Starting from Zero

Vol 5 Chapter 2: Cursed earth

"We are level 850, but ..." A white light shone again and interrupted the boss of the demon knight. The monster knight's boss disappeared immediately after being exposed to white light, but it seems that he is resisting the white light just now.

We have already ran out of the city range, the people behind still refuse to let us go, and the white light continues to illuminate us continuously. The speed of the demon knight is not much faster than those white horses. I suddenly grasped the boss of the demon knight and said, "Stop!" All the demon knights turned around neatly to face the enemy. "Javelin preparation, run-up! Projection!" Although the order of the white light was afraid of the exposure of the white light, the demon knight accurately completed the action, and a row of javelins flew out neatly. Those guys who chased after us did not expect that we would flee all the way. We would suddenly turn back and kill the carbine, and rushed to the front of the ten people and the horses were nailed to the ground to be resurrected.

"U-turn!" I ordered again, and the demon knight immediately turned back to the starting line and ran on the road. The chase behind was blown down, and the spear nailed to the ground obstructed the road. People stumbled to the ground, and by the time they got back up we had disappeared on the edge of the dense forest.

第 一次 The first time I was chased by a player so miserably, this **** holy angel alliance was specifically devoted to dark attributes! The demon knight couldn't even play half of his usual ability in front of them. Fortunately, after all, the ghost rider has a high level. One shot actually killed the most favorite chasers, and magically blocked the chasers behind! This time it's a shame!

"Do you know what is not afraid of them?" I asked the demon knight.

I answered the boss of the demon spirit knight. "Actually, they are afraid of everything except darkness! Darkness restrains all attributes except light. Light specifically restrains darkness. All these attributes other than light and darkness restrain light, and we have nothing to do!"

"Isn't it a day of never turning around? I have drank the spring of the fountain of evil, and my attributes will demonize all my magic pets. Even if I find an angel, I will become a fallen angel. That is not to find everything. hit?"

"No, luck and plague and crystals can deal with them!" The demon knight boss surely said: "The dragon's natural magic resistance, no attribute can restrain the dragon's attributes, of course, the dragon's other attributes are not. But the dragon's The grades are very high, just let the three of them lucky to practice higher levels. And also we are not really afraid of them! "

"Aren't you afraid of what you run?"

"We hate his holy light! The light of the eyes of the gods will blind us and degenerate into bat form. But as long as we can't see the holy light, it's okay, but we can't attack without seeing us, so we have to run away. ! "

"It turns out that you are afraid to look at those lights!" I wish I had sunglasses, and I'm not afraid to prepare a pair of demon knights!

The boss of the demon spirit knight added: "Darkness is not really very afraid of the lightness. Although the darkness of the primary stage is very restrained by the lightness, it will gradually lose its restraint in the later stages. Like the magic just now, right Low-level skeletons and zombies can cause actual damage, but they only drive us away! "

"So the death knight of the mysterious army is not afraid of bright magic?"

"I ’m also afraid, but unlike us, they may not feel the damage of the Light Department! In fact, the Dark Department itself is also the nemesis of the Light Department. When fighting in areas polluted by evil gas, the Light Magic is often very weak! But just now That city, the entire city, and a large area around it have undergone sacred blessings. We have very poor power on that kind of land, let alone fight against the magic of light! "

"Master, they are catching up again!" A demon knight suddenly reported.

"Are we leaving the blessed area?"

"Not yet, this place has been blessed!" The demon knight boss looked at the ground and said, "There must be a large bright temple in the holy city, and the blessing power of the temple has spread to this nearby area! The sacrifice in this area! Will get the bonus of strength! "

"Forget it!" I jumped off the horse. "Attention all the ghost knights! Close your eyes to me and listen to my voice to fight!" Anyway, the ghost knights are not really afraid of the eyes of the gods, as long as they are invisible!

