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Chapter 76: lucky day?

At present, there are not too many people in the station, and there are queues in twos and threes.

Unexpectedly, I saw the new office assistant, Miss Sakurai, here.

She bought a large package of snacks, and the short-haired girl showed a satisfied smile on her face.

so happy!

In the past, where did the Ark society have so much cargo? A society of more than 400,000 people is indeed different from a society of 45 million people.

Is this going shopping...

That's right, Vault 1 is the administrative center, the business is not as developed as the university town next door, and the food and other things are quite stretchy, only the big rice bucket canteen is okay.

I didn't take the risk to say hello. When normal people meet their immediate bosses in their daily life, apart from embarrassment, it's not a particularly pleasant thing.

As if I didn't see it...

The connection channel of the shelter is a relatively weak link, and there are corresponding checkpoints at the station.

Sakurai put his large backpack into the scanning tunnel.

"This cube-like thing is that... fudge, right?" a young lady in charge of the inspection suddenly said.

"Ah...Is gummy a contraband?" Sakurai asked in surprise.

"No! I just heard that the milk fudge next door is very delicious. Did you buy it from that Jinmama's shop?"

"Yeah, it's a little expensive... It costs 300 yuan a box."

After the inspection, Sakurai smiled enthusiastically at the inspector, and then quietly placed a piece of fudge on the table.

"I'll give you a piece."

The little sister in charge of the inspection did not resist the temptation and quickly took the gummy away.

It's not really a bribe, it's just a friendly greeting among the young people...

Next, an unpleasant thing happened: a middle-aged woman found some contraband, a knife, two lighters, and two bottles of high-quality liquor in her luggage.

"These things, please go through the check-in formalities, you can't carry them with you." The inspector said with a frown.

It's not a particularly large contraband. If you check in luggage, you can still bring these materials with you.

There is one more link in the steps, which is a little more troublesome.

But the face of the middle-aged woman was still somewhat unpleasant, and her voice became louder: "You say these are contraband? Why?"

Miss Sister opened her mouth, she was a little confused, she pointed to the rules and regulations posted on the back of the wall, "These things are not allowed in the car. Look at the rules!"

"Where's the leader of your family? Call Liu Wei and ask him to tell you if you can bring this over."

"Who is Liu Wei?"

The middle-aged woman glanced at the image on the wall, took out her mobile phone, and started to make a call.

At the same time, he "inadvertently" "showed" his "royal" medal.

And the male colleague next door gently reminded the inspecting lady that "Liu Wei" was the name of their immediate boss.

Moreover, this golden medal means that people from the royal consortium often have connections and backgrounds, and they cannot afford to offend them.

"It turned out to be from His Highness..."

Miss Sister's face changed a bit, showing a dejected expression, her expression was lost, and she was about to cry.

She didn't feel that she had done anything wrong, but there was nothing she could do. It's not her first day to work, there are many such people, and in society, it's hard to count.

"Sigh," after a short while, he waved his hand, indicating that the middle-aged woman can leave with her luggage.

The middle-aged woman snorted coldly, stopped making phone calls, carried her backpack, and entered the waiting room arrogantly.

In the next team, order was restored once again, and most of them still obeyed the rules.

After all, it's just a little thing.

Many people are silent about the existence of this kind of thing.

It's just that when it was Zhang Ran's turn, the young lady swiped her ID card and was about to cry in shock.


She stood there a little bewildered, her face flushed!

That embarrassing feeling made her age back suddenly, as if she was back in her childhood. After peeing her pants, she could not wait to find a seam to get in.

Because she just violated the rules and let the middle-aged woman go, this scene must be seen by His Royal Highness.

She didn't stick to her principles, she felt ashamed, even frightened.

She felt that she had made a big mistake!

It is very likely that her job will be lost...

"Dan..." She lowered her head and blushed, trying to struggle to explain something.

Zhang Ran put his index finger on his lips, made a silent motion, and comforted: "It's okay, it's not your fault, but it made you feel wronged."

"I'll give you a small gift, don't worry, our world will get better eventually."

It's a box of milk candy, which was originally bought for classmate Zero to enjoy slowly, but now it can only be used to pamper the world.

Many things cannot be changed by weak girls.

Zero was silent, just watching this scene quietly, the waving braids meant that her mood was not calm.

"Don't be It's alright." Zhang Ran said again, "Excuse me, can I pass now? I shouldn't be carrying any contraband, right?"

"Ah, no... you can."

After Zhang Ran left, the young lady was still in a dazed and chaotic state. After being stunned for a few seconds, her whole person's soul gradually returned to reality from the dazed childhood.

She took a deep breath of fresh air.

The price of this box of milk candy on the table may cost two days' salary...

His Highness comforted her immediately and gave her a small gift. It was really warm.

If the former head teacher was so warm, he wouldn't hate studying, would he?

"I...I'll go to the toilet!"

Miss Sister quickly ran to the bathroom, and found that she was extremely excited, her face was as rosy as a red balloon, with a faint halo.

She rubbed her eyes, tears came out for some unknown reason, and she washed her face vigorously.

After a minute, he returned to work.

"Xiao Xuan, is that your boyfriend? What a great gift, such a big box of milk candy! There are two or three hundred in it, this is very expensive, super expensive! It costs more than two hundred yuan!"

"No... a stranger, a... good person, super good person!" Miss Sister smiled, not knowing how to explain it.

"Who was that aunt just now, is there someone amazing on her head? She's fierce, like she owes her money!"

"I'm crazy, I just work for the royal family, making myself like a relative of the king."

Listening to the discussions of the people around her, she was in a great mood!

There is no grievance!

Maybe... today is a lucky day?


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