Start with Batman

Chapter 185: this wave earned

Chu Cheng took a deep breath, followed by clearing up his mood and adjusting his state, and soon became serious, as if he had made up his mind to make some important decision.

"I'm going, then, Friday," he said gravely.

Friday maintained her usual secretary's comfortable professional smile: "Anytime, sir."

"Are you really going?"

"No problem, sir."

"Okay—it's smoked!"

Chu Cheng clicked the mouse heavily to confirm the prompt interface of level improvement on the screen, and then waited with bated breath for the end of the cutscene on the screen to automatically enter the new skill extraction link after the upgrade.

That's right, after the high-profile fight last night with the creature named Letos, which is suspected to be of the gram type, Chu Cheng has also given Chu Cheng a lot of experience after a wave of settlements. After the Leng Ji gift pack in various postures was settled last time, his experience bar had already approached the critical value, basically equivalent to a subtle interval that passed the phase rush and was close to the edge of energy pouring, but was a little bit short.

Because of this, Chu Cheng was quite looking forward to the experience gained from this mission. First of all, he overthrew the number one ghost in the lunatic asylum. Comparing the benchmark with the winery next door is equivalent to being killed by the boss after betraying him. Then there's the big and ugly guy behind him, it's not appropriate to just look at his body type without experience.

So Chu Cheng originally thought that this time there might be a chance to set a precedent and go up two levels in a row, but he realized that he was overthinking it. This BOSS is becoming stronger and more experience is increasing, but the upgrade experience bar is also increasing. According to the standard of the first level, the experience that is enough to advance to ten levels can only be heard when it is smashed in, and the experience bar is motionless like a **** when everyone vomits blood.

It feels a bit like trying to teach a girl to do math problems. You sweat profusely on the top and she stays motionless on the bottom. At the end of the day, there is nothing in your stomach, and you don’t know whether you have made a profit or a loss.

Chu Cheng couldn't help complaining that the boss was useless when his dream of skipping a grade was shattered.

What about the fact that Letos first appeared on the stage, the momentum made him panic for a while, but later he found that although he was strong, he was not that strong, and he was far from the old **** boss in his impression.

However, he thought that the gods are also divided into three, six, and nine ranks, even the Ke family has strong ones and good ones. Maybe the one he met this time happened to be the one that was more lucrative, so he shouldn't take it lightly because of this.

On the contrary, the awakening of this ancient existence should be a wake-up call for him. Maybe this is just the beginning, a harbinger of a massive recovery for these old guys. He should take advantage of the time to speed up the upgrade and continue to strengthen.

It is worth mentioning that when Li Changcheng was in a hurry, he suddenly shook his thigh and appeared on the stage. Judging from the result, he seemed to be lonely, but at least selling his teammates created opportunities for himself.

At that time, Li Changcheng had already had an arm chopped off by Uncle Wolf and was basically finished, but when Letos appeared on the stage, the scene was avalanche, the building collapsed and the square collapsed, and he also took advantage of the chaos and disappeared.

After Letos was defeated, the Nine Departments cleaned up the remaining ghouls and cleaned up the scene, but they did not find Li Changcheng's whereabouts for the time being.

However, he has broken an arm right now, and after losing the biggest backer behind the scenes, his strongest trump card, the Tis Shield, may no longer be useful, and the threat factor has plummeted.

It stands to reason that there is a director-level ghost in the lunatic asylum, and he should be arrested at all costs, but after the incident is over, the entire department needs further investigation, so the department's functions are temporarily closed. were temporarily suspended. So the job of continuing to track and arrest Li Changcheng temporarily fell to the ICU over there.

Chu Cheng also asked Wumei to continue to pay attention to the progress of the arrest work. Although Li Changcheng may not have much combat power left, the ghost of this level must have a lot of experience. Besides, he was responsible for most of Li Changcheng's health bars, so he would still feel a little uncomfortable if his head was lost to a group of K who were paddling. So once his location is determined, Chu Cheng still has to rush to take his own head before the ICU gang.

The upgrade of the account level will first bring about the function upgrade. The maximum number of players in battle is still three, but the number of heroes that can be brought into battle at the same time in the game has increased to five. Now he can bring up to five heroes as substitutes at the same time, and switch players according to the situation.

After taking a bath and changing clothes as usual, Chu Cheng sat back in front of the computer screen and rubbed his hands excitedly.

Then it's my turn again, I just draw five cards in a row!

The guaranteed choice is still Spider-Man. The basic ability Xiao Chong is still the strongest and most powerful, and the probability of producing high-quality abilities is relatively high.

