Start a Subspace

Chapter 102 Meteorite Attack Plan! (Add more updates for the leader

Everyone is thinking hard, racking their brains, trying to connect the clues together.

Suddenly, Zhao Weichao from the staff department slapped his head violently: "Your Highness, I have thought of a way! This way may be a bit complicated, but the danger is controllable and the chance of success is very high."

"you say."

"When you open a new space door, you must physically touch it, isn't that right?"

"Yes." Zhang Ran nodded.

This is actually very embarrassing, if Zhang Ran dies, no one knows what will happen to the subspace...

Maybe all human beings will be buried together.

Therefore, he cannot take risks.

And he is dead, once the portal is destroyed, everyone will be trapped in the subspace and cannot come out again.

Even, whether subspace exists or not is still a question.

Therefore, no one dared to let Zhang Ran take risks on the battlefield.

"You pull a very, very long string to tie the 'door' that is about to be opened. Does that count as physical contact? This thin string is millions of kilometers long, is it okay?"

"In this way, we can remotely open doors that are millions of kilometers away!"

Zhang Ran's eyes widened, and he quickly understood what Zhao Weichao was thinking.

He had to admire that this man had a quick mind and a lot of wonderful ideas.

The lines of millions of kilometers are a bit exaggerated...

"It's possible, I can experiment...but I think there is a high probability that it will be successful!"

Zhao Weichao said loudly with excitement: "Since His Highness can remotely open the door millions of kilometers away and project a meteorite, the opportunity has come."

"Humans have the highest attraction to void amoebas, we can lure snakes out of their holes! Yes, lure snakes out of their holes!"

"We can first arrange some super-large round frames in space."

"These round frames don't have to be made of metal. They can be made of carbon nanotubes with a thickness of 1 mm, or any other material. The more concealed the better. Anyway, as long as it is a macroscopic substance, it can be used as a medium for the space gate, right?"

Zhang Ran nodded: "As long as it is a ring-shaped substance, it is fine. A very thin rope is not a problem."

Zhao Weichao spoke faster and faster, and knocked on the table vigorously: "Pull out the thin wire on the round frame for millions of kilometers, and connect it to the mothership. In this way, the remote opening of the space door can be as far as possible." Keep Your Highness safe."

"The next step is the most important step! Bring more people into the real world. Doesn't that monster want to devour life?"

"We try to seduce it as much as possible. If 10,000 people are not enough, then we will have 100,000 people. If 100,000 people are not enough, we will lure a million people or 10 million people to the real world!"

"When it rushes out of the wave valley area and is about to approach one of the round frames, ask His Highness to open the space door, throw that meteorite, and give it a fatal blow!"

"Do you think this method will work?"

The meeting room was silent for a few seconds, and then excited discussions erupted.

Yes, this is the solution with the highest success rate and the highest security that has been discussed so far.

Of course, some details still need to be tinkered with.

"If even the meteorite can't kill it, there is no need to fight this battle." Professor Huo Dong roared loudly with red eyes. How could he not be angry when his disciple Dr. Ding Qihang died.

"But how do you make the monster walk in a straight line? What if it makes a big circle and bypasses those coin doors?"

"Our industrial capabilities are too limited, and it is impossible to cover the sky and cover the entire universe with thin lines."

"Risks will always exist, and there is no 100% safe solution."

While these experts were discussing, Zhang Ran immediately went to the real world to test his abilities. Facts have proved that connecting a ring with himself with a thin rope can open the ring in the ring. space door.

No matter how long this string is.

Of course, this method seems to have an additional requirement, that is, you need to "observe" the door, that is, you have to see it with your eyes.

It doesn't matter whether it is captured by a camera or seen directly with the naked eye.

Anyway, it is a very strange restriction, and there may be some kind of principle unknown to humans...

After completing these experiments, Zhang Ran was in a good mood.

First of all, it can save a huge amount of money. Originally, it was expected to use five or six hundred, or even a thousand creation energy. Now, it only needs to open a door and send the meteorite out, and it only needs to consume 56 creation energy!

Secondly, the success rate is quite high, at least much more reliable than the forced bombing of nuclear bombs.

It was already twelve o'clock at noon when he returned to the conference room. The people inside were too excited to discuss, hurriedly grabbed a few mouthfuls of boxed lunches, and started a new round of discussion.

"Your Highness, we have discussed some details now."

Zhao Weichao from the staff department quickly reported some ideas they sorted out.

"First, how to make the Void Amoeba walk in a straight line and approach the trap we have set up. The answer is very simple, we just need to arrange some life on the road, just like a greedy snake, constantly luring each other. Wait for it to get close to the trap, and then Use meteorites to launch a surprise attack."

This is a very good method, but the premise is based on the fact that the void amoeba does not have high intelligence.

Judging from current observations, it has a high probability and does not have high intelligence.

"Secondly, is it necessary to manufacture nuclear bombs? We think it is still necessary to manufacture them."

"In case the meteorite does not hit it, in case various daughter bodies appear, with a high-yield hydrogen bomb, it is equivalent to having a second hand."

"We have to have a backup."

Zhang Ran nodded, no matter how tight the time is, there must be a certain fault tolerance rate.

Otherwise, it is a desperate gambler's behavior.

Therefore, a large-yield hydrogen bomb still needs to be manufactured! Spaceships must also be manufactured!

Zhao Weichao continued: "Third, what should we do if all the plans fail?"

"What if our Ark is not as fast as the opponent and cannot escape the enemy's pursuit?"

"If the meteorite attack plan fails, with a distance of a million kilometers, we have at least one or two hours to respond."

"At that time, our soldiers will drive the Haiyan shuttle to the front line to delay the time as much as possible. Please open a door to the subspace and load a large number of people who will act as 'bait' into the subspace to reduce casualties. "

"Then please use your creation ability to create a flying shuttle."

"You sit on the shuttle and project yourself out at the fastest speed, the faster the better."

"Finally, transfer the gate of the subspace to the shuttle. You can return to the subspace again. In this way, the loss can be minimized, and the casualties of personnel are controllable."

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