Start with Batman

Chapter 107: Jiangdu 4 Heavenly Kings.exe no response

Start Operation Batman Chapter 107 Jiangdu Four Heavenly Kings.exe No Response

Several other people at the viewing point observed the situation below through the telescope one after another, and they all fell silent.

They are all people who have seen the big scene - at least they claim to be so. They are all people who have personally experienced and fought from the scene of the Rush, and they have not even seen the lunatics called the infected in the legend.

But when they saw the weird scene in the open space below through the binoculars, their brains shut down instantly.

Their brains can't process the images sent back by their eyes, as if the images and scenes are in fierce conflict with the worldview they have formed since they were young, and the logical contradictions caused lead to short-circuiting of the brain circuits and leaving a blank space.

Jiangdu Four Heavenly Kings.exe does not respond.

Compared with those high-level OBs, the minions on the scene felt like they had seen a ghost.

Just such a skinny man in tights, his physique and weight would not seem to be enough for their street gangs to fight. There is also the baby-like shape in pajamas, compared with Batman's appearance like a ghost in the middle of the night, it seems to be a less threatening type at first glance.

But it was such a guy who seemed to be dancing in the middle of their bullets at the moment.

In fact, that is not a good description, because his movements are more like a skilled gymnast than dancing. He bounced with a series of difficult but graceful movements, and bullets flew dangerously and dangerously around his limbs and torso like a torrent of bullets.

It was as if every bullet was afraid of him and deliberately bypassed him.

Everyone knows exactly what they're seeing, but their brain keeps telling them that it's totally illogical and nonsensical.

They watched the guy dodge every bullet, one after another.

But this is really a human... no, is there a living thing that can do it?

But in fact, the description of the word "hail of bullets" often contains rhetorical elements. Although the rifle fires fast, it is not enough to weave a firepower network as dense as a rainstorm. It is somewhat exaggerated.

So in the eyes of ordinary people, the dense projectiles that are so fast that they are invisible to the naked eye are like weaving a firepower web in the air that can't even splash water, an absolute death penalty area, but in the eyes of Spider-Man, it is far from it.

He can clearly capture the gun line trajectory of each bullet, so in his eyes, this firepower net actually has room for him to dodge.

In addition, the marksmanship of street gangsters is often relatively average, and considering the overheating of the barrel and the problem of ammunition capacity, there will be one after another intermittently, so Spider-Man can not only dodge all the bullets easily, but even have the time to continue to taunt .

"Dude, your shot is way off the mark, isn't it? The original plan was to shoot the birds in the sky?"

"Be serious, buddy, haven't you eaten yet?"

"Ha, I didn't hit it again, but there is one thing to say - your gun is really good, maybe if you work harder..."


In fact, the ears of the gangsters were almost deafened by the gunshots, and they couldn't hear what he was talking about, but they could still feel as if they were being ridiculed by the other side.

But no one dared to be angry. Because as long as they find that the other side uses a series of anti-physical movements that are almost impossible for humans to avoid bullets and at the same time can taunt without breathing, they can realize what kind of monster they are facing.

Yes, most of them who come here are desperadoes. When the enemy's skill experience or combat awareness is slightly better than theirs, they may be unconvinced, may not be reconciled, and may be disturbed.

But when the opponent is not a person at all, but an existence they can't understand at all, then there is no room for anger and unwillingness, only indescribable horror and fear are left.

But in fact, Spider-Man's series of extreme dazzling skills that shocked everyone's three views, for the operator Chu Cheng, is literally as long as he has hands...or feet.

Because in fact, this series of gorgeous operations basically only needs one button.

This has fully demonstrated the super performance of Spider-Man as a hero role available in the game. He doesn't need players to seize the opportunity to defend against counterattacks like when operating a fighting hero. The player only needs to hold down a defense button and not let go, and all the rest is left to Spider-Man himself.

In the defensive state, Spider-Man's spider sense is fully turned on, and can automatically defend against almost all attacks he judges to be dangerous. Whether it's opponents' melee combat or a hail of bullets, there is basically only the fate of MISS in front of Spider-Man.