The ghost demon knights turned around collectively under my command, and their long lances were flattened by them, with their guns pointing forward. The large group of bright knights and sacrifices rushed out of the path, and the magic wand in the hands of the leader shone with the eyes of the gods. "Charge!" I shouted suddenly! The demon knight suddenly rushed out, and the members of the Holy Angel Alliance who had caught up did not expect to be counter-slammed. In fact, it was useless to think about it. The impact of the demon knight was not a level with them. The light knights and sacrifices rushed up were dissipated by the demon knights as soon as they came into contact. The eminent knight who was tall and powerful immediately lifted down all the enemies from the horse.

I continued shouting at the monster rider who overshot: "Turn around! Charge!"

As soon as the queue turned around, they charged again, and the members of the Holy Angel Alliance who were hit on horseback were hit by the war horse for a second before they got up. A group of people were thrown out of the nearby tree trunks that were tens of meters away. .

"Okay, open your eyes!"

The Wraith Knights opened their eyes and ran towards me. I jumped onto the horseback and ran with them to the deeper part of the dense forest.

After getting rid of those **** guys, we continued to walk in the dense forest. There was no road in the dense jungle. The lush trees around it did not look like the species that should be in China. These trees are very huge, the trunk diameter is generally more than 3 meters, and the dense branches overlap each other to cover the entire sky. The forest is a bit darker because of this, but fortunately, it is not the repeated sunlight that can barely guarantee the light.

I moved forward against the coordinates of the map. According to the map, there should be a road nearby. It is very troublesome to drill in the woods. After walking for a while, we began to find that it was wrong, and the original verdant green forest began to change gradually. In the woods we entered, the leaves were green, the ground was covered with yellow and red leaves, and the trunk was bright brown, but the situation is starting to look a little weird. The emerald green leaves were gradually replaced by silver-gray leaves, and the more we went forward, the more we ended up with leaves of this color. The yellow and red leaves on the ground also disappeared. We were walking on gray ground with sandy dust covering the ground. The color of the surrounding trunks is no longer brown, but has become black! What surprised me the most was that the small animals that were very common were not seen at all, but the angle between the trunk and the ground was covered with spider webs. I do n’t know when the white fog began to appear around us. Although it was not very dense, it looked terrible in this already dark forest.

Lao Lao walked so quietly, I felt the atmosphere was terrible, so I started chatting with the ghost rider. First ask the boss with my demon knight. "I haven't known your name for so long after me? Do you have a name?"

回 "Go back to the master, my original name is not remembered, and my name is Scott after becoming a knight of the demon knight."

"Scott? Full of good names." I looked up at the demon knights on both sides. "What's your name? Tell me. Get your helmets off. Your armors are the same. I can't tell who is right to whom!"

The demon spirit knights obediently took off their helmets and held their names in turn. On my left are 4 male demon knights. They are Aragon, Sister, Renagin, and Vribo. Aragorn looks very young and feels less than me; Sister is colder and feels like a cooler brother; Ranagin is very strong and the face of the mountain is very thick. Just looking at the head is easy to be considered a dwarf. Warrior; Captain Furuibo is almost a doctor. I feel that he is a mage when he looks at it. He did not expect to be a knight. On my right are 5 ladies: Merida, Ana, Celine, Nina, Vera. The five ladies look very young, the largest Merida is estimated to be no more than 30, and the youngest Celine is estimated to be less than 18!

"Master, we seem to be in a fantasy!" Scot (the boss of the ghost knight) reminded me.

"Fantasy?" I quickly opened the map and compared it. "You mean we went the wrong way?"


"No!" Scott pointed at a point on the map. "We were here from the beginning, we should have seen this road at our speed, but we did not see it! And the map shows that this is a river, but we have passed here, and we have not even seen the shadow of the river ... so I judged that we had entered a fantasy, the map is useless here, it will not show the correct position, the command has led us more and more! "

"You said that this is a forest with a fantasy like the one outside Lost City?" I thought that only the ultimate evil zone like Lost would come with a fantasy to protect myself!

