Wuxi also told himself not to care too much, the age of bronze will always pass, and a standard iron ring sword in the later Han Dynasty can outperform countless bronze weapons.

What's more, in the land of Chu and Wuyue, exquisite iron swords seem to have begun to appear!

Wu Xie heard that Ou Yezi made the ultimate in five bronze swords: Zhanlu, Chunjun, Shengxie, Yuchang and Juque.

But he was also invited by the King of Chu to dig up the Cishan Mountain, drain the stream, take Tieying from the mountain, and make three iron swords, saying: Longyuan, Tai'a, and Gongbu! Zhao Wuxi remembered that the iron swords of the Spring and Autumn Period of Chu State were unearthed in later generations, and this may have originated from this!

It is said that if they are tempered and sharpened, they can break the dragon boat and slash the rhinoceros!

Judging from the information that Qu Wuji unintentionally revealed, there are still many craftsmen in Wu Guo who can smelt iron and forge swords, which gives Zhao Wuxi infinite hope.

Although he came from later generations, he only knew that iron weapons would replace bronze weapons sooner or later due to their superiority and mass production. This stage lasted from the Spring and Autumn to the early Han Dynasty. But he didn't know the process of smelting iron and steel in later generations, and how to forge iron tools, especially iron weapons, was not clear.

There are very few copper and tin in the state of Lu, but there are many mountains of iron, especially in the territory newly occupied by Zhao Wuxi. There are raw materials, and there are also artisans who can initially smelt iron ore, but there are no artisans who can make iron weapons. Next, he can only find a way to get tens of thousands of iron hoes and popularize the poor iron agricultural tools.

In this way, Xilu's productivity will be doubled, but the force of the army's transition from bronze and leather armor to iron is great, so Wu Xie is extremely eager for the craftsmen of Wu Guo to be able to smelt iron and forge swords.

If Xilu had Ou Yezi, cadre Mo Xie and other skilled swordsmiths, the specious information in Zhao Wuxi's mind might be able to be supplemented and realized by their hands, thus greatly improving the level of iron smelting and improving the quality of iron. The forging quantification of weapons...

But when he asked more deeply, Qu Wuji was more shy.

Because this is Wu State's secret! Ou Yezi and the cadre Mo Xie once entered Wu and left Wu, and also took away the giant sword, which made the King of Wu furious. And Sun Wuzi and Wu Zixu also attached great importance to this. All craftsmen were strictly controlled, and their skills were never passed on, but only for the royal family to cast swords. Although Qu Wuji dared to go the way of Dazai to get some copper and tin for Zhao Wuxi, he did not dare to take the idea of ​​an iron smelter and swordsmith.

So you have to figure it out for yourself...

Zhao Wuxi brushed off all kinds of emotions and said solemnly to the crowd: "This sword has been with me for several years~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I took it through several battles, killing dozens of people and beheading nearly a hundred armors. Ask yourself that you have never humiliated the sages. I once said that the best cavalry is your own warhorse. Ao, you are also an adult. As a jiujiu warrior, the sword is your third arm, and you use it to kill the tiger. Jiao, guarding my uncle and King Wu, you can't humiliate it!"

These words not only made Xing Ao complied with his promise, but even Zhuan Bo Yu heard his blood boil, applauded continuously, holding the fish intestines and screaming.

So different from the family affection when he bid farewell to Zhao Yang, the departure of the envoys of Wu State turned into a passionate farewell party. Except for the punters who drove the boat, no one was not drunk.

In this warm atmosphere, when he was about to get on the boat, Zhao Wuxi held Xing Ao again and whispered kindly in his ear, making the young man wake up instantly.

"Ao, after you go to Wu State, you must do everything possible to find one or two craftsmen who can forge and forge iron swords and send them to Xilu at all costs!" (To be continued...)

ps: Thanks to book friends d Xianyun Yehe F, Zhebu Mo Sunlight, Novel Mystery 12345, Second Reincarnation, Death, Silent Night, God Fantasy Realm, Xunlang, Levistan for the reward! Thank you for your monthly pass!

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