During this period, if you cooperate with the arrow keys, you can make Spider-Man dodge while flipping in a specific direction, so that you can better avoid some explosive attacks with a large range of power.

If it is combined with spider silk, it can go a step further and perform high-speed displacement. The existence of spider silk allows him to move easily even in mid-air, and will not become a target because he is stuck in the air.

Therefore, although the strength is also very strong, Spider-Man still gives people the impression of being an agile player, and his agility is the most distinctive ability compared with other strength-type characters. In the world of fairy tales and comics, you may easily find a character who is much stronger than him, but it is absolutely difficult to find a second hero like him who has the characteristics of dodging MAX.

In addition, if Chu Cheng wanted to, he would have already controlled Spider-Man to charge forward with firepower and turn all the gunmen head-on. The reason why he didn't do this wasn't that he intentionally showed off while inflicting mental torment on his opponent, but that it was a rare opportunity for him to try the upper limit of this skill.

After all, it's not every day that someone will arrange such a powerful circle of firepower so thoughtfully to test his skills.

In fact, Chu Cheng used Batman's detective mode scan to see through the ambushes around him long before he landed, and saw through their small traps. At that time, Chu Cheng was overjoyed, thinking that he was really sleepy, so someone gave him a pillow, knowing that he had just unlocked Spider-Man and was eager to try out his skills. So many people were specially arranged for him, not to mention giving him experience. The method is more intimate.

The torture of the gangsters continued until the gunshots became less and less, and everyone's magazines gradually emptied. I saw the freak in the red and blue tights standing among the shell casings all over the place, and it looked like he didn't even lose a hemline.

The next moment, Spider-Man rushed into the crowd.

The afterimage of red and blue descended in the air with a series of gorgeous somersaults. No one could see his movements clearly. Almost the moment he landed, the two people in the crowd parted with two bangs, one left and one right. It flew out and smashed a large piece.

Immediately afterwards, the weird man shot a large mass of white sticky unknown objects backhand, and they bound a large mass of them with a clatter. A group of big men and men on top of each other, and their chests and backs were stuck together against each other's buttocks. No matter how hard a group of people tried, they couldn't get out.

The gangsters are even more split.

What kind of sorcery is this?

Someone bravely screamed and rushed forward, but he didn't see anything clearly. He saw a red and blue thing flashing in front of his eyes, and the next second he had already fallen out of the way.

Several people went up side by side, and there was no difference at all. A figure flashed in front of them, and several of them fell to the ground with a bang bang bang bang. What's even weirder is that their heads hit the ground almost simultaneously.

There must be a difference in the order in which the opponent knocked them down, but the action was too fast, and several of them were knocked down almost in one move. They didn't even have a chance to fight back, so even falling to the ground was almost a matter of time. same second.

If there's anything spookier than, it's the ghost of this freak who keeps babbling non-stop for a second while flying around them.

"Dude, to be honest, even for the sake of the few hairs left on your head, haven't you considered retiring early?"

A voice suddenly came from behind a person. The man hurriedly turned his head in horror, but it was too late, he was punched **** the forehead, and his eyes went dark and he fell down.

The other people nearby turned their heads quickly when they heard the voice, only to see that the figure had flipped over their heads and landed among the other people, and at the same time, there was a series of complaints in his mouth.

"Did anyone eat garlic for dinner? It tastes really strong..."

"Hey, so who said you, don't rush to leave, you haven't found the change yet!"

While beeping, several people were brought down.

He moved extremely fast, maybe he was still here one second, and the next second the voice sounded from the other side. The steady stream of trash talk not only tortured the already tense people psychologically, but even gave people the illusion that "you are all surrounded by me alone".

The most outrageous thing is that now even if this tights freak really said so, none of them would even feel wrong. Because judging from the results, it really is that a large group of them armed with guns and heavily armed ruthless horns were all surrounded by such an unarmed psychopath...

The old faces on the high platform were almost green.

After recovering, the other three cast strange glances at Chai Yanluo.

Although he didn't say a word, the meaning of that look has been conveyed very clearly——

—You just call this thing an ordinary person who has nothing to fear! ? +Bookmark+

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