Star Lord: My Starfleet Is Billion Points Strong

Chapter 222 Intense war! Waves caused by Zerg parasites! (Subscription)

Boom boom boom..

Billions of rays of light.

In the blink of an eye, it flew into the camp of the first-order empire and the interstellar coalition of various civilization races.

This directly caused a lot of casualties to the two armies.

After all, the Zerg has hundreds of war bases, two million Zerg war motherships, and nearly 10 million biological battleships made of various insects.

So many bases and warships fired at the same time in an instant.

The attack covered almost hundreds of millions of kilometers of star field.

The first-sequence empire and the interstellar coalition of various civilized races cannot survive unscathed.

Many battleships were blown up in an instant, some interstellar powerhouses fell under the fire before they had time to show their strength, and a larger number of omnipotent bodies and intelligent fighters were destroyed.

It appeared that the casualties were heavy.

But in fact, compared to the total size of the First Sequence Empire and the interstellar coalition, such losses are almost negligible.

completely within reason.

"Destroy the Zerg, and leave no one behind!"

This is an attack order from Fang Ze.

The order was issued, and the first-sequence empire's interstellar warships, omnipotent bodies, intelligent fighter corps, planetary fortresses, and interstellar coalition forces of various civilized races also launched an attack on the Zerg army at the same time.

boom boom boom boom...

in an instant.

Countless dazzling light beams shine in this star field "Eight Seven Zero".

Star Destroyer Cannon, Equivalent Neutron Cannon, Super Giant High-Energy Particle Cannon, Laser Ray Cannon...

Dense beam rays.

With almost parallel attack routes, weaved into dazzling columns" and blasted into the camp of the Zerg army.

It directly killed a large number of interstellar bugs.

The interstellar bugs that were bombed could not even keep their bodies, because all their bodies were evaporated by the high heat energy.

Just one round of attacks.

The Zerg army lost tens of billions of bugs.

However, this record is also not ideal.

After all, there are thirteen planetary fortresses participating in this round of bombardment.

With a full seven million starships.

All the interstellar cannons and ship-borne guns, all charged and bombarded, killed tens of billions of bugs.

How could such a record be ideal?

According to common sense, it is not normal for tens of billions or even hundreds of billions of bugs to die in the face of nearly 10 billion interstellar cannons and ship-borne artillery attacks.

And the reason why the record is not ideal.

The reason is very simple, it is those energy-draining insects who are doing their best.

Trillions of energy-draining insects flew at the forefront of the Zerg army, almost resisting nearly 80% of the energy weapon attacks of the first-sequence empire and the interstellar coalition.

Most of the energy rays hit them, as if they were going deep into the water.

It was devoured and absorbed by those energy-absorbing insects.

Only a small part of the energy rays passed through the energy-absorbing insect defense line and blasted into the rear Zerg army camp, killing tens of billions of interstellar insects.

Tens of billions of bugs, it seems like a lot.

But compared to the hundreds of trillions of Zerg army, it is basically nothing.

It can be said.

Neither the Zerg nor the first-order empire had achieved a very idealized record in the first round of mutual attacks.

It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a tentative attack.

After all, the real fierce battle is yet to come.

After several rounds of mutual bombardment.

The two terrifying armies finally collided together.

In that scene, it was as if two torrents collided, causing monstrous waves.

In an instant, countless bugs, interstellar powerhouses, omnipotent bodies, intelligent fighters, and even interstellar battleships, zerg biological battleships, etc. were drowned in the torrent.

You can only see countless dazzling rays of light blooming in the torrent.

Every time it blooms, a huge number of interstellar bugs disappear.

At the same time, the Zerg biological battleships, war mother nests, and even the Zerg war bases with a height of tens of millions of meters are also frantically bombarding the army of the first-order empire and the interstellar coalition forces of various civilized races.

Every moment a large number of intelligent life forms die.

War, on either side, is not benevolent.

Casualties are inevitable.

The only thing to see is which side loses more.

Relatively speaking, in this large-scale war, it is natural that the Zerg suffered more heavy casualties.

Especially the thirteen planetary fortresses as huge as planets, directly entered the center of the Zerg army, billions of interstellar cannons, and wildly fired at the four star fields.

The interstellar bugs were emptied piece by piece.

The casualties caused by these planetary fortresses are even comparable to those of millions of starships.

Thirteen planetary fortresses are thirteen artifacts of war, which not only killed the Zerg army in the nearby star field, but also gave great confidence to the interstellar coalition forces of various civilizations.

Intelligent life forms of all civilized races believe it.

As long as those thirteen planetary fortresses are still on the interstellar battlefield, the victory of the war belongs to them.

The eradication of the Zerg is only a matter of time.

In fact, this is indeed the case, because even the Zerg commander hidden in the black hole of the central system of the nebula is nowhere near the planetary fortress of the first-order empire.

“Damn it!”

"This kind of super-civilization-level war weapon should not appear on the middle and low-level battlefields."

"And there are so many!"

