Starting from Zero

Vol 4 Chapter 45: Secret agreement

With all the money ready, we left the bank. First we came to the transport team that helps players transport goods. It cost 1,000 crystal coins, and we hired 200 carriages and drivers. Then we went to the carpenter workshop and spent 16,000 crystal coins to customize 1600 large wooden boxes. Finally we returned to the port with these things.

Very carefully packed the gold into wooden boxes and then loaded them into cars. Each car was packed with 8 large wooden boxes. Because the gold is very heavy, these four-wheeled carriages are almost crushed! Fortunately, foresight employs two horse-drawn cars. If one horse is estimated, don't consider moving! However, we still have to prepare two sailors for each carriage to push away, especially when starting, if the carriage is not allowed to go up, the horses can't pull it at all!

Although there are a lot of 1600 boxes, we still can't ship too much gold. Just running back and forth for more than 10 times and finally transported all the gold. After exchanging gold for crystal coins, the system prompts that the amount of money carried exceeds the upper limit. I had to distribute the money to Rose's body and finally let it go! I used to think that there was no upper limit on the amount of money carried by the system, but now I know it was because it was too poor at that time!

"What are we doing now?" The gold coin asked.

"The cannons on board are best sent for imitation first!" Ziyue reminded us.

"Yes, this should be resolved first!" I also agree with Ziyue. After all, we do n’t have these long-range cannons and the enemy is dangerous!

怎么 "What about the Indians on that boat?"

我们 "Let's work separately. You and Lark, plus ruthless, passerbys, go and interrogate those Indians. The others follow me to the weapon shop."

"Okay, that's it, let's leave." Eagle took them away. I took the rest to the weapon shop.

"Master Blacksmith! Come here, please!" I commanded the sailors to put the long-range cannon down.

The blacksmith who sold us the cannon quickly ran out last time. "It's you! Is there anything wrong this time?"

"First of all, pay back the shell money owed to you last time!" Most of the shells we went out of the kelp last time were exchanged with the note from the old man in the dock. Of course we have to pay back the money now! "Second is the thing you want to see!"

I stepped aside and let the long-range artillery behind me. The blacksmith ran over immediately after seeing the cannon, and he climbed to the base of the gun to take a look and then opened the hall. Waited for a while before climbing down excitedly. "Where did you get this thing?"

怎么 样 "This was removed from the Indian warship that we sunk. How about it?"

"Foreign goods?" The blacksmith looked at the cannon again in surprise. "It's really not our technology! What are you trying to get me to do with this thing?"

我们 "We want to see if you can imitate the same thing." I quickly explained why. "The range and power of this thing are much higher than our cannons. We are very passive on the sea. If you can imitate it, it will be a great help for our coastal defense!"

The blacksmith looked at the gun and said: "Imitation should be possible, but I must dismantle a few guns for research before imitate. Do you have this one?"

"It's okay, I still have a lot of cannons, and I'll call them all."

"Okay! Good! Good! They are all shipped. It's easy to make more samples!" The blacksmith said excitedly. . "

"Can you tell me how long?"

"It should be enough in two days. I have seen this thing. The process is not complicated. It just uses a lot of things we didn't expect. I can make imitations in two days!"

"Thank you, we're going to leave now!" A few sailors transported the remaining long-range artillery here. We left the weapon shop first.

The goal now is the dock. It seems that Bi Ling needs to be transformed a bit! The old man began to scold us when we saw the warship entering the dock, and he kept saying that we were very angry at making his masterpiece into this virtue.

But when we took out the rest of the gold to him, he stopped talking at once, really an old money fan! "Hey! What the **** do you want me to do?"

"Yes, we need you to help us change the cabin of Bi Ling." I summoned Ariana and showed him two magic shields. "We hope you can put this thing out of the ship and become the third armor. And we need to open a hole under the cabin and then use this thing to seal the hole."

"Open a hole under the boat? Isn't that sinking?" The old man didn't understand what I meant.