Then this time the guaranteed harvest is not bad, Spider-Man's enhanced physique. Although it is not said to be invulnerable, it is also very durable, especially against heavy objects. According to the actual combat performance of the live-action film and television, even being hit head-on by a speeding train at full speed is not a problem. In addition, his body is extremely flexible, and his balance is exceptionally good even among superhumans, which allows him to make many movements that humans cannot do, as graceful as a gymnast.

This ability, combined with the spider's sense, can perfectly reproduce Spider-Man's ability to dance in the rain of bullets. When the dodge value is full, any attack will be MISS.

Then there are four random bonuses, randomly selected from the entire existing hero pool.

The first shot, Wolverine's Adamantium alloy skeleton. After the equipment, the player will get the same indestructible skeleton as Wolverine, and even the bone claw structure of his hand is preserved, and the player can summon the bone claws to pierce the flesh and put them out of the body with one thought like Uncle Wolf.

Reasonably speaking, it is a little surprising that this is counted as an ability instead of Chu Cheng's equipment, but after thinking about it, although this thing is surgically implanted, the style of painting is indeed closer to superpowers.

Reinforced and iron bones can't be beaten to death. He looks handsome, but he is not a egg. After all, he doesn't have the self-healing power of Uncle Wolf, not to mention that every time he summons the bone claws, he will hurt himself first before hitting others, and it doesn't mean that such a skeleton doesn't have the strength of Uncle Wolf. . Even before these problems, without that monster-level self-healing power, he might be killed by the rejection reaction of the bones in his body.

At present, Chu Cheng's strongest physical skill is Moonlight Knight's self-healing ability, and he doesn't know if his level can withstand this alloy skeleton, but it's better not to try it for safety's sake.

After the second round, Lawyer Ma's signature ability, radar sense, appeared.

In the equipment state, the player can get the same sensitive senses as Lawyer Ma, and the sensitivity is enough to directly make the dogs of the entire police force unemployed. And because it is a hero skill rather than a superpower that simply enhances the senses, even Lawyer Ma's experience in mastering these senses gained from years of special training is also included in the skills. This means that players don't need to train hard like Lawyer Ma in the early years to slowly figure out how to use these senses. Plug and play is safe and non-toxic, and the convenience is comparable to the eyes of the Uchiha family.

The only flaw is the sensory state of Lawyer Ma, who is also a hero skill, so the skill is perfectly reproduced, in other words, he has no vision. In the applicable state, the player's vision function will be as blind as Lawyer Ma. But the problem is not too big, not only unplugging the skill vision will come back online, but also the vision is not needed when the radar sense is turned on. Lawyer Ma can "see" much more clearly than ordinary people.

The last two rounds are breath holding technique and master level weapon proficiency respectively.

The former comes from Erica, Lawyer Ma's old friend. It is a stealth talent skill of the ninja genre, including walking on knees to control breathing and suppress heartbeat. It can reduce one's sense of existence in all aspects and make people ignore one's own existence.

The latter comes from The Winter Soldier. The Winter Soldier was designed by Hydra as a super master who can proficiently use all modern individual combat weapons and 18 kinds of cold weapons. This skill allows players to obtain the same ability as him, and can master and apply any weapon proficiently.

The skill pool was further enriched, and Chu Cheng's own force value continued to rise. Then it's time to strengthen the field force.

Hero draw.

Unsurprisingly, a bunch of goodies popped up in the prize pool. What Spider-Man's student ID card, Stark's date menu with his ninety-ninth wife...

...Fuck the Hulk's pants again? And the color is different?

This is definitely a color change and repainting, right?

So collecting seven different color pants can summon the Hulk not...

After today, Kachi's mood seems to be not so good. The hero shipment rate is not It took almost 20 rounds to hold back the first new hero. Click on it and it's a spider.

Kane Parker, one of the Scarlet Spider-Man. The situation is a bit complicated, but in short, it is a clone of Spider-Man, the ability carved out of the same mold, and the strength is similar.

Now Chu Cheng is convinced that he must have stabbed a spider's nest...

Seeing that the points were in a hurry, except for this one more spider, it seemed that everything was in vain. In the last round of ten rounds, the star of hope who saved him appeared, and he immediately let go of the depression of running out of points. the back of the head.

Shipped from the colorful special effects, and now he is meeting him in the pool, the veteran of the Avengers, the scientist of tomorrow, the super local tyrant and the first person in Marvel armor technology, Tony Stark, alias——

-iron Man.

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