"I think this level of fantasy is much higher than the level of Lost City! We are ghost knights, and our eyes actually have a lot of functions. Our eyes, called the eye of the soul, can resist the illusion to some extent. This illusion is connected with the soul Eyes are impenetrable, indicating a higher level! "

"What shall we do now? Just stand like this?"

"Standing is definitely not good, but you can't go straight forward, or you will go back to where you were!"

"I can do it again!" I pulled out the dragon's tendon on my wrist, hung the cable head on the crossbow and fired it out. The crossbow flew all the way with a zipline and got stuck in a big tree. "Well, let's go over there!" We walked along the silk line of the zipline. When we reached the tree, we continued to move forward. The steel wire was pulled out of a straight line and kept moving in the direction of it. Go forward until the zipline is not long enough, infuse the magic to cut off the connected trees, take it back, then re-fix the zipline and continue to pull the line to go forward. Although this method is not very precise, at least we roughly follow a straight line.

森林 As we moved forward, the forest changed again. First, the density of the trees began to decrease, but the diameter of the trees began to increase. The surrounding trees are getting taller and taller, and some trees are even more than 10 meters in diameter. The straight trunks are bright without any branching. The trunks suddenly branch out until they are tens of meters above the ground. On the contrary, this kind of growth makes the ground very empty, almost everywhere there is a huge gap like a forest clearing, except that the exaggerated branches and leaves completely block the sun!

The dense fog disappeared again unknowingly, because the forest was originally empty, and now the visibility has become very good, of course, provided that we are all night vision capable, otherwise the black hands here can't see the five fingers, and you can see it in the open again Nothing.

"We seem to be leaving the illusion barrier!" Scot looked around.

"You mean we are out?"

"I mean we are coming in!" Scott's voice seemed a little nervous. "The illusion protects this area, we have entered the interior through the illusion!"

"Oh! That's even worse! But since it's coming in, it's a shame not to look inside, let's move forward!"

Under my order, we continued to move forward, but the dense fog that had disappeared again appeared, and this time it turned into a green mist. Scot yanked my helmet down. "Everyone put on a helmet and we entered the venomous gas zone! Everyone got off the horse and put away the war horse. Even this necrotic war horse would be corroded!"

一群 A group of us was forced to become infantry, and the green sorrow pervaded the forest, and it got stronger and stronger as we moved forward. In the end, suffocation has reached the point where we can't see five fingers. We are forced to be close together to prevent running away. Resuming the magic value of the demon knight is still a lot for me at this stage, so it is best not to waste it.

Although the radon zone is thicker than the fog, it is fortunate that it is not very deep. It passed through after a while. The world in radon surprised us again, the same tall trees, but there are no leaves at all, we can easily see the sky, but the sky is invisible except the dark clouds. The clouds are very low and very thick, the sun is completely blocked, and only a few faint rays of light penetrate through.

力量 "Power! Power! I feel powerful!" Scot suddenly sucked in the air and startled me.

"Are you OK?"

"It's okay! I feel like I've never been better! Evil powers, rotten flavors and **** odors are flying in the air! I feel a great evil! It's so cool! Now if the sacrifices are here, I promise I won't be afraid anymore! "

The other monster knights next to the puppet suddenly knelt down and flattened their bodies on the ground. "Too powerful! This is the land of evil! Master, we are standing on the cursed earth!"

"Curse the earth! Like the one outside the Lost City?"

"No! The one outside the Lost City is the land of dormancy, which belongs to the low-level cursed land. This is a high-level cursed land, which is much more powerful!"

"Why don't I feel it!" I also crouched and touched the ground, but I didn't feel any so-called power at all! But I felt something hard and felt different from the ground next to it. I planed a few times, and a white object appeared on the ground. It looked like a bone, but most of it was buried under the ground, so I didn't know what the bone was!

