So, after asking Father Rabbit to put away all those energy crystals and hand them over to him when Lu Jinxiu came back, Jian Yan dragged Father Rabbit out of the house.

"Father, let's go out and see if there are any good ingredients to make delicious food."

"This can be."

Hearing about the food, Father Rabbit was delighted, he perfectly explained what a foodie rabbit is, and ran to the gate of the base while dragging Jian Yan.

The terrain of the base is not complicated, even if it is complicated, it can't help the rabbit father in the three caves of the cunning rabbit.

Jian Yan is not a road idiot, one person and one rabbit arrived at the square where they used to eat big blue crabs.

The blue crabs have long since been eaten and their shells have been disposed of.

But those soldiers who had no mission to rest did not leave, but got together in twos and threes to discuss how the Zerg was delicious, whether only the ten-legged beetle was so delicious, or all the Zerg were delicious, and so on.

Tang Zhen and the others were among them.

Because of the spicy crab and the steamed blue crab, Jian Yan took the limelight.

Although less than the entire First Army knew her, the group of people who stayed in the square did.

Without him, it's just because the rabbit father who is following Jian Yan is very recognizable and scary.

Even if they didn't know what Jian Yan looked like, the soldiers immediately recognized her when they saw Father Rabbit beside her.

Thus, Jianyan was warmly greeted by the soldiers.

There are two topics of saying hello and asking her how she knows that the Zerg can eat, and whether she can continue to eat big bugs at night.

Jian Yan deliberately ignored the previous question, just smiled and nodded and said that he could continue to eat Zerg at night.

Then the soldiers were happy.

They all cheered and asked if they should catch the bugs back?

Jian Yan naturally refused, not all insects can be eaten, she was worried that if they were to go, these soldiers who had a strong enthusiasm for the Zerg would catch every insect they saw and bring it back.

It doesn't matter if you catch seafood that is collectively called bugs, such as big green crab, coconut crab, beautiful big lobster, big fragrant snail, big scallop, etc. It's bad if you catch other messy Zerg that can't be eaten at all.

The soldiers who were rejected by her were very sorry, but because of her firm attitude and told them that not every kind of insect could be eaten, she gave up her plan to help.

Jian Yan thought she and Father Tu could leave, but she didn't want Tang Zhen Luoyang and the others to stand in front of one person and one rabbit, and strongly demanded to bring them along, and the reasons given were also impeccable.

"Ask Miss Jane to teach us to identify edible Zerg."

The six of them bowed to Jian Yan in unison, their attitudes were beyond respectful.

Jian Yan was taken aback. After living for so many years, no one gave her such a big gift. It was so scary.

Quickly bent down and bowed back, "I didn't say no to teaching, you guys hurry up and don't do this, I can't bear it."

Although all walks of life have the concept of masters as teachers, people with real materials judge their backgrounds based on their abilities, not on their age.

But still the same sentence, Uncle Tang and the others are not her apprentices.

Seeing her flustered, Tang Zhen and the others didn't want to make her unhappy, so they smiled and said hello, then looked at her eagerly and said, "Shall we go now?"


With a wave of Jian Yan's hand, he rushed to the gate first.

Then, she was held back by Tang Zhen.

"Wait, we haven't claimed the hoverboard yet."

After being reminded, I remembered the short words of the hoverboard, "... besides the Zerg, what other creatures are there on this planet? Are there freshwater lakes in forests and hills?"

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