The Zerg commander should have dealt with all emergencies rationally.

But now, it is difficult to suppress the inner anger.

It did not hesitate, and immediately ordered hundreds of Zerg war bases on the battlefield to concentrate their firepower and bombard those planetary fortresses that were frantically slaughtering Zerg.

boom boom boom boom...

In an instant, countless powerful biological energy bombarded those planetary fortresses.

Among them, some biological energy cannons are almost as powerful as the star destroyer.

Even planets can explode.

However, when the dense bio-energy cannons hit those planetary fortresses, they were all blocked by the super energy shields of the planetary fortresses.

Energy shields of up to nine trillion poles are not so easy to destroy.

Not to mention, the energy shield value of two alloy planetary fortresses reached a full twenty trillion poles.

In the face of such a terrifying energy shield.

The biological energy cannon attack of the Zerg war base is completely tickle.

Sure enough, "This is a real planetary fortress!"

"Whether it is attack or defense, it can be comparable to those planetary fortresses built by high-tech civilizations on the battlefield in the central star field of the Tianhe Galaxy!"


"Do you really think that planetary fortresses are invincible?"

"My Zerg's latest energy-draining insects are specially designed to restrain energy shields. Without energy shields, even planetary fortresses will still be destroyed."

Accompanied by the whispers of the Zerg commander.

On the battlefield, countless energy-draining insects gathered and rushed towards the planetary fortress of the first-order empire.

Trillions of energy-sucking insects almost surrounded the thirteen planetary fortresses, and no matter how crazy those planetary fortresses fired, they would not be able to blast through the encirclement formed by the army of energy-sucking insects.

see this scene.

The interstellar coalition forces of various civilizations and races on the battlefield also had a cold heart.

Without the planetary fortress, their probability of defeating the Zerg plummeted by at least 50%.

The planetary fortress is the key to the victory.0

"Don't mess up!"

The Emperor "His Majesty already has a way to deal with those energy suckers!

"Our mission is to cooperate with the Empire's main fleet to destroy the worms and those biological warships on the battlefield, and warships of any civilized race are not allowed to leave the camp.

There were commanders yelling on the Coalition's public communication channel.

However, his voice did not fall.

There was great chaos in the coalition camp.

It was not that the Zerg came in, but that the warships of civilized races turned their muzzles and bombarded the nearby friendly warships.

In just an instant, it caused very heavy casualties to the interstellar coalition.

Many interstellar battleships and interstellar powerhouses of the coalition forces were blown up and killed before they could react.


"What are you doing!

"We are allies, not bugs

"Counterattack! Fight me back! Bombard any spaceship that flips the muzzle of the ship's guns, and they defect!"

The word mutiny appears.

In an instant, the intelligent life forms of the Interstellar Alliance were terrified.

At the moment of the fierce battle with the Zerg, there was actually a mutiny incident in the interstellar fleet of the civilized race, which was a fatal blow to the interstellar coalition.

There is even a possibility that it will spread to another first-order Imperial fleet on the battlefield.

"Not a mutiny!"

"It was the commander and starship soldier of a civilized race who were controlled by the parasites of the Zerg. When the war started, those parasites surfaced."

"Damn Zerg!"

Destroy "those ships that are attacking us!"

boom boom boom boom...

for a while.

Within the coalition camp, a huge number of spaceships were bombarding each other.

It caused huge casualties to the interstellar coalition forces in an instant.

The originally neat and well-defended camp also became chaotic, and was then killed by interstellar bugs like Wang Yang, causing even greater losses to the interstellar coalition.

in contrast.

on another battlefield.

The Star Fleet of the first-order empire was bombarding the nearby Zerg army in an orderly manner.

The sea like Wang Yang was slaughtered batch after batch.

The vast majority of the Empire's fleets are omnic-controlled.

Only a few 0.3 were led by Imperial fleet commanders such as Captain Hart.

And neither these commanders nor the starship soldiers have had close contact with the Zerg, so naturally they will not be possessed by parasites.

"Lord Commander.

"His Majesty's planetary fortress is surrounded by an army of energy suckers. Are we going to support it?"

"No! The Imperium has developed a secret weapon to restrain the energy suckers! Not only are planetary fortresses equipped, our Starfleet is also equipped with this weapon!"

"The army of energy-sucking insects is nothing to worry about!"

almost the same time.

In the center of the Zerg army, a shocking scene appeared.

More than a dozen planetary fortresses were surrounded by a large army of energy-draining insects, forming a terrifying and airtight insect ball.

But right now.

Countless black balls hundreds of meters in diameter were blasted out of the planetary fortress.

It exploded in the middle and turned into a larger number of saw teeth.

Those serrations, in the shape of a circle, revolved at a terrifying speed and rushed into the camp of the energy-absorbing insect army.

In an instant, countless energy-draining insects were cut into pieces.

The sawtooth weapon uses a nuclear fusion engine as kinetic energy and is controlled by an intelligent system.


All energy-draining insects turn into mutilated corpses.

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