I continued to dig a bit. The gray topsoil was actually black dirt, and it was very humid, with a strong **** smell! It was easy to dig because the soil was so humid. I dug out the bone three or two times. Now that I know what it is, this is a human bone that looks like a part of the thigh. I dug in the direction of the bone, and it turned out that the whole skeleton was there. This is a complete human skeleton.

"Master, what are you doing?" Until now, the ghost knights have not enjoyed the bath of evil spirits.

"I want to see what this is!"

Wesscott pointed at the skull on the ground, and then raised his hand, and the skull climbed up from the soil. I took a few steps back in surprise. Actually, I wasn't afraid of the skeletons. On the contrary, I thought the skulls were full of coolness. I stepped back because of surprise. "Scott, can you demon knights summon skeletons? Why didn't you tell me long ago, you knew you had to recruit more skeletons to fight in Japan!"

It was not too slow and slow. "Here is the cursed earth. In this kind of place, as long as it is an evil force, it can summon skeletons! It's as if the elves in the forest of life can restore magic to life! But we can only summon here, and it will not work if we curse the earth ! "

"White happy!" I walked back to the skull and looked around. "There should be many nearby, right? How many can you summon at the same time?"

"Skulls here can be said to be everywhere, but each of us can only summon one skeleton, after all, we are not necromancers!"

"That's right!" It's a pity, if only a lot can be summoned, it's not bad to summon here to take out war! "Well, let's continue to go inside, maybe there is more evil in it to make you enjoy it!"

"What's that?" A demon knight pointed deep into the forest.

I turned around and looked over, indeed there were a lot of things dangling again. Because there is still a faint mist here, things that are too far away are still not clear. But looking at the shadows looks like people, but it is unlikely to encounter people in such places. It is estimated that they are zombies, and it is normal to curse zombies and skeletons on the ground.

As we get closer, the figure of the target gradually becomes clearer. These are indeed zombies, but also a zombie that has never been seen before. The zombies that remained human in appearance did not show any signs of decay, and they looked like someone who was asleepwalking, the first time they saw such clean zombies. These zombies were all wearing armor, apparently once in the army. It is estimated that the number of zombies here is so dense because they used to be in the army, so they still like to squeeze together after becoming zombies.

Biscott suddenly pointed at the zombie and said, "It's the army of the city! He is wearing the city's armor!"

Xi Lin pointed at another zombie and said, "This is the army of Sky City! He has the Sky City logo on his sword!"

"That's Goddess City!" Another zombie was identified.

"Fuck! The three main cities of the system will meet here!" There are actually three army! "How come we are so dense! Hitting one will cause siege! By the way ~ ~ Scott, summon a skeleton to fight!" As long as the person or monster we attacked, I Xingtong can read the other party's attributes, and it is safest to use the skeleton, even if the zombie collective riots, we have time to run away!

The skeleton rushed up very sharply, the unarmed skeleton directly bit the zombie with its teeth. The data on my side is coming out immediately. The name is Uncorrupted Zombie. No wonder it looks so clean that it will not rot. The level is 400, full of high, the attack power is normal in the level 400 monster, but the defense is surprisingly high! Zombies are already thick-blooded, these guys are all wearing armor, or else the defense is abnormal! Look at the speed again. Fortunately, it is similar to ordinary zombies. It is very slow. As long as it is moving, it is estimated that it is faster than them!

骷 The skeleton I sent out only took two bites and was shot by zombies, but although the surrounding zombies helped to attack but didn't rush over to deal with us, it seems they cannot leave the area where they are standing!

Although the attributes of these guys are not very exaggerated, they are terribly numerous! And these guys are almost lined up side by side, it is impossible to go through. These zombies are so large, dense and high in speed, which just meets my leveling needs. I summoned all the pets to stand aside. Since these zombies can't leave their place, try with a long-range attack. If they still don't move, they can just make me cheap!

I was an arrow at a zombie, and Feather Arrow shot into the zombie's chest accurately, but the zombie opened his mouth immediately to me, and the red light flashed in front of me, I felt that I was caught by something on my ankle. To the zombie group. "Help!"

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