Ana explained for me. "This magic shield is waterproof. After opening a hole, install this magic shield in the hole. People can enter and exit but water cannot enter!"

"Where did you get this stuff?" The old man asked, touching the magic shield.

"This is a secret! Anyway, you just do it!" I continued: "Do you have a way to increase our speed? This speed is still not fast enough!"

The old man yelled before she spoke. "Why didn't the owner need to speed up early?"


"We atlantis have underwater thrusters! It is much better than your boat pulp!"

"What? Don't you tell me if there is such a good thing?"

"You didn't say yes? How do I know you like it! Besides, you didn't see it. Our flying fish speedboats are all propelled by that thing! You always said it!"

"Okay, can you get it?" I was lazy and quarreled with her!

可以 "Yes, but the Bi Ling is too big. Our ones are very small. If you are not in a hurry, wait for two or three days and let them make a large one!"

"Okay, then go back and inform them now, and say I'll trade them with magic crystals!"

"Okay, I'll go now!" Ariana jumped into the water and walked away, I really envy her that she has a hind limb that goes into the water and changes her tail ashore! If I did, I would n’t have to learn dog shavings anymore!

"Then these things are left to you!" I pointed at those magic shields. "Also, change the entire ground floor to a large connected cabin. I will put some small boats in it at that time. Use magic shields to make 4 exits for me, preferably 3 layers of magic shields, so as to be more secure. Also, leave space for my magic thruster at the stern. Those boat pulp rooms are not needed, they are all replaced with gun rooms. By the way, the windows of the gun rooms are also sealed with magic shields. " The French shield seals the window and it can be waterproof. The next time you transport gold, it will be okay even if the window is flooded with water. "By the way, the ballast for the stability of the bottom of the ship is designed to be movable for me so that I can take it down." Hey, when the ballast is discarded, the ballast can be used as an emergency gold reserve. use! "Well, that's all, how much does it cost?"

The old man bowed his head for a long time and gave me a sentence: "1.5 million crystal coins!"

"What? Are you robbing you?"

"This is still a preferential price!" The old man's expression of grievance. "You see, your boat is so big, it ’s not easy to rebuild the armor from beginning to end! Also, your design almost made me change half of the original cabin. It ’s more difficult to modify than to build. I wouldn't do it if it weren't for you being an acquaintance! "

"Okay, okay!" I helplessly pay the money first, this old man is really black!

After explaining the shipyard, I will contact the magic crystal first ~ ~ According to the content of the transaction, I need a lot of magic crystals. Clark said that Dominguez had to go to him It's up!

I turned around and said to everyone, "I'm going to contact the magic crystal, you don't follow me. Everyone hurry up to practice leveling or something, I will contact you when I return."

"Okay!" Ziyue first said, "Then let's do other things first!"

Everyone left with Ziyue, but Bingbing and Rose decided to go with me. I'm certainly not good at rejecting the requests of the two beauties! Besides, which man would hate more beautiful women around him!

After I handed them a Lost City Teleport Scroll, I first turned the teleport ring and returned to the Lost City, but I stood at the teleport station for a long time and did not see the roses. Is there anything wrong, it took so long to teleport!

I ca n’t wait, I grabbed the teleport ring and planned to pass it back to see what happened. When the teleportation array flashed white, two people appeared. Bingbing held Rose's arm and her head on her shoulder. I vaguely felt that something was wrong, but I didn't know what it was. If you don't know what it is, don't want it!

"Let's go!" I summoned Ye Ying to jump on the horse and stretch out my hand to pull Bingbing up, but when I reached out again to pull the rose, she actually summoned the white wolf I gave her to ride on it .

"Three people are sitting too crowded, you two can sit! I have a ball!" Rose finished and instructed the white wolf to run out first.

I had to keep up with the roses when they ran out. It seems that Bingbing and Rose have been dragged for so long before they must come over. But obviously neither of them intends to tell me. I have no choice. They do n’t I am willing to say that I asked for nothing!

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