Star Lord: My Starfleet Is Billion Points Strong

Chapter 582 The danger of black holes (subscription)

Among the currently known civilizations, there is no civilization that has a way to deal with black holes, but if they encounter them, they will definitely be destroyed. The black hole is like the overlord in space, its attraction and pulling force are enough to absorb all the passing stars.

Just thinking about the accident before, Wither couldn't help but feel the chills behind his back. That was really an accident. According to common sense, it is impossible for storm particles to form a black hole, unless the black hole is supposed to form there.

If that's the case, then he is even more fortunate. Fortunately, they did experiments in that place and led this black hole out, or let it grow secretly by itself. Once it grows large enough, it will never grow again. It cannot be destroyed, it will absorb all the first sequence in a very short period of time.

However, the probability of this kind of black hole "247" being produced inside a civilization is probably only one in a billion, which belongs to the super luck, so Weiser is also a little uncertain. The appearance of black holes is caused by experiments. Or is it about to be formed.

Fang Ze was also very aware of the power of the black hole, so he couldn't help shaking all over, feeling like death was passing by, secretly saying that it was dangerous, and he almost didn't even know how he died.

"Cough... In the future, such dangerous experiments should be done outside the first sequence, and don't let our civilization suffer heavy losses." Fang Ze said earnestly, with a look of fear on his face.

The expressions of the two were in sync at this moment, so they decided to go see other newly developed weapons together.

In this weapons research and development room, Weiser is not the only one who is doing research and inventions about weapons. There are quite a few departments in it. After all, people in the interstellar era attach great importance to education, so there are also a lot of scientific researchers.

These people may lack creativity and imagination, but if you give them an idea, they will study hard and get gratifying results.

These talents were basically recommended to him by Weiser, some were his classmates, and some were people he met later. He felt that the other party was very talented, and they became friends with each other, and let the other party have nowhere to go. He followed himself to Sequence 1.

As expected of good brothers, they have been here for many years and sold their lives to Fang Ze for many years, but they are very happy themselves, and their biggest dream is to be able to develop technologies or weapons that are not available in this galaxy.

As long as they can be given a laboratory, they can stay in it for as long as they can, and they will never come out until they are satisfied.

To make a scientific researcher satisfied with their scientific research results? This seems to be an impossible goal, because they can always find scientific research goals that are more interesting to them.

Seeing the arrival of Fang Ze and Weiser, those big men who were immersed in scientific research were shaken by their assistants, confused, as if they had just woken up.

"I've come to the lab quite a few times, why haven't I seen them in this state?" Fang Ze asked in confusion.

Wither hesitated for a while, wondering if he should tell the lord that when he came, these people were still immersed in their own scientific experiments, and they didn't notice his arrival at all, so they never left themselves. It is impossible to tell whether to see or not to see the laboratory.

Fang Ze twitched the corner of his mouth: "Okay, you don't need to say it, I just asked casually, I don't really want to know the answer."

I always feel that it is not an answer that makes me feel happy, so it is better not to know.

Wither nodded in agreement: "So let's skip the process and go straight to the results." Their image is really bad, it's better to let Fang Ze go directly to the results of their research and see those results, Maybe they can save a little of their image in Fang Ze's heart.

The two naturally skipped the labs and headed straight to the warehouse.

All the research results of the researchers will be heavily guarded in the warehouse. This is the order of Fang Ze, because he usually has to go around to check the results, so he doesn't have a lot of time in the laboratory, so he will know everything they research. Arrange for a special guard, and when he is free, he will come over and make unlimited copies of what he needs.

The same is true of the previous war with the devil, whether it is the Liuzhang Light Prison or the Change of Light, they are all useful things he found in the warehouse before the battle began.

And these things did not live up to his expectations, they brought him huge surprises, and it can even be said that they directly affected the outcome of the final war.

He didn't know whether the god-level civilizations in the alien galaxy possessed such weapons, but he felt that if he brought these weapons out, it would definitely be able to play a different role.

After a while, they arrived. The warehouse was protected by heavy soldiers. Even if he was Fang Ze, he had to verify his identity if he wanted to enter.

After checking layer by layer, it can be said that they finally entered the warehouse after many trials and tribulations.

The lights came on, and the entire warehouse shone with a metallic glow. All weapons, regardless of their size, were stored in the warehouse. There were many structures around these weapons, and no one could take them away alone.

"These are the mother bodies of weapons, and they have been protected layer by layer according to your request."

Fang Ze exhaled slowly, suppressing the excitement in his heart, these weapons were the basis for him to leave this galaxy to fight.

He looked the same, these weapons were surrounded by hard glass, and outside the glass was a display screen, which introduced the functions of these weapons and their data.

Some look tasteless, some just look at the data to know that the lethality is powerful.

But Fang Ze won't underestimate any weapon, just like the black box that made great achievements before, if it weren't for the black box, it wouldn't be able to stop the 7th-level civilization from attacking him.

0.4 It must be known that even the radar of a level 7 civilization cannot distinguish whether the signal source sent by the black box is true or false.

The role of the black box is just to distribute the signal source, but such a function alone has almost brought him victory, so he will not underestimate any weapon.

Even if it looks very tasteless.

"It's really hard for you this time." Fang Ze said with relief, he said this from the heart, it is not easy to make so many weapons in a short period of time, they must stay up all night .

"Lord Fang Ze said this, and it's out of sight. Isn't this what our value is to us?" Weiser smiled and waved his hand, looking at Fang Ze's eyes, as if he was looking at God, a salvation his god. .

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